Nora Herold, Ursula, and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the June 6, 2023 Transmission
This is Ursula. I'm going to kick things off with you all tonight. So take a breath and let yourself tune into yourself and your body, as The Pleiadians always say, but we will also say it, The Faeries will say it, because it's our recommendation always, as well, that you start with yourself exactly where you are because it's where you are. You can't be anywhere but where you are. So this gives you the opportunity to stop and check in with yourself and see where you are, and take a breath right now.
As you inhale and exhale, let yourself connect now with your heart center, and just let yourself feel what's floating around there in your heart. What emotions are coming up right now for you? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you somewhere between? Are you both? Are you many other things? What is happening in your hearts? And as you're breathing right now, remember not to define any of your emotions as good or bad, but to simply embrace yourself exactly as you are right in this moment, feeling what it is you need to feel.
Now as you inhale, take in all the colors of the rainbow, right into your heart and your crown, and as you exhale, flush your system with this rainbow light, recognizing that your chakra system is all the colors of the rainbow. As you inhale and exhale, let yourself feel how freeing it is to access your own rainbow light. Don't worry right now about what this means. You could start to create a story or attach an identity and we're not suggesting you do that. We want you to transcend third-dimensional constructs right now and go right into this rainbow light, the amazing combination of colors and energies and vibrations. And look at how each color has a specific vibration and energy and then how the collaboration of colors creates different vibrations and energy.
We really recommend that as you move forward over the next couple of months that you be as colorful as you possibly can be in the way you think, in the way you feel (meaning have your expanded emotional experience), in the way you dress, in the way you move, and in what you eat. Make sure you're eating all the colors of the rainbow reflected in your foods. From our perspective, from The Faerie realm, one of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to take in the spectrum of color in the forms of fruits and vegetables and grains and other items in your world and let this really support from within, your Rainbow identities.
So there are ideas about Rainbow Children and Crystal Children, right? We're not exactly talking about this, but we're kind of talking about this right now, the rainbow ideology and identity that embraces all experiences however they move through the body. So really let yourself play and also let yourself notice if and when you find yourself being triggered by the expression of someone else's rainbow energy and lights over the next couple of months. The rainbow energy and light are always going to be joyful. So we're not talking here about abuses of power. That's a distortion of this light and energy. We're not talking about the phobias and the shadowy aspects of your world and the distortions of fear manifesting as hate that you're here to heal both from within and remove from your external reality. We're talking about how you respond to that loud, rainbow energy externalized in somebody else when it comes at you. Do you open up, light up from within and embrace and love that other human as they are? Or does it trigger a contraction within you? Just let yourself observe, as you do, because what you're finding, of course, is your old unhealed, distortions from other lifetimes or earlier on in this life rising to the surface.
The Pleiadians: All right, this is the Pleiadians here. We want to jump in. Although, of course, Ursula is not going anywhere. So, yes, because it is pride month in the U.S., and pride is being celebrated in other countries as well, you're probably going to see an uptick in that negative fearful reaction and response to the energy expressing itself joyfully in this way, as it's becoming more and more easily accessible for those on your world.
So, it looks on your world like, perhaps, there are more numbers of beings expressing themselves with different sexual orientations or gender identities, and yes it certainly does look that way. Yes, it looks like the numbers are growing, but the truth of it is it's only looking this way because the container is allowing for something that has always existed to express itself more easily. This is how you all grow as the collective consciousness shifts, as acceptance grows, then those who spent a lifetime hiding, no longer have to do that. This is one of the things that is shifting on your world and you're seeing this right now. And yet, there are those who are very triggered by and very afraid of this shift. So they're going to create stories about mind control and brainwashing and agendas and this, from our perspective, is fear-based distortions of energy manifesting as hate. So notice this as well when you see it expressed around you.
We were observing a conversation around labels in your world, and the idea that labels are only used to manipulate, divide, and control you all. From our perspective, labels are neutral. They are neutral, they can be used in a variety of ways, but they're also necessary. It's how you experience your reality, right? You can't get away from labels. It's, from our perspective, the same as identity or identifiers. So notice this language as well, those who are ardently pushing against labels. This is again, that distortion of fear manifesting in a hateful way in these moments. The person expressing this is just afraid. Instead of saying, “Ah, well, if I listen to a Pleiadian channeling, I'm labeling this group of beings as Pleiadian. Therefore, I can't get away from labels.” Yes.
So, this is something for you all to look at, and you can observe how labels are used in ways that are supportive and loving and productive and how they're used in ways that are harmful, but that's the use of it. That's not the labels themselves. (Nora’s note: with the exception of certain words and/or labels that the collective has determined are simply harmful or pejorative).
So great!!