The Collective Ain't Having It No More and What to Do With the Big, Bad Fears
Mishmash of Me from Today and The Pleiadians from a Transcribed Excerpt from "The Change Moment Has Already Happened" Event on November 4, 2024
Just this week -
South Korea—The president staged an insurrection, tried to grab power, and declared martial law in the middle of the night. The citizens showed up at the parliament building and in the streets, while the opposition party barricaded themselves inside and voted to overturn his edicts. The democratic head of the opposition party was helped over the walls surrounding the parliament building once the protestors realized who he was.
Manhattan - The CEO of UnitedHealthcare was assassinated on his way to a board meeting. The words “delay” and “depose” were found on a live round and shell casing at the scene (common insurance company tactics to deny paying out claims). The comment sections of most articles contain no sympathy for the dead and instead unchecked rage at the abuses of our insurance and healthcare systems and even celebratory energy regarding his murder and the idea that he may have reaped what he has sown.
We are just getting started, as Pluto only landed squarely and for good (meaning for the next 20 years or so) in Aquarius two weeks ago. Mars goes retrograde in Leo today while Mercury continues to be retrograde in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, Neptune will turn direct in Pisces tomorrow.
It’s going to be back and forth for a while, with power abusers taking strides forward in an attempt to cling to a structure crumbling through their fingers as the rest of us push back. There are many more of us than there are of them.
Us and them. Yeah, it’s a thing, even as we are all one from a higher perspective. Here on the ground, we are broken into groups, the haves and the have-nots, the gap widening between the two. Either we recognize the divisions and the inequities or allow ourselves to be manipulated by divisive energy and witness our fears be weaponized against us. It’s up to us. Heal the inequality and level the playing field or create more suffering. There is no sitting this one out.
Listening is going to be key, listening to yourself, your intuition, and the guidance that appears in whatever form. Sometimes it’s the voice from within telling you to make a certain move and sometimes it’s from a much more earthly source, clearly pointing out potential dangers and options to avoid those dangers on the path ahead.
Because so many are stuck in the loop of suffering, it seems likely that there will be more suffering as we shift. I say this not to be negative nor to bring about more suffering, I say this due to the events currently unfolding in our world.
The “Am I creating or about to create more suffering for myself and others?” gut check is going to be one antidote personally at this time.
Another antidote will be the “How can I best be of service?” ask. If you don’t have an immediate answer to this, be patient. In the asking of the question, the answer will come. This is true for any question asked. The timing of the response is the thing that will be beyond your control. If you recognize the answer, however long it takes to arrive, as the reply to your previously asked question, your empowerment will grow.
When it comes to collective events (political upheaval, inflation, climate change disasters, etc) all of the above applies as well.
I often get asked about protesting and pushing back against abuses of power. I am a big fan of demonstrating for the desired outcome, laying a foundational path using clearly expressed demands for the collective, ie: healthcare for all, housing, eradication of debt, free speech, lgbtqia rights, equality, reproductive rights, universal basic income, etc
However, when the abuses of power come to light, there is a need to call them out. We can put our attention on a bad actor and demand justice be served. We can define our boundaries and use our righteous anger to enforce these boundaries.
As for the fear coming up for us all. Here is what The Pleiadians had to say regarding fear from “The Change Moment Has Already Happened”
Our gratitude and love to Susan Todd for generously transcribing. This piece has been edited for print.
“So we want to work with you exactly where you are right now because you are all over the board, all of you, this means each of you individually and then collectively as well. One of the things we're seeing clearly in you all is a desire for change, taking action toward change, and an underlying fear that the desired change will not happen. This is triggering fears of rejection, fears of abandonment, more deeply held traumas from other lives where you were powerless in much greater ways, and projected fears about experiencing the same in your future timelines right now.
