My Tarot Cards Are Always Right, It's Me That's Sometimes Wrong - Monday Morning Check-In Post
How Are You??!!
I still have these beautiful sweaters I bought years ago when it was cold enough in Southern California to wear them in wintertime. For the last decade or so, they sat folded atop an old Ikea dresser Jon and I bought when we moved into this building in 2003. The dresser is gone, given away right before we left Ojai last spring, but the sweaters remained in my possession largely because my tarot cards told me to keep them even though they never got worn any longer due to the effects of climate change warming up our winters there.
I often go through my wardrobe and decide what to keep, donate, or sell. Doing on-camera work means I feel like I need to wear something new, or at least something I’ve not worn before, which means there’s a constant flow. I know I don’t have to always look different; it’s a me thing, not a you thing, and it harkens back to my days of wearing costumes on stage.
So every time I looked at the pile of sweaters and found myself unable to decide whether I should finally release them, I would turn to my tarot deck which always showed me I should keep them. Confused by the answer, I have learned over the years to just shut up and listen when it does not quite make sense in the moment, especially when it’s something I am not particularly attached to, and so they sat.
My attachments are the things that either make me excellent at reading tarot for myself or not so great. It’s much less of an issue when reading for others. While I always want the best, I am not as attached to their specific outcomes as I am to my own. So when it comes to inconsequential things for myself, like whether or not to keep the dusty pile of sweaters, I typically get it right, but when it comes to important matters of the heart, well, I sometimes don’t let myself see what’s right in front of me. And sometimes, if I don’t like what I am seeing, well I’ll just shuffle again (do not recommend). All this does is create more confusion.
When I was first learning tarot almost forty years ago, I would sit on my bed every night, late into the night, asking questions while I shuffled and then laid out the cards. I often asked the same thing more than once, looking for deeper meanings or allowing myself to learn more of the deck, or, let’s face it, hoping for a different answer.
On one particularly anxious night, I kept asking the same question over and over, using the Celtic Cross spread each time as my layout. After ten readings, I found the eleventh spread contained only major arcana, eleven cards looking up at me as if to say, “Quit fucking around”. If you’re unfamiliar with the tarot, it is comprised of 78 cards, 56 of them minor arcana and the remaining 22, major arcana. So looking down at half of the major arcana cards staring back up at me certainly spoke to me. I promptly put my deck away that night.
I have now worn every one of the sweaters my tarot cards instructed me to keep multiple times over the past month, and it’s a relief not to have to buy a new winter wardrobe. It got cold here a couple of weeks ago, as in Chicago-style cold with temperatures in the teens and windchill temps much colder than that. It felt early in the season for it to be this cold, and I was damn glad to have these sweaters.
Today, however, it’s 50 degrees, I am sitting outside at a cafe writing this piece in the bright morning sun, and the dog-walking show going by me is about as cute as it gets. The effects of climate change have been very noticeable to us after being gone for twenty years. Fall was much warmer than I remembered it to be, so much so that I did not even pull my winter coat out until the last week of November, and even though we had an early cold snap, the weather is now predicted to be pretty mild for the next couple of weeks except for a day here and there.
Speaking of dogs, Chicago is much more of a large-dog city than I remember it being. Everywhere I look, happy dogs are walking with their guardians filling the city with more love and joy. The doggie etiquette is better here than I’ve ever seen it as well with guardians actively communicating with other guardians and voluntarily crossing the street so as not to create negative experiences. We have a lot of fun on our pack walks throughout our neighborhood and beyond.
Neptune went direct in Pisces on Saturday, and you may find that some of the things you’ve been dreaming about start to unfold, either by your own hands or by the flow of the energy outside of you. I’ve got a secret I’ve been dreaming of enacting for forever and I may actually start to take action toward it soon. If you tuned into the Beyond the Ordinary Show you already know what this is.
Mercury goes direct on Sunday. Unlike doggie etiquette, driving etiquette during this retro has been hair-raising. Instead of counting to 3 before turning or making any other move, I’ve been counting to 5 or higher. Also, when I started writing about Mercury going direct it felt like December 15th was just a couple of days away instead of a week. This is pretty much my brain on Mercury in Retrograde. The Full Moon will conjunct Jupiter in Taurus on the 14th and then move into Gemini right before its exact moment of fullness on the 15th at 3:02 am Central Time. The Full Moon/Jupiter in Taurus vibe is filled with good fortune and opening doors to make your dreams come true energy.
Jon has been completing new pieces of music at a rapid rate. His latest series, music coupled with subliminal affirmations is so beautiful, each piece different and wonderful to listen to on its own or as a tool for shifting and healing the specific issues they are meant to address. Funny thing about Jon and Mercury Retros - he often experiences things falling into place during them and has cool things happen. Another funny/interesting thing about Jon is this building we are living in seems to support him in finishing projects. He completed his first full body of work, “light bodies” here in 2004 right before we left for California.
And finally, here’s one other thing that’s tripping me out in the surreality of our return to Chicago. We dined at Amitabul for the first time last week. Before heading there I noticed it was not far from Unseen Insight, where Jon and I first met. I looked on the map at where the metaphysical shop used to be (it’s now closed) and realized that it also sits on the same latitude line as this apartment building and the apartment building I first moved into in Chicago in 1986 that’s just a few blocks east of us. This is some powerful grid line in the life that is mine.
How are you?? Please leave me a comment below and let me know.
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Isn’t it amazing what happens if we just get out of our own way💟❣️
This is so beautiful Nora. I teared up when I read the blessing that is on every table in the restaurant. I feel such a bountiful shift for you as it is already occurring. As I read your piece I realized there is much left to receive still before we enter into 2025. Let's not leave the blessings behind. We take them with us and they fuel our hearts as we enter into this New Year. xo Mary