I started celebrating seasons instead of days when my son was young and he had to split those celebrations between his dad and I because we were a divorced family functioning pretty well actually.

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My birthday is on 10 February so it gets all mixed up with the Valentines and Mardi Gras celebrations, which is fine with me everybody’s celebrating along with me. I celebrate all month long. This year is starting on the 31st of Jan., a dinner with a good friend, and lasting through the middle of February. I’m not scheduling much during the last half of February because that’s when I’ll be getting my radiation as my final treatment of my uterine cancer

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Sending you love and wishes for ease and healing.

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

I send you love and happy birthday

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Jan 29Liked by Nora Herold

I am up and down and all around. Missed you at Artisans, what a gorgeous day. Happy almost Bday and I love that you pruned and cleared and made ready for spring wherever it will be <3

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Missed you there too. I was working most of the day. Sending you love as you navigate the spectrum of all feelings right now.

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Jan 29Liked by Nora Herold

I'm learning how to make my way through the world as a greatly changed person. It's been 8 weeks since my Beloved passed on, and it's been a ride. I've ignored the cultural hoopla around the calendar new year and have allowed myself to cocoon; wrapping myself in rich, soft fabrics, adding whipped cream to my morning mocha ritual, and watching favorite comfort shows on my laptop in bed. This week it stopped feeling nurturing and started to feel heavy and boring so it's time for a change. It feels good to me that I'm feeling the first stirrings of movement within myself just as we approach Imbolc. One of the many gifts that flowed from my husband's death is this new sense of being deeply in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth and her seasons, and the ability to inhabit that connection instead of giving in to cultural pressure to move fast and produce. I'm grateful for this new-to-me way of being in the world.

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Beautiful, thank you for sharing, Amy Beth.

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Jan 29Liked by Nora Herold

Happy Birthday week Nora!! 🥳💕🥰🌈 Getting dressed up for a dance party sounds like one very fun way to celebrate! And hope you have many more of those moments this week 💕

My feet are driving me f**king crazy lol - they are seriously itching to do something, maybe someday soon I’ll know what that is! But for a start I have managed to get my website up this past week! I started working on it a year ago, it’s been a creation process in itself, so enjoying the fruits of this period of direct planets already. 🌈

Wishing you a lovely week Nora!

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Thank you so much, Jess.

Ooooh, that's so great to hear about your site!!!!

Looking forward to seeing you soon :)

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

Happy Birthweek, Nora! I am having a strange experience the past week with technology issues and unclear communication. Feels like mercury retro should, but I don’t seem to have negative experiences then. Looking forward to Friday. I even got out some seeds . . . More than early here, but I’ve gotta do something and happy for the suggestion. I hope this week is filled with so many good things - food and music and dancing and rest- all of the things that nurture body & soul! ❤️

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Thank you so much. That tech thing could be associated with Uranus going direct and a square off between Mercury and Mars last week.

Off to a good start with a visit to the Humane Society today to give all of the cats and dogs love, and I mean ALL of them and then a scoop of gelato in town and an awesome deal on a food favorite at the market.

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

Yay! Sounds wonderful and thanks for the Uranus Mercury Mars tip.

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

Monday,today, I hit the ground running... working on book with designer. I love working on it. On Saturday I went to an Aquarius birthday people dance party. ( we took our widow friend who has the same birthday as you Nora) 2 hours of dancing! I loved last Saturday's messages. Funnily, I never celebrated Imbolc when I lived in Ireland, why would I have? I was a traumatized kid barely coping. Now I get it! Thanks for keeping it on the radar. Xoxo

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How fun! Aquarian Dance Party! The one I am going to this Friday is for three Aquarians, born on Feb 1, 2, and 3! Weeee! Send my birthday wishes to my birthday twin. I love running into birthday twins!

I knew nothing of Imbolc until I was 30 and my channeling and best witchy friend said, "You were born on Imbolc!"

To which I replied, "What's that?" She sighed and told me. She is also the friend who got mad at me when she discovered I was out of salt. "No self-respecting witch ever is without SALT!!!!"

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

I Love your stories!!! Shake your bootie at your 1 2 3 party!

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Jan 30Liked by Nora Herold

Have a wonderful birthday week and dance party Nora! No matter where you are, your light warms the room! Chicago will be lucky to have you back! For me, I’m learning to stop believing every thought I think. Good golly, running with them has driven me mostly crazy, so I’m trying this approach instead. I now not only question them, but I also just ask, is going down this bird trail at all helpful? Mostly, no! I’m finding I’m less tired. I am just “being” more, which oddly results in me getting more done. Three books I’ve started and sat on in the past, and now I have the energy and intentions to finish the darn things! It’s quite fun, I must say! Happy early birthday Nora!!!

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Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.

I love what you've shared! How fabulous!

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