I was just about holding my breath reading your tale. Soooo happy the dip was the only casualty!

Happy 🥳 birthday 🎉

I was watching our okc weather chaser. Maybe the rats will get washed away to a nice rat burrow somewhere far away.

Stay safe

I’m flat on my back, slightly inclined after most the weekend flat on my back. Going to make it to chiropractor soon.... at least it’s sunny today.

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Thank you, Karen

Seems like the rat problem is gone for now.

I asked Ursula for help and also had a chat with the head rat spirit.

Sending you love and energetic support.

May your pain ease and movement return.

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Wohoo on rats! Thank you very much

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Happy Birthday Nora! Despite the dip mishap, I’m glad you had lots of fun with new friends. Dancing, in my opinion, is some of the best medicine for the soul.

I have been experiencing a LOT of overwhelm the last week or so. The kind that’s sticky and old and has lots of other feelings attached to it (I can’t do this, what’s happening, failure, this sucks, please don’t make me, I don’t wanna, etc). Also the kind where I’m realizing it likely has nothing to do with what or how much is actually on my plate, and is actually just old feelings and voices from the past.

Part of me really wants to just put my head down and work work work to “get to the other side” but I know that’s an old pattern, one that requires me to disconnect from me, my body, and the moment and doesn’t ultimately make it better, just pushes all these buried voices and feelings down the road a bit more. So I’m doing my best to sit with it and feel my way through, but damn is it heavy and amorphous and messy and sticky… all the while still having to do my best to take actions amidst all the feelings.

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Thank you, Helen.

Can relate to everything you shared. Sending you love.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I so relate to the sticky overwhelm feelings and especially like you description of all of the attached things - well stated!! Thank you.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Nora Herold

Glad you had a fun dance party after all!! Even after the dip mishap. We were enjoying a cozy, mellow, family focused, sweet day over here for my Aquarian husband yesterday during the storm.

I have been ok. Happy we are in the age of Aquarius now, but going through a rough patch emotionally where a lot is coming up to be cleared and processed. I had a very intense vivid dream last night. Family was around, but I felt really lonely. I escaped to run through the woods, but it was very Alice in Wonderland-like. The trees were 2D and flat on the ground with smiley and creepy faces like in a cartoon, but the roots were 3D and emerging from the ground. I was hoping around trying not to step on them. The emotions got louder and louder until my heart ached with this deep grief and heaviness of not wanting to be here and feeling utterly broken hearted and devastated. Not sure from what, but when I awoke I was so shaken by it. I either think it was emotional wounds from my ancestral lines (roots) and/or emotions from past life(s). Wondered if it was from the first earth explosion....... Actually, as I'm sitting here typing this I'm getting the instant knowing that it's from the faery life where we had to leave the dimension we shared with the humans, because of the devastation they were causing. As I say that i feel the same deep grief and immediately makes me sob. It does feel like I lost a whole world and everything I loved. That's what the P's and you told me on the Solstice call. It's been a lot processing it, but I know I'll feel lighter and freer to move about this world once I do. Much love to you Nora. I'm forever grateful for the safe space you provide here. Happy Birthday!!

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

You have such visceral memory of that life. I'm so thankful that you shared this.. it just dawned on me as I read your post now, oh, this must be part of my often feelings of being attacked. Aside from my current life, where I have been attacked..but you made me realize it is much older as well. Thank you

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I love those healing insights. It helps, doesn’t it? Glad you got something from it too 🙏💜

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

Yes. Thank you

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Thank you for the birthday wishes and for this powerful sharing of your memories. I love you.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I love you too! 💖

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Feb 5Liked by Nora Herold

I am definitely in another timeline since the recent planetary changes. Sudden change in very fast moving energy. It's leaving me very anxious and working very hard to get grounded and clear out the old. Can't say that it feels very good. Working very closely with higher self more than ever in just trying to get me grounded and calm. Thank you for asking.

