All last week I kept waiting for the eclipse vibes to hit. I felt great all week and was looking around like, wow, this is nice and also highly unexpected. Well.... they hit Sunday. Huge irritation, frustration, meh, grumpy, cranky vibes that I just could not shake. They've carried into today as well, feeling very glum and down, antisocial, and grumpy.

Definitely processing lots of underlying stuff with my Mother which feels like the roots of the moodiness. Powerlessness, invisibility, how do I actually step out and make my life my own. Something about it all just feels very oppressive. But I feel the change moment vibes as well and am curious where the next season will take me (as well as the rest of us).

I'm also really enjoying the change of season and am so excited for cozier, inward time and all the yin energy. I've been crocheting like crazy lately, lol. Thanks for sharing Nora and I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your theatre homecoming and all the warmth, love, and nourishment.

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Thank you for sharing, Helen.

Yeah, it's all intense right now, on and off for me as well.

We just finished up today's event and I found it to be super helpful.

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Letting go of a couple friendships that haven’t felt good to be in for a long time. Scared, doubting myself, being critical of myself that secretly I must be the fucked up one, but also trying to practice self-protection. That I deserve to be treated well or be in friendships where I feel valued and respected. Just a basic decency kind of respect, nothing inflated. But then again I know it’s not about me (their behavior) while also remembering that it’s ok to step back. It’s really fucking hard. It I’m doing it anyway and life keeps sending me affirming signals that I’m doing the right thing. But again, fuck!

That’s my very vulnerable internal process right now. Thank you always for this space Nora. I’m very grateful.

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I totally get this!!! Love to you!

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Thank you Susan 💓

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Sending you so much love and support, Kyra.

Hugs and gratitude right back.

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Hi Nora, Just basking in the joy glow of the equinox gathering with you and all the other beautiful beings in attendance. I do love fall. It is so rich in its colors, textures and expression of Gaia's bounty. I highly recommend all who read your work, have a listen to the equinox transmission!

I thank you again for holding space for me to ask my question. I am well versed in being the leader, guide, channeler, etc. etc and to put that down and receive is quite the gift I give myself. It is kind of my safety zone. To be the leader, mother of many, and I see that I can relax into the fullness of receiving, surrender control and allow more of life's joys to meet me. I truly love how you expressed our 5-D laugh. I connect with that and it is my heart laugh, the 5-D with my 3-D self that has helped me through some of life's most challenging times. Laughing fully at the sheer expansiveness of all that we are living through together at this time may just be the answers to many of our prayers. xo Mary

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Yes! 5D laughter! Hey, Mary, if you want to share I'm interested in knowing the title if your book. 🩷

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Yes! Please share, Mary!

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Thank you so much, Mary.

I was so happy to be there with you all and to get to see your beautiful face and interact with you directly. I can relate to so much of what you said here.

Thank you and Love

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Your writing is so good. Took me right there in everyday!

I'm feeling dopey with grief. A dear dear old friend, since 1977, died last week. He lived alone and apparently died last Monday ( it is believed). It was an accident at home. He tried to save himself, the rescue squad deduced, but bled to death and was only discovered on Thurs.. Michael and I are devastated! This is a big loss for us. So to my dear friend Adam, I love you and I am sure you are in a bath of love and beauty now.

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First, thank you, Susan.

Second, I am so sorry, how terrible.

Sending you and Michael my love

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Thank you

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I so loved the equinox gathering! I didn't ask a question, but I did have some things on my mind, and the replies to everyone else's questions directly addressed the things I was pondering. Such a lovely collective energy.

I must say, this eclipse season is a doozy. The eclipse was incredibly powerful, and I found the equinox to be unexpectedly powerful as well. I'm consciously gearing up for this next eclipse, mindful of how I want to use that energy and what I want to create.

I experienced the equinox as a powerful portal between the past and the future, and chose to use it well. I honored the past (including grief that came up), released what no longer serves me, and consciously chose what I wanted to bring with me into the future. I called music back into my life and claimed its presence by sitting down to play the piano for the first time in over 4 years. This anchored it in the present so I can actively cultivate it in my future. I'm so blessed, and so supported, and just so deeply grateful to be alive in the middle of all this transformation magic.

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I was so happy to see you there at the gathering today, Amy Beth. I love it when what you're describing happens, We truly are all connected.

Thank you for sharing all that you have here.

Much Love

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