Nora Herold and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the July 5, 2023 Transmission
Now we want to talk about Venus. Venus is going to go retrograde in Leo on July 22nd and will be retrograde through September 3rd. So what is Venus about? It's about what you love, always, what and who you love, not just people. Often you think about Venus and love, and it's “Ah, the romance and relationships,” and sure that is absolutely a piece of the energy of Venus. But Venus is so much more than this because the energy of Venus truly supports you first in loving yourself more deeply which then allows you to discern what you love to do, how you love to do it, who you love to be around, how you love to spend your time, and what you don't.
Venus also really helps you discern what's a drag on your energy or those relationships or friendships or interactions that feel false that feel like they're lacking in an authentic connection for you, and this is going to come up for a lot of you during this Venus retrograde experience. You're really going to notice when you are lighting up from that space of love as you are interacting with others or interacting and engaged in your own pursuits and when you are not, and because Venus is retrograde for only 6 weeks it's an excellent time for you to notice, take stock, pay attention, and then potentially make whatever changes you want to make once Venus has gone direct, because the Venus direct energy is going to support forward motion for you.
The retrograde allows you to look within, it allows you to look back, it allows you to look right now more deeply and more intensely. But you need time on your world to sort through once you've looked because sometimes, as you're looking, what you think looks one way you discern after a few hours or days or weeks, “Ah, it is not really what I was projecting onto it, more information has come in that now allows me to see things a bit more clearly and see the bigger picture.”
So you may find yourself wanting to make big decisions while Venus is retrograde, and we're not saying don't make those big decisions, but we are saying be patient if you can, be really patient with yourself and with others because they're all going to be going through this as well. So you may have someone come at you during this period of time, reacting to what they believe they have uncovered within themselves and then a bit of time has passed and suddenly they are in a different space.
If you are aware of, “Ah, we are all navigating this potential energy, this potential change energy here in supporting each of us first in being more self-loving and then in engaging more with who and what we love and in the ways that bring us the most joy,” then it will allow you to be more flexible. This flexibility is really going to benefit you during this period of time while Venus is in retrograde and then also once Venus goes direct. Of course, we will remind you all of this as you head into the beginning of September, when you've arrived with Venus returning to the illusion of forward motion because of course she is not really going backward, she cannot.
So, a couple of other things are going to come up during this Venus retrograde period, because Venus is retrograde in Leo, you may begin to observe those around you and have a more of a sense of clarity from those around you that are really attention seeking. Leo wants to be first. Leo wants to be in front, on stage, running the show, “Everyone look at me, I am Leo, aren’t I gorgeous?!”
There's nothing wrong with this, but when it's just this, when there's not an authentic and genuine desire to be of service sitting beneath, that energy becomes discordant. It lacks harmony in your reality. It's like music to you that you don't want to listen to any longer. You all have examples of this in your life. You all have people around you who are attention-seeking based on a lack of self-love because that's where always it comes from. Always. We don't care how powerful they look in the world. Some of the most powerful-looking people on your world are absolutely lacking in self-acceptance and self-love. This lacking of sense of self and understanding of self as Source leads them into power grabbing and attention-seeking and me-me-me-energy which when coupled with Pluto having returned to Capricorn for this period of time, could get really loud for about six weeks.
So you are probably going to see it in the news. You are going to see, “Ah yeah, here we go. Look at that. There is that attention seeking,” maybe even that attention seeking posing as someone desiring to be of service, but when you peel back the covers you will see, “Oh, that is just attention seeking.”
Also, of course, watch this in yourselves. Recognize when you fall into feeling this deficit from within and instead of going to your internal work and your healing processes, you respond to it, “Hey! Pay attention to Me! Me Me Me! Give me love! Give me goodies! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!”, and you probably all will do it during this 6 weeks period. So when you catch yourself there acknowledge, “Ah, that's all I've done, fallen into the energy that's so available to me right now, that wants me to put myself in front of everyone else and then make them look at me,”
Just notice this, and forgive yourself for it. These moments for you all will probably be very brief. They probably won't have a major impact on your life or anyone else’s. However, if they do, remember the magic in amends making.
We want to talk about this for a second, this, amends. It was asked of us a while ago a question about amends from someone who was seeking an amends from someone else. Truly an amends can only happen when the perpetrator, the boundary violator is willing to initiate the process of making amends. This in of itself is big magic there, amends making. You can use it, all of you, at any time. You can literally use the making of amends to completely alter your relationships, your realities, and to jump timelines. It is a tool for magic on your world that has gone greatly underutilized, from our perspective, because what it does is, when you are the perpetrator, when you have violated the boundary, even if it's a really small one, for you to put your attention on this and claim it, own it, share with the other your full consciousness and awareness that you did that, and then intend to do better, this opens the door for better for everyone one on your world.
So you're going to see perhaps some of this coming up while Venus is in retrograde from those who are not as affected by the aspect of Leo. They may find, “Ah, I've done some soul searching while Venus has taken my attention back to me,” which is such a beautiful and positive aspect of Leo, that ability to really see the self, know the self, understand the self, be and feel who you are, and share yourself freely with the world, which is very different from attention-seeking. So you may find that somebody may decide to make an amends with you. You may find yourself discovering you need to make some kind of amends, and again this opens the door for big magic, for big changes, for all of you.
Full video recording of this transmission available here
Speaking of Love, our Level II Channeling Class on Zoom starts in one week on Saturday, July 29th. We can’t wait to share all of the love with you.
Details and Registration Here
It feels like we’ve been retrograde for a lifetime