Chicago does not fuck around when it comes to Halloween displays and politics. All the photos included in the piece are of homes in my neighborhood.
To say that this time is fear-inducing for many is an understatement.
And I just have to say, how the fuck is it that we have to deal with Trump again?!
This is a rhetorical question. I know so many of the whys and hows that brought us to where we are now. None of them have to do with extra-terrestrials or the “deep state” and have everything to do with the weaponization of people’s unhealed trauma against them and the distortion of fear manifesting as hate, but seriously! HOW THE FUCK!!!!!?????
Three fucks and barely into this piece. I have a lot of fucks to give right now it seems.
This timeline is more and more strange. People I have collaborated with in the left/progressive political spaces and worked with in channeling events and other spiritual endeavors refuse to vote for Harris, the lifelong public servant, and are choosing the convicted felon instead. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney is endorsing the public servant.
You see what I’m saying? We are not in the same reality we incarnated into and have not been for quite some time.
Throughout the summer and fall of 2008, Jon and I sat down and did some channeling sessions together for just the two of us. He would ask big-picture and personal questions, and I would channel the P's and others and their responses to these questions. We did this largely because we felt we were at a change moment both in the big picture and personally. It turns out we absolutely were, as we were on the cusp of the economic crash, Pluto moving into Capricorn, the election of the first black President in the US, and, personally, preparing for our not-yet-known-to-us move to Ojai, and a major shift in my work.
We recorded every session, and we transcribed all of these recordings.
At one point they all said, "When the shit hits the fan, you will be amazed at who shows up to come together for collective humanity's good." (I am paraphrasing)
I broke out of the channeling mode and said, "Not Dick Cheney!?"
"Perhaps," was their reply.
Now, I thought back then I was channeling about disclosure or something else, something more hidden. Back then I was into looking for hidden agendas and beings in the shadows.
The beings in the shadows have outed themselves by now. We know their names (most of them, at least) and we know their desire to turn this country/world from a democracy that works towards equality for all to white Christofascism.
When Cheney endorsed Harris, my first thought, as did Jon's, went to that channeled moment in the fall of 2008. This tells me that, more than likely, this is what they were talking about sixteen years ago—this moment.
This is how channeling works. The interpretation is always up to the filter and the moment at hand. One needs to be willing to be flexible to work with information that is energetic in form.
If I were attached to "disclosure," "the uncovering of the Illuminati," or any of the other things I used to do to distract myself from this reality, I'd miss the bigness of what is happening at this moment.
This piece of information about Cheney and others like him has been sitting in my vault since then. I have not been prompted to share it until now.
Election day is eight days away and voting has already begun. Get out. Vote. Talk to people. Ask them to vote, to use their voices.
To anyone who says “I am not political.”
There is a political piece to every single thing we do. At some point in some room somewhere how it is you are operating right now, meaning the structure from within you are working, was decided by someone who was voted into office. Politics is not a separate entity from any of this reality.
Your politics are your spirituality in action and if you're supporting the convicted felon, then you're not walking your talk.
MAHA is the new Q*non and RFK Jr is a lying opportunist. Please don’t give him any credibility.
Jill Stein shows up every 4 years and runs for President, peeling votes away from the left. The Green Party needs to work from the ground up at local and state levels to even attempt a run for President.
The far right only wins by cheating, lying, manipulation, and the biggie - gerrymandering. If you have to cheat to win, then you are not the majority party, you never were the majority party, and you do not serve to represent the majority of the population.
On Palestine, I love this piece from Starhawk. She’s been a long-time spiritual guide and activist and someone I greatly respect.
How are you on this Monday of Halloween week as we head into the election? Please let me know in the comments below.
We’ll be gathering in one week, on Monday, Nov 4th, the day before the election for The Change Moment Has Already Happened from 1:00pm - 3:00pm Central on Zoom. Register here
I leave you with one of my favorite characters from SCTV, Count Floyd in,
“3D House of Representatives”
R.I.P. Joe Flaherty and John Candy
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Hi Nora... wow, quite the Halloween displays you got there. Will christmas also be as detailed and grand? I've hit a slump in the road. All of a sudden I have to really intentionally be positive, after FOALING. Find my groove again. So weird how that goes. I'm staring at my painting canvas. I'm staring at the keyboard, the recycling pile, etc...
Good news is I am POSITIVE Harris/Walz will be sworn in Jan. 20th. But what battles will ensue before? Am I full of sickening feelings at the overt vitriol and hatred from those that cling to their unhealed traumas? Yes. No longer can anyone tell me they'd vote for DonOld for economic reasons, that doesn't work. If you vote for him you are a racist, fascist, women hating, anti gay, etc... maybe you do yoga and meditate but stil... I am not fooled. Geeze!
Hi Nora, Thanks again for your words of wisdom and clarity. I am doing well. Doing my thing to share my truths and helping others as we hold the power to vote and be the changes. It is truly amazing but not surprising to be where we are. I divorced a man much like Trump in 2001. He was finally (diagnosed with personality disorder with Narcissistic tendency. Before we were openly speaking of narcissim.) It is way worse than a mental disorder, it is unhealed trauma upon trauma. As you spoke of.
It was the hardest thing I did and he never quit trying to hurt me and my kids. However he dug his own hole as I detached over and over and that is what I see happening on the collective stage. The unraveling of the old way. A new paradigm- many new paradigms. I had to find my inner peace and truth and fight like hell! I have faith in our collective humanity. xo