To believe in something I have not yet undertaken can be a tall order. I find that my beliefs are informed more by my experience and not the other way around. This means my beliefs are constantly evolving as new experiences happen or new pieces of information come to light.
Faith, it does not come easy to most of us, not in any real and grounded way, that is. The kind of faith most of us are familiar with sits in the ethers and often takes us up and out of our bodies as we try to grab it leaving us empty without physical progress towards that thing which we are trying to believe/create/manifest/whatever. This can create more fantasy than actual reality.
However, the suspension of disbelief, I have found, can open many doors to worlds yet undiscovered and realized.
The first time I established conscious contact with my primary guide, Mirando, there was no one there to tell me I could not do it, including myself. I treated it as an adventure, a lark, pushing myself outside of the boundaries of my beliefs by simply quieting the obnoxious voice in the back of my mind that pops up at times to say to me, “You can’t do this”.
How do I quiet this voice, this insistent and persistent drone, the one that wants to keep me small?
First I’ll use love, waves and waves of love, after accepting the parts of me that actually do feel small by letting her have her say. She needs to be heard, the younger me, and then she needs love and always will.
Once the tantrum has passed and the love has been delivered to soothe and quiet, I’ll hand her a cookie to keep her occupied and ask her to go sit quietly and observe as she munches on it while I set out to do the thing that she tried to tell me I can not do.
If she interrupts, again I’ll take a breath, send her love, and then redirect her attention back to her snack, as I take another breath and resume.
In those rare moments, when none of this works, I tell her to STFU still from a place of unconditional love. Boundaries are important, especially with the self. If you can not boundary yourself, you’re going to have a much harder time doing it with those around you.
I also like to say to her, “But what if this time we can?” letting her/me know that the past need not dictate our now.
Over the past quarter of a century, I have held the door open this way for many others to go farther than they thought they could where channeling, reiki, magic, healing, the expression of their creativity, and what they desire are concerned.
It is powerful magic to suspend one’s disbelief and venture into the unknown. It certainly has been life-changing for me on numerous occasions.
In one week, on Saturday, September 30th, we’ll be holding the door open for anyone interested in establishing direct connection and contact with your helpers in etheric form.
This class has been in high demand, and it’s the fifth one of its kind that we’ve offered over the last year. We’ve got a great group gathering and there are still some spaces open if you’d like to join. We’ll be holding the class online via Zoom.
Registration and more details are here.
If you have any questions about the class, feel free to ask away in the comments or send me an email. If you’ve taken the class and would like to share, please feel free to drop a comment below as well.
This is beautiful 💕 and I'm so glad this came across my dashboard today. The past few days I been struggling with the same tantrums with myself about staying small vs being comfortable with being seen and being brave on my journey. 💕