A Throat Chakra Activation — The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective Excerpt from the June 1, 2021 Transmission
Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the June 1, 2021 Transmission
Greetings this is The Pleiadian collected as always, it is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful universal beings of love.
So just take a breath here. Inhale and exhale gently, and check in with yourself right in this moment as you’re breathing. You were given a lot of data there about the astrology coming up and that may have pushed some buttons in some of you, hearing that so much is happening right now and so much will be happening again then in October. So just notice anything that may have gotten triggered or activated in you and any feelings as you think about all of that celestial input.
We want you to reflect as well, as you are breathing right now, how it is that you felt during the lunar eclipse on May 26th. We noticed many of you feeling very disoriented and dazed and slow-moving and noticed that a lot of you had to get some extra sleep and saw that a lot of you had some emotional processes happen. We are also seeing that a lot of you now are having unexpected events to deal with in your lives, personally, family-related, health-wise, career-wise, and otherwise.
So just take a breath here, just inhale and exhale gently and let yourself really give yourself the time and space right now to tune into yourself and all that you are experiencing, how active the energy is, how dense and heavy it has been feeling at times.
You have had a lot of solar activity as well. Right around the eclipse you also experienced a tremendous amount of solar activity which really affected your sleep patterns and your ability to feel awake and vibrant. A lot of you just did not and that is par for the course when you are dealing with that kind of energetic disruption from that intense solar activity that was occurring, and you’re going to have some more of it. You are in an active cycle now.
So what it does, is it really invites you to slow down, be with yourself, feel, and look at your judgments. Very often when you find yourself in a period of time where you would identify yourself as not being productive, meaning not producing something for the world to see, you often start to judge yourself and feel less than. Then you forget your value, your true value. Your value is that you exist, that you are Love incarnate that you are source energy. It is going to be important for you to remind yourself of this again and again and again as you make your way over the next few months, as you try on and take off different costumes and identities and likes and adventures and experiences. It is going to be so important that you continually remind yourself of the fact that you’re valuable simply because you exist.
Alright, so when the moon disappeared and turned red and was eclipsed, one of the things that occurred during that period of time was an adjustment in your throat chakra. You are going to find moving forward as you clearly identify who it is you are, what brings you joy, and what is exciting for you, you are going to find that it is going to be necessary, more and more, moving forward for you to also clearly speak about it, to speak about who you are, what brings you joy, what lights you up, what is exciting to you. It is also going to be necessary for you to use the technology in your communication center and system, so not just your physical voice, but also your telepathic experience. However, we are going to include your physical voice here today because it is such a conduit, in physical density, the technology in your throat chakra, in giving voice out loud to that which you desire, to that which lights you up, that which brings you joy. It has a powerful effect in your spellcasting and your manifestation and in your creationary work when you can clearly vocalize.
(Lengthy throat chakra clearing and activation were given)
Over this Mercury retrograde period, so up here through the next few weeks, through June 22, just every once in a while connect, consciously connect with your throat. Have a look and feel into where you are at, and what needs tending to. Use whatever energetic processes work for you in the moment to clear up anything that has come up. Then also notice when you have an ease in the use of your throat, when it is you are suddenly talking about something with someone which could have been so triggering to you, and it is just not. You are going to have those moments. You are going to find more and more of these moments.
As you move from communicating from your trauma, your unhealed trauma, from your wounds and your suffering, you move into communicating from your joy, from your understanding of yourself as love incarnate, from your understanding of yourself as a being evolving on a path of healing. You’re going to find more and more power and empowerment in your voice. This is going to affect and impact your reality and the physical manifestations as they express themselves in your life.