Prediction: We think we know what we’ll be doing regarding our move, then it’ll get upended, and then it’ll change again, probably back to what we are currently thinking with some minor variation or back to the original plan or something else completely unexpected. Trying not to hold onto anything definite right now and ride it all out through January 1st, when Mercury goes direct. Officially Mercury Retrograde begins on December 13th, however, the pre-shadow phase began on November 25th.
Mercury Retro during the holidays - FUN! *sarcasm filter on*
I also just realized that the next Mercury Retrograde cycle begins on April 1st, which according to our current plan, will be moving day. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
I started calling moving companies last week just to see what things might potentially cost and what our options are.
PSA: Vet all of your movers carefully, especially if you’re moving long distance. Don’t ever use a broker or go with some lame-ass quote you get online. Many, many scammers out there will quote you low and then hold your stuff hostage for thousands of dollars more, and/or will lose or damage your items. Never pay a deposit. That’s a huge red flag.
Moving Scam Dot Com has always been our go-to when researching movers. A representative from Mayflower recommended we use it when we first moved from Chicago to California almost twenty years ago.
Okay, back to my original thing.
You see, this is how Mercury Retro can go, one thought into another that seems to have nothing to do with the original thing.
Currently and for the past couple of days all of the emails I have sent have gone into the blackhole of the internet to never be seen again. I only know this because I blamed Jon for not being smart enough to find the email I sent him on Saturday with the Zoom link for the class. Yeah, never, ever assume it’s the other person’s fault during a Mercury Retrograde. It’s probably yours, rather I should say mine, I mean really my website provider’s, to be clear, but still, it was not Jon’s. I have a backup email account just for issues like this that I automatically forward all my emails to from my regular email address. So, there is a workaround, there almost always is.
Humans were being reckless when driving this weekend. I always want to yell out the window, “Hey! When Mercury is retrograde you’re supposed to be MORE careful, not less!” Instead, I just mumble at them and then sing more loudly with the radio.
So, I’ll be extra careful throughout the next few weeks and try to find the humor in the expected snafus where technology and the like are concerned. I am also looking forward to the fun side of M.R. which is the changes in thinking and the big and bright “Aha!” moments that can occur. I have learned to wait to fully vet my bright ideas until Mercury goes direct. For instance, I have been trying to create a Tarot Class for the new year and am realizing as I am sharing about this that I am going to need to wait until February to offer it. I’ll get it on my calendar at the beginning of January, or this will all change due to M.R. and me not thinking exactly linearly right now or due to something else that I can not yet predict.
Staying present right now is the only thing keeping me from bouncing off the walls. If I get too much in my head about the unknown path ahead, I become the less-than-nice version of me. Jon can confirm.
My emotions right now are running from excitement to anxiety to joy to anger. I unearthed some stuff I had been holding and let it out.
At dinner last night we talked with a woman and her son who shared the same names as Jon’s mother and uncle. Turns out she grew up in Chicago, actually in Evanston which is right next to the neighborhood in Chicago we are being called home to. Yesterday I was talking about Chicago and home with a friend while staring at a sign that said “Oasis Home”.
Are they signs or is it just that I am hyper-focused on Chicago, so I am seeing it everywhere? I think it’s a yes and……..situation, meaning both.
How are you???? Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
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Hey there! Just wanting to say how appreciative I am of these check-ins and I love hearing the possibilities for your new home & community while also understanding the grieving of your current abode where so many beautiful events have taken place and the discomfort of uncertainty.
M.R. Wasn’t even on my radar. Hoping / intending for as much ease as possible. Sooo much love to you, Nora ❤️ and to this lovely community!
Mercury retrograde and moving are a bit of a frightening combination! I specifically asked my landlord to stay an extra week in September just so that I could move AFTER the last retrograde ended.
I’m finally slowing down / settling in in my new place, am noticing just how much pain my physical body is in from a tumultuous year and doing my best to take care of her ❤️🩹
Also, got pooped on *twice* by a bird at brunch yesterday, while talking about my health, that’s got to be a good sign right?! haha
Wishing you a lovely week Nora 🫶