I slept ‘til 10:30 today, and I am blaming it on the upcoming super new moon in Aquarius while the sun is in Aquarius and Pluto is in Aquarius and Mercury is in Aquarius, and come on already Age of Aquarius! This is a lot of Aquarian energy, even for this Aquarius.
This life, it is exhausting at times. I think for me personally right now, it’s the major move. Touching every single thing you own is overwhelming. When you move every couple of years the piles do not tend to grow. It’s been fifteen years since we’ve packed up and hit the road, and as much of a thrower-outer/giver-away/and even seller of the outdated wardrobe as I can be, I still have accumulated too much stuff.
I don’t even want to talk about the musician I live with and all of his cords, boxes and boxes of cords. I mean, how many cords does one man need?
We are taking no furniture with us when we leave other than the desk Jon built for himself to accommodate his keyboard/computer/speakers/studio setup. The futon I bought when I turned 30 and has come with us on every move along with the bed we bought twenty-one years ago when we first moved into the apartment on Oakley Avenue will not be returning there with us.
This is very new moon in Aquarius energy. Clean slate it, and then don’t be in a hurry to fill it in again. (This is where I tend to struggle, I don’t like empty spaces and have no patience for organic evolution). Every other time we’ve moved I’ve had us unpacked and organized within a couple of days. This one can not be this way. We’re moving into the unknown, and most of our things will remain boxed for a while as we test the waters of Chicago with a stop in New Mexico along the way. (At least this is the plan for now, who the heck knows what will actually unfold as things can change in an instant, and we’ve still got more than two and a half months to go).
My greatest concern is for the dogs, Zoey, Teddy, and Sookie, and their happiness. They are used to adventures in the river bottom and canyons for hours on end multiple times a week. Asking them to become city dogs after a life in small-town/rural California gives me some anxiety. To be honest, asking Jon and myself to go back to being city people after twenty years of small-town/rural life in California gives me some anxiety as well. We’re going to have to bring this piece of Faerieland back with us, and then find it there as well. I did first consciously connect with The Faeries almost thirty years ago while in my little Chicago, Bucktown apartment. I’m remembering the feel of those faeries as I type this. They are fun and powerful and helped me out of some jams my younger self got me into.
I used to think that I’d never leave the city. I loved it as a performer and was rarely at home, out late almost every night, fueled by its energy and the people it housed. I’ve become a homebody here in California, still a night owl, but now roaming the internet from the comforts of my chair. I realized at some point yesterday that it had been three days since I had left the house.
I am so curious as to who I will be on the road ahead. I currently have no idea. Okay, this is not completely true, I have flashes of ideas and some senses of some things, but the picture is still very incomplete. I was telling Jon the other day that I usually know what’s going to happen when we make a big move, and this time, I don’t. I just don’t. Even what I think I know, the options that seem available to us, I can feel there are more and others just waiting to be found. This is forcing me to be very in the moment, it’s the only place I feel safe right now.
I guess I’ll have to do just as I said above, continue to clean slate it and not be in a hurry to fill it in, not an easy task for this control freak from the bossy bigmouth planet a.k.a. one with Sun in Aquarius. If you know, you know, and boy do we know, everything, all of the time, until we don’t, and then the fuckups can be huge when we still try to pretend that we do.
The moon will be new in Aquarius exactly at 2:59pm Pacific Time today, and it will be super, as in closer to the Earth than usual, like the super full moons are. The Lunar New Year is tomorrow, February 10th, as we enter the Year of the Wood Dragon.
It’s another New Year point! So if you don’t like the way this year has gone for you, well start anew!
My intentions for this Super New Moon in Aquarius/Lunar New Year are centered on the feeling state/vibrations of what it is I’d like to experience as opposed to painting physical pictures. Freedom is always number one on this list, with support coming in as a strong second, same for Jon. No matter how much we can argue at times, our foundational values are almost always exactly aligned.
What are your intentions for this new moon?
P.S. I am sending this out without Jon editing it as he usually does since he is at the river bottom with the pack at the moment. He contributes to every piece I write, and I am grateful for his support.
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Yes, moving is very hard, especially as I get older and have more stuff, oh my. It's even alot of work if you move next door, but emotionally moving to a new environment. My sense is your furry kids will adjust, because you two are sending the vibe, that's it's all okay.
Interestingly today while working on my book, 1946: Georgia wrote that she went to Zuni to attend the Shalako dances. I called Zuni and spoke with a gentleman from the Cultural Center, to make sure I could include this in my book, with a photograph from 1897, that I found in the Library of Congress archives. I sent him everything I have intended to write and use, he was very happy to confer with his board to give me the green light. I mention all of this because, get this, read what the dance/festival is about. It is so synchronistic to what you are doing! I hope you find it interesting.
The Shálako festival, on or about December 1, is a remarkable sacred drama, enacted in the open for the double purpose of invoking the divine blessing upon certain newly built houses, and of rendering thanks to the gods for the harvests of the year, also this tradition seeks blessings for the new year while symbolizing leaving the past behind.
The exact date of the Shálako is fixed each year by a formula of the Zuni Bow priests, which traditionally was the 49th day past the tenth full moon.
Nora (and Jon) you are blessings in my life and trickle down to Michael and our daughter. You guys have my love and support in this big "adventure" you are embarking on.
I resonate with this 100%!