The moon will be new in Capricorn at 3:57 am Pacific Time on January 11th.
It’s an excellent time to make intentions, cast your spells, start new projects, or just begin anew. Your year can start any time you like as often as you like and can last however long you determine. The faeries were insistent that I add that last bit. Our 9-year-old friend who visited with us this weekend let me know that she’d been writing to the faeries and that they had been writing back to her, and she strongly encouraged us to do the same. This was after she gave Jon, Zoey, Teddy, Sookie, and me tarot card readings. She’s a pro.
Jon and I started cleaning out the garage yesterday. Dismantling fifteen years of living in this space continues. Thankfully this is not the first time we have done this, the garage excavation. We have tried to leave this house more than once, more than twice, more than thrice, in fact, each time stopped due to circumstances that kept us here. I am fascinated to find out if the vortex in our living room will finally let us go. The fact that the rats won’t leave, even after resorting to more lethal measures (sorry, rats, but you have now eaten enough of our belongings) continues to tell me we are leaving, and yet, I’ll only fully believe it once I am living it.
The “all positive January” thing is still going pretty well without either of us having to give the other too many reminders. I don’t even feel like complaining right now.
made a joke the other day that the giant tarp tent thingy that blew in front of our house could be used as a shelter (in the vein of making all things positive), which reminded me of the last time we bought a car. It had been at least a decade since either of us had done that since our previous car had been gifted to us by some very generous people we know.It took us almost five years from deciding to buy a car to complete the task. We started by looking at the most affordable and yet completely undesirable option for us at the time; to giving up for a few years; to then having our steering go out on our old car (panic); to finding out it was not as bad as we thought (it just needed a simple repair); to me one day spontaneously getting a car loan online; to the narrowing down of what it is we wanted (Honda CRV or Toyota Rav 4); to the looking, looking, and more looking (months and months of looking); to watching a Toyota Rav 4 sit abandoned across the street from us for a month thinking it was some kind of sign; to me giving up and shouting, “I just want someone to drive a CRV to our house!”; to me going on Craigslist the next day seeing that a CRV in Ojai in our price range with all of the things we wanted had just been listed.
“Hi, I’m calling about the CRV you’re selling. I’d love to arrange a time to see it.”
“Great! Where do you live?” he asked
“Meiners Oaks.”
”Perfect I’ll just bring it over to you,” he offered.
He stood in front of our house while we test-drove it for a while, as we marveled at the magic of it all.
Needless to say, we’d found our car.
So while the tent doesn’t fulfill our housing requirements it is a reminder to be open to it all showing up exactly as we want, and it’s likely that at least for a time, it will be the gorgeous space in Chicago.
“Sometimes I wish I had just become a lawyer,” I said to my neighbor the other day while ruminating about our situation.
I don’t, not really, wish I had become a lawyer or something of the like. I do love living in the magic as we do and following the breadcrumbs from one moment to the next and sharing it all with you. It just does feel like a death-defying circus act at times, living life this way, and honestly, I really would not want it any other way.
How are you on this week of the first new moon of 2024? Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
P.S. Speaking of Tarot, I have scheduled our online tarot class for February 10th and 11th on Zoom. I can not wait! More details and registration are here on my site.
Dismantling 15 years of living in a space is a lot!! Sounds like you're in good shape, though. Love that your friend is having conversations w/ the Faeries! I feel like I'm being nudged to write - just for myself. I have felt that way for months. January is a good time to start! I feel like an octopus releasing my energetic tentacles from other people and situations. It feels good, if a bit foreign. My center feels stronger . . . more solid and more easily located. So, not feeling completely unmoored. Of course, none of this is perfect. It's a process.
Okay - drinking some coffee to give me a boost for presentation # 2 this afternoon! Hope your dismantling goes well and the rats decide on a better place of residence!! Sending love.
Hi Nora and everyone, I love that you have a little girlfriend who is also a friend of the Faeries. How special and a SURPRISE tarot reading. Positivity prevails! All is fine here despite the 20-degree weather and an unexpected 8 inches of snow. I am so lucky to have a youthful Michael to clear the paths and take grand dog for more walks than I do. I am positively grateful for our partnership and teamwork. I'm so happy to have this group.