The Full Moon Made Me Do It or Maybe it Was Pluto - Monday Morning Check-In Post
How Are You??!!
It’s a lot right now.
I snapped the photo above in the bathroom at Kopi Cafe last Sunday because it made me laugh out loud. I meant to use it in my “We Still Can’t Flush the Toilets” piece and, well, completely forgot about it until I was sitting on the toilet the day after I’d published it.
This kind of sums up where my mind has been, all over the place and sometimes in the crapper. If you can relate, please know that you’re not alone.
I am witnessing the masses wake up to the fact that the media is run by monied interests. This is something most of you reading here probably have been aware of for quite some time. I knew it going into Bernie’s campaign in 2015, and it proved to be true, one hundred percent true. The media was complicit then in putting Trump in office and the media is even more complicit now in trying to reinstall him again.
“Why?” you ask.
Well, he’s good for business because he generates a lot of drama and drama keeps the masses watching.
How boring would our news be if they had just said, “Biden is polling ahead and the percentage of people supporting Trump is dwindling. Just go about your lives and be loving and kind to one another.”
Of course, there is the greed piece as well, and the fact that Trump/Vance will fill the coffers of the rich as the wealth gap continues to widen while Biden is the most progressive President we’ve had since FDR canceling as much student debt as he can while the IRS finally puts a target on those millionaires and billionaires who have not been paying their taxes.
I just can not imagine why the rich, white men were calling for Biden to step down. *Sarcasm font activated*.
You see what I mean? This is Pluto retrograde in Aquarius conjuncting the full moon in Capricorn facilitating my mouth in just saying whatever the fuck is in there without filtering. I am writing this on Sunday, when I often write my Monday morning articles, so these aspects are exacting right now. I have already had to rewrite some of this due to Biden dropping out. Mercury Retro shadow “gotcha” with some much more to come.
*Checks calendar* - Yep that would be the Democratic National Convention currently scheduled in the middle of this Mercury Retrograde cycle.
I truly hope we are collectively more healed than in the fall of 2016 (hmm, the FALL of 2016, as in empires falling). We do not need more suffering to create a healthier and more prosperous reality for all. We must take care of our most vulnerable right now to make this so.
As soon as I heard the news from Biden, I employed the Magic Pivot. My grief quickly ebbed as my excitement about Kamala Harris and her campaign grew (let’s change the game and elect a woman into that office and a woman of color to boot) as well as that the DNC will be having their convention right here in my hometown which I returned to just two months ago. I was not planning on being involved in any way and now I am starting to wonder if my excitement will take me there in some capacity. I learned a lot during the years I worked on Bernie’s campaigns.
This full moon in Capricorn also got me working in ways I have not in a while. I’ve got a Level II Channeling Class coming up in September (if you’ve taken my Level I class, you’ve already been notified) and a Level I Channeling Class on deck for October. You’ll see them on the events page on my site soon.
How are YOU??!! Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
We’ll be gathering on Thursday, August 8th at 1:00pm Central Time for an 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal Transmission, Activation, and Group Session. Details and Registration are at the link here
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I had a massive crush on Bill Clinton and intellectual respect for Barack Obama, but Joe Biden is the only president I've ever actually, deeply and fully loved. It's probably the right choice but it hurts like hell anyway.
I’m the most peaceful I’ve been since that heartbreaking election night in 2016. That gut punch was the beginning of one trauma after another that left most everyone I know numb and exhausted. I’m almost like an outside observer watching how calm yet hopeful I am. I do feel that women will realize our power this time. I also think care needs to be taken choosing the VP and that vetting was probably in process even before yesterday’s announcement. I feel that Jill and the Biden family had more to do with Joe Biden’s decision than the 30 or so noisy Dems who feared losing their funding. (I have a lot to work through to be able to vote for Adam Schiff by November.) Now Joe can give full focus to being President for 6 more months and Kamala can hit the road. God bless America!