Monday Morning/Weekly I Know I Have Been Sending Out a Lot of Emails Lately and I Promise I'll Cool It - Check-In Thread
How Are You?
I had a lot to say and share last week. This week I plan on resuming my two or three articles a week thing. I will be busy with clients and a class, so perhaps this will be the only thing I send out this week (unlikely). There is plenty of material here on my Substack website if you’re new and want more, or if you’ve been around for a while and have missed some things.
You can bookmark that link and know that every single thing that goes out in my emails also gets posted to that page right in the same instant.
Time, huh, there it is again. I used to think I did not have the time nor bandwidth to write at all until I spontaneously started, and now I have found that I have more than enough time to write when I want to without having to sacrifice time spent in other places.
This is another form of magic - what we prioritize we often make room for and yet timing is also key as in, what we are not ready for we will not find the time for.
I know this has certainly been true for me. It’s not the whole truth. There are societal issues that contribute as well. So it’s never been all on me, nothing is, from my point of view, and yet, I have some power within the midst of this reality. As to the things that are beyond my doing or control, these things I either choose to take direct action towards healing or solving or I let them go in the moment. It’s when I try to control these aspects of reality, the ones I can not control, that I twist myself in knots.
So, Jon and I right now are not twisting ourselves in knots over where to live or when it’s going to happen, our leaving this house. I’m observing myself in a space I have not been in before, one where I am taking a more relaxed, go with the flow, wait and see how it all unfolds kind of space, one that allows for the magic to happen.
Let’s see how I am two months from now.
P.S. Today is the sixth anniversary of the beginning of the Thomas Fire which started on the evening of December 4, 2017. One year later, I wrote this story about living through it, evacuating from it, and returning home to the aftermath. You can read it here.
The Fire
How are you today???? Please drop me a comment and let me know.
Thanks for your article. I love your discussion of going with the flow and how you are doing it more. And when you discuss the timing and what you said about it really helps. There’s some things I keep meaning to do but for some reason, can’t make myself do them. Maybe it’s just not time. Hopefully, I will be able to make time for things that I am wanting to get back to soon. I sort of feel like I’m wandering around aimlessly in the dark and I’m trying to figure out what my time should be spent doing.
I am doing much better today than yesterday. I was wondering if something was going on astrologically or something yesterday. I had a pretty bad migraine and my husband and I were definitely not on the same wavelength and he was super grumpy and bickering ensued.😆
I’m definitely looking forward to channeling practice this weekend!
Love to you and Jon and furkids.
I am so happy to read your writings as of late. As a writer myself, I can relate and know the feeling of being in the flow with words! Please keep on writing! Be Prolific! It suits you. I also know that writing helps me stay in the moment, be in the flow, it moves energy, it takes me to where I need to be (even if I resist it), and it can be used to slow down time. That last one- time- is a new awareness. Maybe writing is always a good use of time? Not sure... anyway, please keep writing And sharing your process. It is a beautiful gift you give.