Timing and The Elements - The Pleiadians
Transcribed Excerpt from our Summer Solstice 2024 Transmission
Our thanks and love to Susan Todd for generously transcribing this.
As you dive into yourself, as Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is asking you to do and discern for yourself, “Well, who am I right now as a human?”
Not, “Who am I?” in the big, “Who am I?” Because in the “Who am I?”, you are love incarnate, you are Source energy. This is always who you will be, but the, “Who am I as this human in this very moment in time?” Now, that's a different question.
Who you are predominantly is determined by how you feel, not by what you do. Because what you do is an expression of who you are, it is an expression of your value.
So, the more you go in and say, “Alright, who am I?” And then receive the response, and you can use the same formula as, “How do I feel? And where do I feel it?” (shared earlier in the program).
“Who am I? Ha, in this moment I am excited. This is who I am.” Then you operate from that excitement and where you feel it in your body.
Or, “Who am I in this moment? Uh, I am sad. I am grieving”. Then you accept that this you, in this moment, this is exactly where you are. You love yourself in the space that you are in. As you do this, even this, in your sadness and your grief, it is okay for you to weave the energy of fun and joy and play through as well. This is not a bypass. This is not you bypassing your feeling state. The bypass is, “Ah, I'm feeling sad. Oh, I should not be feeling sad as a spiritual being because if I feel sad, I'm going to create more things to be sad about. Therefore, I'm going to get up in my head. I'm going to get out of my body. I'm going to pretend that I am feeling joyful and completely disassociate from this reality.” That's the bypass.
What we're talking about is, “Alright. I'm feeling sad. I feel that. I feel it in my body. I feel my sadness. I am sad right now as I breathe and accept my sadness and myself in this sadness. And I am also open to fun and play and joy when the moment serves the me that is sad.”
So this then becomes about timing, and timing is one of the things that is completely out of your hands, completely. Let it go right now, any attachment any of you might have when it comes to deadlines, getting things done, when you think they should be. Let it all go right now because timing is the thing that you can not control largely because timing is a collaboration. It is you collaborating with the world around you, the humans around you, many aspects and elements, some known and some completely unknown to you. The timing piece is where we often see you accusing yourselves of not being an adept magician, not being an adept creator, not being an adept manifester.
Because you said, “Um, I'm doing this thing, I'm feeling the feelings,”
We're going to attach the elements to the manifestation process for you all right now. So the idea is typically first, and that's the element of air. You have a thought. You have an idea and you start to communicate about it. This is all air. “I want to do this thing. It feels really fun and exciting and joyful.”
The second element you then begin to access in this process is water. Water brings you to the emotion that you need that supports you in bringing the idea into physical reality.
So, what will happen is you'll have the idea and then very quickly you'll start the emotional process, meaning, your emotions will activate. They will start to happen inside of you. Perhaps, it'll be joy and excitement, and all of that yummy stuff. You are fueling your idea with all of this yum. But perhaps, and more often than not, you'll also feel anxiety and fear, or frustration, and anger. As you tune it into those, that means there are aspects inside of you that are in need of more unconditional love and support, so you can do the thing that you've already identified with the element of air, so you can do the thing using the element of fire, which gives you the action step.
So, air is the thought. Water is the emotions, either supporting the thought or conflicting with the thought and this typically is where the healing work comes in, air and water. “What water am I accessing here?” And using the element of water to help you if you are stuck in the whirlpool of your sadness, your fear, your anxiety, your grief, if you just can't get out of it, clear it, love the you that felt the same feeling in the first place, in whatever life it was, the element of water will be incredibly beneficial for you. Drink water, sit in water, meditate with water, be with water, be with the water in your body. Ask the magic of the water in your body to carry with it using the conduit properties that exist there within your physical form to carry more unconditional love to the trauma point you're holding somewhere in you physically that is looping you back around and around.
When you have the thought, “I want to do this thing,” and the anxiety gets activated that says, that causes you to say, “But I can't do this thing, I can't do it. I'm not good enough. I don't have the money to do it. Who gives a fuck about me?” whatever it is. Whatever the thoughts are, use the water in your body to conduct the unconditional love needed to the you that was abused, neglected, abandoned, rejected, cast out, whatever it was until suddenly - you have the thought, you have the feelings, and then you take the action.
Sometimes what you'll find when you engage with fire and take the action step is you still have some of the anxiety, the grief, the fear. Don't expect yourself to clear it all to be able to proceed because you are going to clear and heal and transform every step of the way on the journey you are on. There is no, “I'm going to make this happen, I'm going to heal myself so I can make this happen.”
There is, “I'm going to make this happen, I'm going to heal whatever I need to heal so I can take the first step towards making this happen as the other shit gets activated that then I heal and take another step and on and on and on”.
Take a breath here.
And then Earth the element of Earth. This is where you begin to receive the physical manifestation of your use of the other three elements combined with your unconditional love of self, and your connection to all of your etheric helpers, all of those beings.
Physical manifestation. What you find when you engage with Earth, when you start to receive, is that it's not a singular event. The receiving is endless. The ideas are endless. The emotions are endless. The actions are endless. We parsed the process out for you in a linear simplistic fashion. But the truth is, you are much more complicated than this. You've had many, many different thoughts, and many, many different emotions, all connected to all of these different thoughts and ideas and wishes and dreams for the entirety of this incarnation, and have taken many, many actions, and it often looks like each is independent of the other and the truth is, it's a collaboration.
You are constantly collaborating with yourself in every conscious moment of creation and every unconscious moment of creation which means you are never starting. You are never starting from scratch. You are never beginning. It also means you have never failed, because the timing piece, the thing you cannot control, sometimes brings to you 20 years later that which you had intended on, gathered the emotions for, took action towards, and then appeared to fall flat in front of you.
For more on the Solstice, manifestation, healing, and the months heading into the Equinox, get the full audio recording of the event here.
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