The waves have been heavy, that's for sure. Both with direct election stress, but also all the currents underneath I can feel. In our own selves and the collective.

There's so much left over from 2016 election-wise. I was so excited then, so ready, and then so crushed. I'm doing my best to stay even keel, to process my fears, and even more so, access my joy and hope and celebration. That last bit actually feels the hardest and the scariest. The let down in 2016 was so rough, I've barely let myself even dare to hope this time around. But I want to. I don't want to dim the possibility, the beauty, the hope, whether it plays out this time around or another spiral in the future, it's coming and it's safe to feel the joy and celebration of that.

There's also much coming to the surface in my own world around money, stability, work, and sexuality. Stepping into my own power, my own self-generative capacity, my own responsibility of myself, to myself. It's taken me many years to fully learn how to care for myself emotionally and energetically, to know that even while I lean on others and receive support, I've got me. And it feels like I'm moving into a new phase of learning how to do that on the physical, very tangible plane now too. A larger movement over the coming months and years, but one that's necessary and timely. Self-ownership and self-claiming in body, in action, in physical. I'm here for it for myself and I want it for all of us. Embodiment of all the things you listed. May it be so.

Excited to see many of you on the call today <3

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All beautiful, thank you, Helen.

Yes, I get that whole want to feel excited and hopeful and yet scared to embrace it due to 2016 and all that followed.

Excited to see you to

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I'm over across the Atlantic sick with anticipation. Om 2016 I was overly confident and still wasn't a fan of Pansuit nation, but I did my part and voted Blue. Now it feels like a hopeless cause taking into consideration tech advancements, foreign influences and voter fraud possibilities. And this isn't just an important election for Americans, the entire world is watching and waiting.

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I hear all of this. I am hopeful and excited and scared to feel hopeful and excited. :)

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I am actually okay. I am confident we will finally have a woman president. I know there will be lawsuits and claims as last time but in the end I am sure we will have Kamala Harris at the helm. I am some concerned about the house and senate because without that she won’t be able to do much. We need majorities and for democrats to finally play hardball. I plan on spending tomorrow holding everyone in my heart and vibrating for a positive outcome for democracy.

On the personal side as people discussed today my body is going through some crazy times and has done so since last year. Chronic things showing themselves and I am just like WTF?

And I am looking around getting tired of hypocrisy and closed minds so am going to be more vocal about it. 😀 No F’s to give anymore. 😆

Love to you and Jon and the fur kids.

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I love you right back

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