Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

The last year has been one rough thing after another, all of which involved hemorrhaging my finances. I realized last week when I really let myself check in (FOAL) that I was “overwhelmed”. No other explanation or guidance, just overwhelmed. Past me would have jumped into warrior mode and said that was unacceptable. But now me felt better to have a “diagnosis” and just accept and love myself in this moment. Part of the overwhelm has come from having to move two times in eight months. This last time I moved significantly closer to work, but I’m also right in the thick of the energetics of Las Vegas city. I have not had the energy to unpack consistently in the new location. And at the same time I am tired of living in box land. However, admitting to a couple of good friends that I’m just overwhelmed and need help unpacking has resulted in them coming over for a few hours on Sundays to help me. In the last two weeks we’ve made great strides. And no one has said “hey Kelli get it together.” More like “when YOU reach out for help, we know it’s important.” In general these days things fall into place, but then other things fall apart. It’s- overwhelming. Lol. I do focus every night on the good however. Love to you and the community.

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Thank you so much for your beautiful, vulnerable, and brave share. That asking for help thing is powerful magic and so hard for so many of us. My love to you.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I love words.. and sometimes a big DUH hits me. Plutocracy!!! Wow.

Strangely or perhaps not strange, I have witnessed personally that when the wealth hoarders are in full combat mode, I benefit. I am called to do FOAL because of course im anxious and then almost immediately due to some loophole or quirky reason I benefit and actually get money or get released from some debt. There truly is magic in the FOAL love and then excitement to watch what unimagined infinate possibilities come.

I saw Barbie again last night. Kenough... on Ken's cottoncandy coloured sweatshirt at the end was fantastic. I am finding myself relaxed and loving lately into the knowledge that I am enough. I am love incarnate, I NEED do no more. Which of course has me enjoying life and being nicer and more loving. Today I'm still in this space. Thank you Nora and this community.

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Beautiful, thank you, Susan. I love you.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Thank YOU Nora

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I love this Susan!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

The Equinox event and Reiki share were both wonderful and incredibly helpful. Thank you and Jon and everyone. And I don't mind saying I needed it all given that it really does feel like the people are getting crapped all over. Money is definitely coming up a lot as I seem to be continuing down the path I have been on of lack and scarcity and debt. I am really working on (and have been for years) my mindset so I am hopeful it all turns around and the new Aquarian age will really help things move faster. For now working on not letting the fear seep in and being present with all that is.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

You ARE definitely on the path of all this anxiety transmuting. Love to you.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Susan, thank you! Love to you as well!

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Thank you, Vicki, so glad to hear you felt supported. Sending you much love.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I definitely did, a wonderful safe supported place. Sending you love!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Oh - wow! There's so much to say. 1st thing I have to say is we just submitted the grant (over $55M in homeless funding) a bit over an hour ago) & holy fucking cow I just want to crawl in bed for a week - or anything but work really. I"m going to dream a bit about what my upcoming time off will look like.

I don't remember what our lives were like financially in 2008, although I know I wasn't working and $$ was much tighter and we had 3 kids 8 and under. We had dreams then of moving to a better suited house for our family . . . that happened 10 years later. For me, right now the money stuff has to do with . . . oh, what did Susan say so beautifully - "knowledge that I'm enough. I am love incarnate and I NEED do no more". It has to do with having the money flow in without feeling like a martyr . . . and without believing that the martyr state is what allows/enables the flow. Also, re: Pluto retrograde - I bought a book a couple of months back called "Give People Money" by Annie Lowrey . . . it's on universal basic income. Didn't read it yet, of course, but there's gotta be a better way and I look forward to reading what she says.

Last week's equinox event and the Reiki share were such loving and stabilizing forces for me. The process that the P's ran for the equinox was powerful. I think I shall go back to that many times! Thanks to you and Jon for hosting and thank you for the time & space here . . . and thanks to all of the community here - for your shares and well for just being/sharing this time/space reality. Much love!

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Thank you so much, Shannon. I so appreciate you and your beautiful shares as well. Universal Basic Income, I am all for that one as well. Sending you big love.

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Hi gang. I’m new here 👋🏻 Happy to found people speaking my language on substack ✅

I’ve been delivered some blows leftover from attempts of dismantling the patriarchy lately, and anxious to move past this cycle. I feel these general themes threatening natural evolution will slowly fade away being replaced by more progressive Aqua energy, though this coming year starts to feel full of obstacles. With many global affairs sitting on already thin ice, perhaps our best virtue to cultivate right now is patience? Followed by, equally important, compassion.

I’m also catching repeats of 2015 vibes, where lessons I did wrong then I’m getting a do-over now. Though this isn’t Pluto’s influence.

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Welcome, Audra! So glad to have you joining us :)

Yeah, the Venus Retro in Leo happened last in 2015 and there have been some correlations for me as well back to that period of time.

Love your take, feels spot in. Sending you love.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Author

And the upside to Pluto retrograding through Cap prior to its big move into Aquarius, the plutocrats begin to fall. Trump today being exposed as the conman he always has been. One of the reasons he amassed the power he did was due to his supposed wealth.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Hi! I’m new here. What’s FOAL?

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Hi Alexandra - Welcome :)

What is F.O.A.L.?

Feel - your emotions fully and without judgment.

Observe - yourself as you feel fully which activates your 5D consciousness from within.

Accept - yourself exactly as you are in the moment of this feeling state.

Love - which activates an automatic transmission of unconditional love that transmutes any deeply held traumas sitting in any moment of time and space.

Full article on it here: https://noraherold.substack.com/p/f-o-a-l-the-pleiadians-31146d6dc451

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you so much! I will check it out! 💕

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