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Sending you love, Anne. Thank you for sharing.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

For some reason I can't "like" your comments. I can so go to anxiety. I send us both love.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I am glad you enjoyed your birthday even after losing the dip. I really would love your recipe if you don’t mind sharing. Will and I always spend our birthdays alone together too and I would be hesitant about a change as well. It is awesome that you all had so much fun. I love ABBA too!

It is wonderful you all are safe. I will send love to all those dealing with flooding and damage.

Things are okay here. Spending time going within and trying to catch up on things from January. Love to you and Jon and the fur kids. 💜

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Thank you so much, Vicki. Sending you love right back.

The recipe I make is a mashup of these two, and you can not go wrong with either.



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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

Awesome! Thanks!

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Happy Birthday Nora!! I'm so happy everything turned out well in the end. I feel you on not wanting to make a big deal for your birthday – I don't like celebrating mine cause it gives me anxiety haha. Always scared of putting myself out there and then feeling rejected if friends aren't interested or don't show up. I guess I'm still dealing with rejection issues. But even though I never plan anything, my friends always end up taking me somewhere and making it special. It helps me see that things aren't as bad as I sometimes think. Anyway, what I love about my birthday tho is that every year I treat myself to a session with you! It's seriously one of the best things in my year, just chatting with you and soaking in all the guidance you and the P's give me. So yeah, you're my annual gift to myself, haha.

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Oh my goodness, I am touched.

Thank you for your birthday wishes and thank you for your beautiful share here. I love that you freely expressed your fears and how even with them you still end up feeling special on your day.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

Nora, thank you for this post and all your posts. Glad you got born and I know you! Blockbuster mention triggered a memory. At 1:30 am the police came to our door to inform us that my 49 year old brother had a heart attack and died at his friend's house in Santa fe. As the officer handed me Dan's wallet, he actually laughed and said, "your brother is probably the only person left in America that has a Blockbuster card". Thanks 20 yr. olld policeman!

I was in shock and may have even smiled. That was 2013.

I'm fine today. I am thinking so strongly about the crazy weather for you guys, but have been in Taos with no phone or internet for a day and a half. Glad you're safe.

Glad you danced, glad you and Jon made that contract early on.

Michael and I have been together since 1977! We probably have a spat everyday and are partners for life. As I write this, right now Michael did an annoying thing and I called him out. Positive January is over, right?

Love you.

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That brother stuff is rough :(

I was going to entitle this "Positive January is Over and Not a Moment Too Soon!" LOL

I love you too

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I like it as the sub-title!!

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

Whew - glad the dance party was a success & you were able to move forward from the shattered dip experience and even extend the celebration. 🎉

I have been having some similar feelings as Helen these past couple of weeks including today. I’ve been indoors soo much and I feel out of step or out of sync with relationships & work. If we skipped January, would all of the muck just move to February? This evening I took Helen’s suggestion & sat with the feelings which helped. Yesterday I planted some seeds - thank you & Ursula for the suggestion. ❤️

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Thank you for sharing, Shannon. I love you.

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Feb 6Liked by Nora Herold

I've survived the 9 weeks since my husband's death, and am starting to find my footing. I'm deeply grateful that we discussed and planned ways to stay in active communication after he crossed to the other side of the veil. I'm in awe at how carefully everything was planned before we incarnated in order to give me as soft a landing as possible. I can see clearly how the past six years have actively pushed me to grow in the exact ways that would enable me to survive losing him and move forward with my life purpose. I'm grieving, yes, but also filled with gratitude at the care taken on my behalf, and at our continued connection. I knew I was loved deeply, but I am only beginning to realize how truly vast that love is.

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Hugs and love, Amy Beth

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Feb 7Liked by Nora Herold

Happy birthday Nora! I hope you're alright with the heavy rain and strong wind.

I have been wondering the "how did it possibly happen" so many times. You know, the thing that by all the law of physics shouldn't have happened. Well it still happened. A big FU reality. Yeah, this is not a reality as science is describing, or the "how did it possibly happen" would never be needed to be asked.

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Thank you, Max! We are all good here.


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Feb 13Liked by Nora Herold

Happy birthday!!!! I want to go dancing.

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I would love to go dancing with you. Happy Birthday right back to you!

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