Nov 20, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Oh - that sounds like some relief. Having a good viable option and some additional breathing room with the April date. Glad to hear about it and may the miracles continue & multiply! Monday is okay here - getting some final work in before a few days off & w/ family. There will be some grief this holiday with traditions changing and deaths in the family . . . So just wanting to do what I can to care for myself in that . . . & if I’m available to others . . . Bonus 😂. Taking a cue from you & the name of the actual holiday - gratitude. We have much to appreciate and there will surely be joy-filled moments. I add my Happy Thanksgiving to all here. Much appreciation for the space to be and listen and express ❤️❤️

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Thank you so much, Shannon. Sending you wishes for a week filled with ease and joy. I love you.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Hi Shannon! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Hi Kate! Happy Thanksgiving <3

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Happy Thanksgiving Shannon!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Happy Thanksgiving Susan!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Nora, happy to hear there are some rays of light on moving. I want to share that I have been doing a money reset spell and a blessings and miracles spell over the last three weeks. Unexpectedly I found a way to refinance my credit debt for basically half of the interest rate, and make it much easier for me to pay it down. Also due to a flight cancellation while going to visit a friend, I ended up with a $200 voucher that will make it more affordable to go see one of my children next spring. I was able to get on the next flight and was only 2.5 hours later. It occurred to me that while these didn’t necessarily look like blessings and prosperity, they definitely are. And it’s very nice to feel things moving in a positive direction now.

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Fantastic, Kelli! Such awesome magic. Thank you for sharing. I love you.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I am so relieved to read your message and learn that you have a lovely, loving landing pad to fly to in the spring. A perfect time for migration, IMO. 10 of cups worth of goodness waiting for you and no time constraints on your time there. Could it be any better? It certainly will be a change, but you've done it before and can certainly do it again. Sooo happy for you, even as I KNEW it would work out. I'm doing good today. Got my Thanksgiving shopping done this morning, and everyone shopping was in such good moods. Loved it. I am counting all my blessings and sending you and Jon love and good energy to get you through the rest of this process. Happy Thanksgiving and Indigenous Peoples' Day. Love, Kate (Moon in Scorpio)

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Thank you so much, Kate. Yes, we are relieved to have both the extra time and the option there in Chicago. Wishing you a wonderful week. I love you.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Someone here in New Mexico told me instead of indigenous people's day, one might say 1st people's day. I like that! Happy days to you Kate

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I like First People's Day better! Thanks, Susan. Enjoy the holiday weekend.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Yay for a spring move! I am about to head out the door to pick up keys to my new place now! My body feels very rough after this prolonged period of uncertainty and transition, but my spirits are higher and I now have access to hope and a way forward. I used a tarot app to draw a single card about my move recently and also got the ten of cups! Your mention of this card is it’s 3rd appearance in my awareness recently - grateful for the signs of a rainbow at the end of some big storms. Love to you Nora 🫶🌈🌈🌈

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Woot! I am so happy for you, Jess. Thank you for sharing :))

Happy homecoming to you!

Ten of Cups for the win!

I love you.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

You and Jon of course waste no time in figuring out all of the loving possibilities. This is inspiring and makes me happy.

My Monday involved our daughter visiting, with her dog, and we went through a big box of old linens. Michael and I had a vintage clothing shop in the late 70's and we bought everything by the pound, 100 pounds of blue jeans, dresses, linens etc. And I still had this big pile of linens. And some of the linens were from my mother or aunt. So as Hannah lifted each piece out of the box I told her the history of the piece. Your grandmother embroidered that, I always used that cloth for our summer picnics, your father saved that runner out of the pile just for me...Hannah (33) has decided to make a line of clothing using these gems. It was so much fun for the both of us! Then I wrote and wrote and edited and edited and filled in my Google spreadsheet with all of the copyright data until I went for my walk with my guides and faeries and the P's and asked them to help me be more patient with Michael as the sun set and the sense of gratitude and beauty filled my heart.

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Beautiful. And yes, loving possibilities abound! Thank you. I love you :)

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Super excited that Chicago is on the table since you would be close! I am so happy you have time to decide with your extension and anything is possible with your place there and possible further extensions even after that.

I am still in sadness and grief with my the anniversary of my Mom’s passing last weekend and her funeral/celebration of life anniversary yesterday. I finally watched the video of it and shared it again on FB too. I spoke in the beginning and I hadn’t been able to revisit that day but finally did in watching it. I actually felt better and proud of myself knowing she would have been so proud and happy with what I said. I didn’t realize I spoke so clearly and at a good pace and never lost it and broke down. I feel I honored her well with what I said. It helps me feel better and work through my grief.

My husband and I will make most of our vegan Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday and spend Thursday together enjoying a meal and snacks and will watch either Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter as we do every year. It is always a fun day for us. 😁

Thanks for the recipe and for checking in with all of us. 💜💜

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Thank you so much, Vicki for your support and thank you for sharing all about your mom and your grief and your experience of honoring her.

Enjoy your week.

I love you.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Thanks Nora! I love you. 💜

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Practicing daily gratitude opens up to so many beautiful things. Not exactly the same circumstances as yours but we too our shifting our life, house is on the market here in NM we will be returning to our native home of Montana. Time to make our journey where we both grew up, raised our family and made lifetime friends. It feels so right but also an exciting transition. We are waiting for the perfect buyer to find this house.

Blessings to you !

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How exciting, Lori! NM is actually high on our list of possibilities for a future home. Thank you for sharing. I love you.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

We aren’t leaving this beautiful land for any reason. The people are gentle from the heart. We are seniors who need to return to areas we know well and all our support peeps.

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Oh yes, I could feel into the reasons for your move. Where in NM is your house?

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I felt you would have some more time added. I didn't say it this openly to Jon on Saturday, but it felt very likely to me, (though I thought it was what I wished for you and that was what I was feeling) and I know many others felt the same. Anyway, 4 months to move is something that is manageable and more humane. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jon and the dogs. Where ever you'll go next, you'll bring your magic with you and you'll continue to create love in you and around you and all over everywhere where you reach people. I look forward to discover your next step, as I know it will be phenomenal. What is done is done. You are called in a new mission.

My Thanksgiving thank you for you and Jon and the dogs. I am grateful for all the wisdom, support, love and the wonderful people I met through your work... you have given me. I love you all.

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Thank you, Max. Yes, I as well thought it likely this would get extended, April 1st was floating in my consciousness and a "yes' every time I pulled a card on it, and who knows where everything will stand by the time we get there.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I love you, as do Jon and all of the doggies.

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You are welcome! Synchronicity is a wonderful kiss from the universe isn't it? I'm happy things are falling into place for you. Moving is never easy. Even though I moved to where the love is, I'm quite lonely here now and I'm isolated a bit. When I was very ill, it didn't really matter where I was, as I couldn't go out and do much at all. I'm really not sure what to do next. I've moved quite a bit this lifetime, and I had hoped to stay put. It's gorgeous here with the reserve a few minutes away and the lake down the street. But, I'm feeling more uncomfortable in this neighborhood. Some disturbing things have happened and I'm not sure what my next action will be. Thank you for your writing.

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May your path light up for you soon, Karen, wherever it takes you, even if it's right back to where you are now.

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Thank you. I think it’s easing up. I’m growing 💚

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