8:8 and Feeling Great - The Pleiadians
Excerpt from the August 8, 2023 Lion’s Gate Portal Transmission

My thanks to
for your loving transcription workFirst, just take a breath here. As you inhale and exhale, gently, just put your attention on yourself and your body, and really let yourself feel exactly how it is you are feeling right in this moment without judgment. Now, let yourself center right into your heart, and your third chakra.
This event today is going to be a big third chakra event. So we're just giving you that heads up right now, and Nora is having an, “ah-ha! moment” herself as we are saying this, (if any of you read her latest blog post about all the yellow signs and the third chakra information coming in). So she is thinking on that as we're saying this and kind of demonstrating, we’re demonstrating with you all how her mind, heart, energy operates while she is channeling. So she is disseminating the information and then also receiving it and listening and enjoying what's coming in and through at the same time.
And we recommend this all to you, who do any kind of healing work, any kind of channeling work, any work, any of your work, it doesn't have to be healing or channeling, it can be anything and everything that you do. Typically when you're engaged and when you're engaging with others and engaged in directing your energy out and towards others in some kind of environment, whether it be work, play relationship, creative expression, whatever, you tend to run your energy out. Where you, yourself don't necessarily receive, so much, as you're giving, because that's the polarity of the third-dimensional experience. That's what you've gotten very used to, and it puts you in this kind of push and pull and give and take. So we want you right now instead to imagine that as you're doing all of the things you are doing in the moment of doing them, that you personally, yourself, are receiving a benefit from what it is you are doing right in that moment.
Take a breath and just kind of tune in to how this idea feels in your body because this inches you more towards experiencing the unconditional giving and receiving of energy. Where then you're never feeling depleted or as if your well has run dry because you've been efforting, or giving too much in the moment. This instead allows you to step into a space where you are both being active, giving, doing what you're doing, and also receiving the benefit of it as you do it yourself.
So just take a breath here and feel Into your heart center, and feel into your third chakra here. This really triggers a piece around identity for you all, because a lot of you who are drawn to this kind of work, these experiences, you perceive yourselves as givers, and this means you're not perceiving yourself as a receiver. A lot of you probably have a story running where it's, “Gah, I give and I give and give and give……..”, and we see this as true, you do, and yet, you can now couple your understanding of yourself as a giver as also a receiver, and not, “I've given and now I'm going to wait for the energy to return, whenever it does”. But, “In the moment of giving, I am also receiving”.
So we're speaking with you about this today, on the 8:8 Lionsgate portal, that's a mouthful, we are speaking with you all on this because, well, for a couple of reasons. So, in numerology 88 is a master number that opens you up to more abundance, more receiving, more prosperity. You typically associate the number eight in numerology with prosperity. So when you double it in this way, August 8, (8:8), you're putting yourself in a space where you can start to access greater ease in your abundance, your prosperity, your fulfillment of your material and physical needs, which is absolutely essential as you walk the human experience. Essential.
It is not lesser than, it is not dirty, and it is not bad to want to have that which you need, so you can fulfill your greatest desires. It is absolutely acceptable for you to reach for a more prosperous reality for yourself, and you become more powerful in this when your intention then goes to the collective as well. “I desire for all to have all that they need want and desire, and I include myself in the all”, putting yourself in the giving and receiving moment right in the same second.
Take a breath here and feel that magic in your body. Feel yourself light up around this and what may occur as you start to work more and more in this way when it comes to this idea around prosperity, and really anything that affects the collective, is you may find yourself then being drawn to taking actions where you find yourself getting involved in movements or activities that are designed to benefit the collective. As you do this, remember to put yourself in the collective. You are a part of the collective. You're not showing up just to help the collective, because then the collective is an idea that sits outside of you and your personal experience. You are showing up as a piece of the collective, bringing your love and then benefiting in the moment immediately from that which you are giving.
I like this technique of as I send out the healing energies I too am receiving the healing energies. ♥️
Lately , I haven’t been listening back to the transmissions, but this excerpt was good to hear again. It seems to go along with what you said when you were at a city council mtg and supported the young woman who spoke. To remember this/be able to integrate this in my work - especially now - would help tremendously. I often feel fear, constriction, opposite of enough (time/intelligence/capacity) connected to work/my work time. Interestingly - outside of my current employment, abundance- financial abundance is flowing in August. Balance . . . I invite balance! Thank you, Nora! Also - thanks to Susan for transcribing.