I am So Over Pluto Retrograding Through Capricorn Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread
How are you??
The Pleiadians had a lot to say about Pluto retrograde in Capricorn during our Equinox event and how it’s bringing us all 2008 vibes or at least echoes of 2008. Pluto made its way from Sagittarius to Capricorn on January 27th, 2008 for the first time in 248 years. The capitalistic free-for-all came to a screeching halt for many as banks fell, investment firms folded, insurance companies went under, and everyday humans lost most of their savings and their homes.
“Too big to fail” became the mantra as the biggies got corporate welfare and the rest of us got very little to nothing. Trickle-down economics once again participating in the excesses of greed for a small percentage and suffering for the masses. No one seeming to get that the actual “too big” should have been all of us collectively.
Pluto will go direct on October 11th remaining in Capricorn until January 20th, 2024 when it moves forward into Aquarius. It’ll move back into Capricorn for a brief stint again from September 1st, 2024 through November 19th, 2024 (just enough time to really throw some fuel on what is already shaping up to be an intense election cycle in the U.S.), and then will FINALLY settle into Aquarius from November 19th, 2024 through March 8th, 2043. This Aquarian Sun being is happy about this.
We will see the end of the era of the Plutocrats (beings whose power derives from their wealth) as there is no other sign that supports them the most than Capricorn. I would say the sign that supports them the least is Aquarius, so the opportunities for shifts in power where this is concerned are huge.
But right now, it’s looking like the wealth hoarders are winning and the rest of us are screwed. 2008 vibes, as I said.
Hang in there, it’s just an echo and not a replay (but it may feel like a replay for just a little bit more).
We had a lovely Equinox doubleheader with our event on Thursday and a Reiki Share on Saturday. Both were filled with so much love, I am still using that as my vibe focus instead of 2008. And when the 2008 vibes creep in, I let myself feel whatever anxiety or fear gets activated, and then jump back into the love.
How are you? Drop me a comment and let me know :)
And the upside to Pluto retrograding through Cap prior to its big move into Aquarius, the plutocrats begin to fall. Trump today being exposed as the conman he always has been. One of the reasons he amassed the power he did was due to his supposed wealth.
I love words.. and sometimes a big DUH hits me. Plutocracy!!! Wow.
Strangely or perhaps not strange, I have witnessed personally that when the wealth hoarders are in full combat mode, I benefit. I am called to do FOAL because of course im anxious and then almost immediately due to some loophole or quirky reason I benefit and actually get money or get released from some debt. There truly is magic in the FOAL love and then excitement to watch what unimagined infinate possibilities come.
I saw Barbie again last night. Kenough... on Ken's cottoncandy coloured sweatshirt at the end was fantastic. I am finding myself relaxed and loving lately into the knowledge that I am enough. I am love incarnate, I NEED do no more. Which of course has me enjoying life and being nicer and more loving. Today I'm still in this space. Thank you Nora and this community.