Connecting with Your Support Staff — Nora Herold and The Pleiadians
Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective Excerpt from the Calling in Your Support Staff — Spells for Connection Workshop and Transmission…
Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the Calling in Your Support Staff — Spells for Connection Workshop and Transmission
October 21, 2021
Nora: This brings me to the different ways of receiving, interpreting, understanding, and translating energy and connection. So every single one of you is going to be more dominant in 1 or 2 or 3 of these techniques, and today while we are playing, and I really want you to receive this as play, first and foremost. That you really lighten up here and not look at this as school or homework or grades. There are no grades when it comes to my work, at least, in the spiritual realm. There is just love and fun and play and healing and evolution and growth. And certainly, for me, the way I channel today, and my connections and contacts are markedly different from how they were back in 1996, and markedly different from how they were even a year ago. So I am constantly evolving as you will all constantly be evolving, and it is really important that you not compare yourselves to anyone else’s experience, or the way they connect, or how they connect to your own. Instead, really honor yourself and honor your own light.
So there are four main ways of experiencing and translating connection and contact
Claircognizance — A strong sense of knowing in the body. It is a certainty in the information. It is beyond words and seeing. It is just, “Ah, this is what it is, and now I will translate that into words. I will translate the ideas that I have accessed into words.”
Clairvoyance — This is the ability to see. So this will happen in a couple of different ways. If you are dominant in your clairvoyance you will perhaps see beings outside of you in light body form. You may see flashes of light. You may see auras around people or objects. And you may also see very vividly in your third eye, in your mind’s eye, in story format. The information you are accessing may play out like a film in your mind, and then you translate that into language.
Clairaudience — This is hearing ability. Where are you either hear the beings you are connected with as voices outside of you or you will hear them within your own body and translate that through either written content on paper or using your own mouth.
Clairsentience — This is a very feeling-based interpretation and accessing of connection and contact. It is feeling based in two ways — 1. Emotionally, you may experience strong emotions around particular pieces of information. The emotion will come first, the information will follow as a translation of the emotion that you were downloading. 2. You may also experience things very viscerally in your body, as physical sensations that denote to you certain pieces of information that then lead you to be able to translate again into complete ideas and thoughts forms.
So as we are playing today just kind of pay attention to what you may be seeing, what you may be hearing, what you may be feeling, or what it is you may suddenly know with that sense of certainty within yourself.
The Pleiadians: Greetings, this is The Pleiadian Collective as always it is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful Universal Beings of Love.
So just take a breath here. We’re going to talk to you for a minute about some things we want to share about your connection and contact. First and foremost, we are present with you as supporting energy, as unconditional love expressing itself via form. So we are Pleiadian consciousness. This is the form this unconditional love takes, but ultimately we are here for support, for help. Yes, for guidance, however, be careful that you don’t then create a hierarchical structure where you put us or any of the other beings above you, and begin to see us as more knowledgeable than yourself. Instead put us beneath you, (not really, we’re not really beneath you), but feel our support as we are holding you. You can lean back into our energy. We are here to support your journey as a human on planet Earth, as are all of your support staff.
We want to talk about some of the more common fears that you all have when it comes to channeling and when it comes to ideas around connection and contact. More often than not, we see that you become afraid that you won’t be able to do it. You become afraid that you will do it wrong somehow. We see often that you are afraid that you will get pieces of information wrong, or that you will give bad information, or bad advice. We see that sometimes there can be a fear of being taken over by another energy.
So we want you all to just take a moment here, to tune into yourself. And just have a quick discussion with yourself and get in touch with what it is that you are personally afraid of when it comes to connection, contact, channeling, channeling for another, and although there may be some of that, that happens in this session today, in this workshop. That’s really extra, the channeling for another. It’s the thing that you can do that will help you get “better” at it, you will feel more adept at it, but your number one reason to forge connection is for your own support, first. So, get in touch with the fears, and let yourself really just notice what worries you when you think about connection and contact and channeling and potentially even channeling for another.
And just inhale and exhale and notice in your body where it is you are feeling the fear.
And let yourself notice right now that whatever fear it is you have, whatever fear it is you are connecting with right now, well, these are your regular old fears. These are just your self-esteem issues. They are not really about connection, contact, or channeling. This is the stuff that you are always afraid of. You are just running it through the avenue of the idea of this experience right now. So let yourself relax a bit more, because if you were confronting anything new in your life, or different, or anything that asked for your evolution on your journey here, these fears would come up for you no matter what it was because these are your baseline, underlying psychological self-esteem issues. And you all have them as a part of your ego identities, based on your childhood experiences, other lifetime experiences, un-transmuted traumas, whatever it is. So again just connect that with your regular old fears. As you breathe.
We are accessing a fear of being seen in some of you, a fear of going beyond, a fear of becoming too exposed, too large, and then also a fear of being too small, a fear that you are too small. That’s in there as well for some of you. So really just breathe here.
Now as you inhale take some golden light right into your heart chakra, and as you exhale just flush your system with light. Clearing. With every inhalation of breath, you take in more golden light, with every exhalation you allow that light to move throughout your form, soothing relaxing clearing you. Give yourself permission now to tune into your fifth-dimensional consciousness or your higher self from within. And go into your heart chakra first and find this, this version of you that knows itself to be love incarnate, source energy, that transcends all of the ego emotions, all of the ego identity. And just relax back into that higher knowing in your own body. Now very clearly and gently with yourself, intend to connect. Right now. Just create this intention that you will connect today with your support staff. As you breathe.