How joyful to read about your many synchronistic encounters throughout this transition . . . even down to the fava beans! I love how you are also able to be patient with yourself and the space and the adjusting and not freak out that things aren't "normal" . . . . whatever that is.

I am having less success at not freaking out. Have you noticed an uptick in people leaving this life? I know of 3 people who hare recently passed and another one who is close. I also had a doctor's appointment recently - not good. Nothing bad in way of diagnosis or anything, just gets me focused on my body in a way that is not helpful. I need some kind of spell for when I go to a doctor. Suffice it to say I'm having a hard time. I am not sure I have ever fully accepted my body or the fact that I am in one . . . . maybe small or brief moments.

Driving to CT this afternoon for work . . . longer solo drives are often cathartic. Just remember not to show up @ my co-workers like a wrung-out dish cloth, right? Also, maybe take it all a bit less seriously. "It's only life after all." (thx Indigo Girls)

It is a beautiful day here and supposed to be nice and warm this week. Plus C has a concert which is always fun! She has a couple of solos - new and exciting.

Thank you for the space. Love!

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Hi Shannon!

My experience has been that I have never felt good about my body while in a doctor's office nor after. I think it's pretty rare, tbh, to find one that encourages the love and acceptance of the self.

I have not noticed an uptick of people leaving, but I have been pretty tuned out. I am sorry for your loss.

Thank you for your share and your thoughts and love.

Love right back to you

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Awe, love seeing Sundays’s bandanna in your work today. My parting gift to you and Jon. ❤️Much love to you both.

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Hi Debby!

I love that bandanna so much.

It sits on the table we first sat at here twenty-one years ago when we first me Theresa and Vasken and shared milkshakes with them and their son Paul.

Much love in return.

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I haven't lived in Chicago since you have and it's so interesting to read about about your being back.

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I am having so much fun living here right now.

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And, I miss you guys.

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We miss you too.

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Nora, I love that this has all been so joyful. I am hoping for the same. I have a lot of resistance to starting the process of my 3rd move in 20 months. But I know it’s the right time for this. I am applying for jobs at Indiana University, and confident the right one will come through. My kid is focused on finding us a place to live. Sorting and getting rid of yet more stuff. I am nowhere near ready to leave most of it behind as you did, but good on ya! I move from a giant UGH to I am sure this is the right thing at the right time. Seeing this process play out for you has really helped me though. Love to you and your family. 💞

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Wishing you all the best as you make your way. It was certainly not a conscious intention to be back here in Chicago, and yet, now that we are, the perfection in it at the moment is undeniable and filled with love and magic.

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How wonderful that a nine year old opens a faerie portal for you! It is beyond exciting how little children these days are so in tune with themselves and are in turn guiding us to ourselves.

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So wonderful, yes

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Oh, each story is better than the previous. I'm very happy for you all!!!

It's been a very busy time since you pulled out of the driveway. I have taken a screenwriters workshop! And a painting class! And I love them both. The writers workshop is so full of fantastic help. Painting, only two paintings since you left. Biggest issue I have is only getting 4 hours sleep!!! Fall asleep easily then wake up. Then don't get to round two until 4 or 5 am!

I'm back at helping friends with illness. As you know my version of love is casseroles. On duty Wednesday, I love this job! Oh and I love YOU

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I love you too!

Screenwriters workshop and painting class both sound epic!

Your friends are fortunate to have your love and your cooking.

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Thank you Nora!

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It’s those beautiful little things that can make your day, hey? Love the one welcome orb and fava beans!

I am excited and energised this week, although a little bit nervous! In an interesting turn of events for me I’ve been asked to teach at the school I graduated from not long ago. Starting a new job as a trainer for first and second year psychotherapy students teaching them inner work which is right up my alley. I’m starting next week (eek!) but I think once I get through my first class and initial nerves of it this will be very good for me. I’ve been learning more about my human design recently as a “Projector” - kind of a sage archetype who is meant to be wait to be recognized for their value/genius and an invitation to share it. It feels very good to be seen for my wisdom and value in this area, in a way I have not experienced before! And I get quite a bit of flexibility so will get to teach on my favorite subject, facilitating deeper experiences of dreams and the Dreaming! How cool! 🌌 ✨

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Oh my goodness! Amazing!!!!

Wising you all the best on this new adventure

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Thank you Nora!! 🥰

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I want a bagel!

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If you're into making them, here is a great bagel recipe. Otherwise, Pinyon it is for you.

We've made these multiple times and every time they are perfect


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Despite the fact that you dig Fava Beans, I still dig ya! Have you already acquired an Chicagoan Accent? No??? Do you suppose that will happen? Is Jon a Fava Bean fan too? Yes??? No wonder you two dig one another! Miss ya guys, --- Drew

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We both love fava beans and our accent probably won't change as it's how we've both sounded most of our lives. Northwestern suburbs of Chicago people don't have the classic Chicago accent you're thinking of.

We miss you too!

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I’m so glad your doggies are happy and settling in well. And that you had such a delightful guest and have a fairie portal opened for you. 😃 I love it! It sounds like everything is working out wonderfully. I’m sorry about the hiccups with some of your items. I’m glad it wasn’t anything that could not be replaced.

I’ve driving around the area this week with different appointments and was able to help a baby snapping turtle cross the road the other day. Yesterday I tried to help a larger snapping turtle cross the road and probably made it worse. Luckily someone else stopped who had something that he could get the turtle to grab onto and was able to sort of pull him off of the road. Probably not the smartest move to stand out in the middle of traffic on a busy road and wave cars away. Trying to figure out how to do something to help but not make dumb decisions with my safety. 😃

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Thank you for sharing. We met a turtle today right in the midst of a bird and butterfly sanctuary in a park near our home.

Love the turtle helping.

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That sounds wonderful! I am used to the box turtles in Kentucky which I could just pick up, but I am only running into snapping turtles here so far. The baby snapper was adorable! Once I put my hands up behind the baby and said Go Go Go over and over the cutie moved quickly and got to the other side. I didn’t know there was a bird and butterfly sanctuary downtown, awesomeness!

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