I wasn’t going to write anything more prior to the Solstice, and yet, I can’t seem to stop writing, which is a welcome change to the constant stream of stories, thoughts, and ideas running through my head at all times of the day and night that rarely seemed to move through my body in any physical way other than social media posts and the occasional burst that would come out all at once as a story or an article with long gaps (even years) between them.
I am not even going to try to stanch the flow even though I am in the midst of preparing for the Solstice (both personally and for our today’s event) which includes cleaning like a house elf. Dammit, I wish the Harry Potter vernacular would leave my vocabulary altogether. After observing the author’s stance on trans-beings, I am no longer a fan.
Initially, I loved the books, albeit with a few exceptions. I definitely could relate to the archetype of the abused child just waiting for someone to come along and pull them out of their misery and see their specialness and activate their power. But I did not like the idea of a world where a certain small group of people is special, destined for greatness and abilities, and that the majority just were not.
Our reality is filled with people who need to feel “more special” than everyone else, and this line of thinking, stemming from actual psychological issues and unhealed trauma, has caused much suffering in our world and has opened the door for people believing themselves to be “awakened’ or “more awakened” or “red-pilled”. The “wizards” clearly see the truth while the “muggles” (“sheeple”) stay sleeping.
There are other problematic pieces in the books, the antisemitism of the banker goblins and the idea that there is a secret cabal of wizards actually running things while the muggle politicians are just puppets or the front people, well, it all begins to sound a bit qanon-ish.
From my perspective, we are all powerful, all magicians in our own right, needing not to be more special than anyone else but instead to claim our own specialness while we recognize the specialness in all around us.
This brings me back to the Solstice.
Make some Solstice magic if you feel called to, in whatever way lights you up. There is no need to pull out a spellbook, call in the corners, or follow a specific tradition, unless, of course, these things are your jam. Then have at it in any tradition you follow.
If you don’t, however, if you’re not learned in the ways of formalized magic, here is a simple Solstice spell for you.
Think about something you desire, ie: a relationship, a new home, a new career, a new creative opportunity, the advancement of your current work/creative expressions, the healing of an issue, etc.
Dig in and find the emotions you’ll feel as you experience what it is you desire coming to fruition.
Zero in on one or two of these emotions, the most prominent ones, and even, if you can find it, the singular emotion that coalesces the receipt of your stated desire.
Go deeper within, to the energy of your higher self located within your own body using your breath, and access the correlating vibrations that match your emotions, ie: if the emotion is joy find in your body where your higher self holds the vibration of joy
Hold for a moment there, feeling the vibration, like a focused laser as you gently breathe and allow this vibration to magnify and fill your body.
Then, take a simple action or a simple series of actions that allow you to demonstrate this vibration physically, ie: going with joy as the example - dance joyfully for a moment, open your body to the heavens and let the sun smile upon you, jump up and down, sing a song, etc, whatever allows you to demonstrate the feeling of joy in physical activity.
Move on with your day, spell complete, with your heart open awaiting the energy to return to you in the form that best serves you and in the moment that is perfect for you.
Or, if even this feels too structured to you, go clean your house (or something else super mundane) and call this a spell. For instance, I am off to hose the dust off of my house and front steps - clearing off the old and welcoming in the new, while Jon is removing weeds and planting some new beauties in the garden.
We are all wizards, witches, magicians, faeries, angels, guides, healers, Source Energy, Love Incarnate. Our value is inherent in this, meaning we are all special, every single one of us.
You are special.
Happy Solstice!
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Thank you Nora! I was just thinking today that I truly wanted to honor solstice tomorrow but really do not have the energy to do much. Great reminders for how to keep it simple but still be in the energy ✨
Yes!! Sometimes my simple action is to drink water or jump or wave my arms as a reminder that the magic, love and light, wealth lives within. I think of it this way... since I am love and light incarnate, and that love and light is completely a part of infinite possibilities, all that is, I am already connected to all the magic.. I just set an intention, know all is possible and sure, do an action, and sit back and listen or see what comes and what action I might be lead to take. It's so fun and joyfilled. I do a daily practice of bringing more of that love and light consciousness into my human form. Knowing I have a direct connection to infinite possibilities.
PS you taught me this Nora and I am eternally grateful