I’ve mentioned it before - the latitude line where I first moved in 1986, met Jon in 1999, moved again in 2003, and returned in 2024 to the same location as in 2003, the magic three locations for me.
“You must have a third here as well,” I told Jon a month ago when I realized my third and his second, the location of Unseen Insight, the metaphysical shop where he and I met in 1999.
A couple of weeks after that, I ran into a college friend. She was the second of three college friend encounters I would have three days in a row (you see where I am going with this three thing, right?). She mentioned where she lived, directly east of us, also on this latitude line, and when I told Jon later that night, he said, “That’s where I lived for the first few months of my life.”
Solved. Jon was the first, in 1960, to occupy this latitude line, thus having three significant life events on this line just as I have. “Three - oh, it's a magic number”
It’s not enough that we have the same sun, moon, and rising signs, are both 9s in numerology, were both born on Thursdays, etc. Just in case we were not paying attention to all of that, it seems we needed this whole latitude line thing as well.
What does this all mean? We’re back to the magic/magical thinking/delusion conversation. This kind of thinking can make me a little batty if I let it, searching for meaning under every nook and cranny and looking for signs anywhere and everywhere I go. It’s something I did much more when I was younger and less secure, applying magical thinking to my every insight or move.
Now, I just think it’s cool and perhaps it’s a wink and nod from the Multiverse, like, “Hey, you’re on track even if you think you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing right now.”
I had another one of those moments while eating dinner at Casa Yari on Saturday night (if you have not yet been, just go, vegans and omnivores alike, she’s got you). We were seated near the window, and I looked out at the freezing cold night thinking, “How the heck is it that I am eating dinner on Fullerton Ave again after all this time? What am I doing back in Chicago?” I still don’t know. Or maybe it’s just as simple as this was the best place for us, and I should stop wondering about it and get busier living it. (yeah, it’s that).
I can feel it coming, the wave of busyness, and I know I will look back at what has been a relatively slower period in my working life and wish I had enjoyed my time more. I’ve been here before and never seem to learn this lesson completely. It’s not that I have not been enjoying myself, I have. There has been so much joy and fun and love. It’s just that there is often this voice in the back of my mind telling me to worry, especially when my work is a bit slower.
“How could there not be after all you’ve been through!” Amy exclaimed when I shared this with her at our New Year’s lunch last week. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I often discount the impact my past has on my present as many survivors do. To survive it I had to lock much of it away and just power through.
Amy was in full faerie regalia when I arrived, sitting at the table with streamers scattered across it, blowing a noise maker and wearing a “Happy New Year” crown, with a noise maker and crown sitting on the table for me. Amy was the first person I knew to be a faerie, even before I recognized the faerie aspects in myself.
Chiron went direct in Aries on December 29th and, I am feeling this one deeply. I suddenly started taking action on things I had been sitting on since it went retrograde at the end of July. I am feeling the power of my fire energy, waking up earlier, and fully enjoying this renewal.
One by one, the retrograde planets will start moving into direct station this month and next with Uranus going direct on Jan 30th (hello, revolutionary energy), Jupiter on February 4th (let the luck and good fortune flow), and Mars on February 24th (it’s going to be a “time to get shit done” phase once more). At that point, all planets will be direct for only five days when Venus then goes retrograde on March 1st facilitating our examination of who and what we value.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not say something about this day, January 6th, and all that it represents. That Trump will be inaugurated in just two weeks, on Martin Luther King Jr Day no less, after inciting the violence that occurred on January 6th four years ago along with all of the other horrors of his existence is enraging and depressing. For any of us who witnessed our abusers walk off into the sunset with no justice served this especially burns.
I don’t know what to say about the people in my industry who call January 6th a “free speech issue”, refer to it as not so bad, make excuses for what happened that day, and support Trump other than, “Put the ayahuasca down and get some actual legitimate therapy”.
I will not be defeated, however. This is one moment in a lifetime of moments. More and more people are exiting the loop of suffering and I, along with many others, are here to greet them upon their arrival.
I also want to tie the three thing back into the whole “Trump is president again/January 6th” thing, but I think whatever it is has not yet happened, so we’re in the middle of something.
How are you??!! Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
We’ll be gathering on January 23rd at 1:00pm Central Time for a New Year Transmission and Group Session. Register Here
In other exciting news, I have scheduled our next Level I Channeling Class for February 8th, 9th, and 15th on Zoom. More details and registration are on my site here.
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being in nature as much as possible to balance out the "waves".
I love me a Schoolhouse Rock reference!! 3 can also be associated with the mind, body, spirit connection. That’s my personal favorite. Yesterday I found myself searching Celtic knots - lots of 3s there, & my wedding band is composed of trinity knots.
I enjoy how you describe joy, enjoyment, and love in your articles as well as the really hard stuff in our social, political, economical & spiritual existence. Thanks for holding & holding up both/all.
Much appreciation for the session today. It helped make my re-entry to work gentler. Okay - g’night!