So first, we want you to give yourself permission to fully dive into what it is that you are feeling afraid about right at this very moment. Take a breath here, tune into yourselves, your bodies. Where are you holding the fear? Is it an individualized idea or a jumble of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty? Is it fear of rejection, abandonment, disappointment, loss, bigger fears, primal fears? Your primal fears are getting activated right now - survival, real survival issues in your world, for very real reasons. Things are playing out in your world in the physical that shows you the potential for danger that lies ahead. To birth the change you desire you can't bypass your fears, go around them, or act as if they don't exist. You must go within and permit yourself to fully feel everything that scares you and where it sits in your body.
Take a breath here.
Now, as you're breathing and feeling, notice where you hold this emotion and energy in your body, and give yourself permission to observe yourself as you continue to feel. This observation occurs from within your own body. So you're not up and out observing yourself. You're right in, go right into your hearts, right into the beauty and power in your heart center, and activate your higher self from within as you observe your third-dimensional identity feeling every single thing you need to feel.
Now step into acceptance. You are perfect exactly as you are, feeling all the things you are. These fears do not make you weak. They do not make you small. They do not prevent you from having the life you want. You are feeling these fears for real reasons, due to earlier trauma moments and the potential for danger ahead, and you are perfect in the feeling of them because they let you know where healing is needed. They let you know how to keep yourself safe. When your fear activates it's an indication from within that safety is and needs to be a primary concern.
And we're talking about the moment here. This is you in this moment, feeling your fears, observing yourself as you feel, accepting yourself as perfect, exactly as you are, which then allows for a greater transmission of unconditional love that begins to run through your body transmuting what can easily be transmuted as you take another breath. Now, gently shake your body out a bit. There's a lot of past life trauma being activated right now, and there's a lot of trauma from earlier in this life as well that's come up.
That unconditional love you activated continues to run and then goes to any version of you in any moment of time and space that needs it - past, present, future, all yous, on all timelines, as you now feel a deepening of the integration of your higher self right into your solar plexus. Breathe into your hearts. Inhale and expand the energy of your higher self, and as you exhale, allow it to gently fill in even more of your solar plexus, facilitating that shift in your identity that tells you, you are both who you are in the third dimension and your higher self, right here, right now. You may notice your second and first energy centers open up even more right now, beginning a deepening of the integration of your higher self/your fifth-dimensional consciousness into those energy centers and running all the way down into the soles of your feet.
All right, take another breath here.
Again, observe yourself. Notice what you notice. Are you still feeling any fear, any anxiety? If you are, that's fine. This is not a one-time thing. This unconditional love that you are working with will continue to work in your body, in your energy field, your emotions, and your mental body as well - soothing, healing, transmuting unhealed trauma, and empowering you in your body to become more and more your higher self here, walking in the physical, which allows you to show up more for yourself and others on this world as you collectively create a reality that demonstrates you truly are one.”
Join us on Thursday, December 19th for our annual Winter Solstice Event. Register Here.
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I am sure like many of you, I have been trying to sit with the "election results" and processing it. I feel a few things pretty strongly and wondering if anyone can relate. If any of you watched Cash Peter's video where he showed 45 winning but it was a false victory or not founded on much. I feel a few things that I can't shake. 1) the 45 timeline feels off, wrong, or odd- like it's not real or supported. What that means I don't know. It doesn't even look like a solid swap, but feels like its made out of air. 2) the 2nd thing I feel deep in my gut/soul is that this was a cosmic crime of massive proportions and building for eons. 3) lastly I feel like it's a cosmic wound against women and I can feel the silence of women, it feels like a sword pierced through all women in a way that feels profound. Anyway, That is what I am left with and working through for whatever its worth, and I wonder if anyone else can relate. The two biggest truths I can feel are cosmic crime and cosmic wound against women. I am sure I have stuff to process about this and so I am
I woke up today feeling totally different and back to normal and back on the right timeline . Not the 🍊🤡❌. But the 🪷🪷🇺🇸🇺🇸 one and it feels good . I’ll watch the show with 🍿🍿but something feels different