Timeline Merge - Ursula and The Pleiadians
Nora Herold, Ursula the Faerie, and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the monthly transmission of November 5, 2019
Nora Herold, Ursula the Faerie, and the Pleiadian Collective — Excerpt from the monthly transmission of November 5, 2019
Timeline Merges and Timeline Jumps —
There’s something really quite extraordinary happening during this Mercury Retrograde, and what’s happening right now is kind of a two-part adventure. There is, what some people on Earth are calling, a potential for a ‘merging’ of timelines — so we’re going to go with that because that’s out there already — and then, there’s a bigger timeline ‘jump’ that’s going to follow on the Winter Solstice.
We’ll talk about the merging of timelines first (because) that’s really already underway and being facilitated by Mercury in Retrograde.
Even though it looks like every one of you is interacting with all of these other people in your lives and you’re all in the same reality, the truth of it is, each one of you has an individuated timeline as your own timeline.
So if you’re married, you’re on one timeline (and) your partner is on another, on their own individuated timeline. And then, when you interrelate with one another, whether that be energetically, telepathically, emotionally, verbally, physically, whatever, then you’re ‘combining’ timelines — that’s kind of the best way to put it, combining timelines — you’re ‘intersecting’ your timelines. So, you’re not leaving your timeline and they’re not leaving their timeline. You start to collaborate then — you bring your two timelines together to create a timeline that is a compilation of each of your individuated timelines.
Now, you do this with everyone you interact with on planet Earth — every being, every person, everyone — and we’re looking at this now from a very 3rd-dimensional perspective. So now we’re going to look at it from a multidimensional perspective.
From a multidimensional perspective, there are a gazillion versions of you doing this, and there are a gazillion versions of everybody else, every other being, doing this as well — merging, connecting, and collaborating with timelines. And each one of you has a very special and specific energetic frequency and signature vibration that you’re bringing to each one of these timelines that you’re interacting with.
It’s like the ‘snowflake theory,’ there’s not a single one of you that is exactly like another single one of you. So, there is not a single timeline that is exactly like anyone else’s single timeline. They are all just slightly different from one another, (just) as you are all slightly, or perhaps VERY, different from one another. And this is what has allowed you all to play in 3rd-dimensional space in the way that you have. It’s a form of separation. It’s a division that occurs in the 3rd dimension. So breathe into that, and let yourselves understand and recognize that feeling of loneliness that you all have experienced, and do experience at times — and understand the source of this loneliness, which we often will define as separation from Source, is also about this — the fact that you’re on a singular timeline of your own making that is yours and yours alone, and, from a 3rd-dimensional perspective, that feels really lonely, that you’re literally existing in your own version of your own world and that’s yours. And, yes, you can engage with, and interact with others and cross timelines with them and collaborate and co-create, but the truth of it is from a 3rd-dimensional perspective you are doing it on your own in some way.
Now that is not true in the higher realms. From a 4th dimensional perspective and above that becomes impossible. You can still play with this technology in the 4th dimension and you can PRETEND to play with it in the 5th. So, when we say ‘pretend’ that means you’re like a kid playing house, you know the entire time it’s not real. In the 3rd dimension you’re not like kids playing house, you think this is all real even though you’re starting to understand it’s not real, it’s all an illusion — it’s all illusionary.
So, what’s going to occur over the next few weeks is first within yourselves, within your multidimensional self, you’re going to start merging some of these timelines — and the reason you’ve been playing this reality out in so many ways, shapes and forms is you’ve been looking for the highest vibrational experience you can have — so, as you start to merge your individuated timelines, the many “you’s” throughout the multi-verse and “that you” start to merge. And this is just going to happen. It’s not something you’re going to have to put your attention on. But what you need to understand is, of course, all of the work that you’re doing consciously on integration and reascension will facilitate the merging of the timelines and allow you to actualize on the highest version of reality that you can actualize on for yourself.
As each one of you is doing this individually, there are also collective timelines that are merging. So you’re going to start to see agreements and alliances happen now on your world that may boggle your minds. People, beings, who seemed to be at odds with one another, on other sides from one another, fighting one another — really polarized — suddenly shifting, collaborating, opening up, embracing, stepping into acceptance in a greater space of oneness.
You’re going to see this happen in your inter-personal reality, you’re going to see it happen in the bigger, geopolitical reality, and what you’re really going to have to work on is staying very present — not projecting onto the other beings who it is they’ve been, who it is you were within the context of the relationship, but really keep yourself open and accepting to the moment at hand.
Now this work, this merging of timelines that’s occurring is laying the foundation for a bigger timeline jump that we will talk about on the Winter Solstice as you go into solstice prep at the beginning of December and then experience the solstice itself.