While sitting in our living room with the dogs watching The Bear the other night I suddenly had the strongest sense that I had been in this moment before. It was more than a déjà vu, it was the memory of a dream I had a couple of years before, one I had forgotten until I found myself in the waking reality of it.
I’d been dreaming on and off about being in Chicago for the past two years. I thought I was having the dreams due to watching The Bear which premiered in June of 2022. For the first time since leaving in 2004, I started to feel nostalgic about Chicago.
The dreams increased.
“Of course I am dreaming about it, I’ve got Chicago etched on my brain,” I said to myself after powering through season two of The Bear in the summer of 2023 and then binging Shameless through the early fall, not so much for the show but the setting. Let me tell you, watching 134 episodes of a show you don’t love just to put yourself somewhere is a weird move, yet it’s one I committed to.
Not long after that Chicago became more than a nostalgic memory, it became a distinct possibility.
And here I am, experiencing many of my dream moments in waking reality, some remembered (like driving and then wandering through Logan Square which happened a couple of weeks ago) and some, like the one mentioned above, only rising to the surface of my consciousness as the moment plays out.
Which is it, did my nostalgia for it create our move here or did I start dreaming about it as a precognitive experience? I don’t think it’s an “either/or” but a “yes and…..”. It’s both a dream and a psychic intuit, each weaving into the other and building into something that continues to grow and evolve.
Neptune will move retrograde tomorrow, July 2nd, in its home sign of Pisces. Saturn turned retrograde in Pisces on Saturday, and Pluto continues its retrograde journey through Aquarius, a turn it made on May 2nd.
Dreams, internal reflections, our paths, identities, and all that have made us who we are are highlighted right now. I am going to be paying even more attention to my dreams as a marker for what is possible as well as a realm for creation. We play in the dream state in ways we can not when fully awake and yet that play seeps into our waking minds opening doors we thought were closed or ones we did not even know existed.
Discernment is the mental/emotional work in the light of day, and I certainly don’t always get these things right. Just yesterday morning I pulled a tarot card on whether or not to check out a different coffee roaster than the one I have been buying from (a reading on something like this is often very accurate since I have zero attachments to the answer received).
I got the Five of Wands (meaning some kind of conflict), which seemed strange as this roaster gets excellent reviews online and their beans are readily available at the cafe a block from the Roger’s Park Sunday Farmers’ Market I was about to head off to.
“Okay, fine,” I have learned the hard way when using my deck for this purpose not to fuck with the answers I get, even when they do not make sense. Turns out there was no Farmers’ Market this Sunday, there was an annual Pride Event in the same location instead.
Ah, I see. This is the conflict I was trying to tell myself about via the use of my deck. This is sometimes how divination works. I ask a question about something and receive an answer about something else. Working with the tarot is as layered as dreaming our realities into being is.
I dreamed the other night that someone was asking me how the channeling class I had not yet even scheduled went. “What is she talking about?” my dream-self thought. I suddenly remotely viewed it (ie: moved into the future moment at the end of the class), saw the many people attending and their experience of it, and reported that it was going to be/had been a great success. The person asking me about it knew the class had already happened and the me in the dream knew nothing about it. She and I seemed to be on completely different timelines. (Looks like I’ll be scheduling some channeling classes. Stay tuned.)
Pisces is a mutable sign. With Saturn and Neptune both retrograde there, being flexible and open to changing timelines will be key. Reality may feel more dreamlike for the next few months, and while this can open up amazing potentials it also can be easy to float away. Being grounded and taking focused actions as much as possible will be of benefit along with self-care, time in the water, and working with the water in our bodies, the biggest physical conduit of love we have.
How are you? Please let me know in the comment section below.
Jon and I will be teaching a Reiki I Class online on Saturday, June 13th. This will probably be the only Reiki I Class we teach online this year. You can find out more and register on my site here
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A different timeline, Now the death of America as we know/knew it. Supreme Court Immunity Ruling. It’s not complete immunity, however, the ruling is confusing, obfuscating and goes against our own constitution. And the other Supreme Court Rulings are unbelievable. However, I believe we’ll overpower these criminals because we stand on the side of justice. My call to action: Write encouraging emails to every Dem. Senator (especially but also Reps) that is running - regardless of what state they are from. I can’t leave them to cope (alone) with this crappy energy and never-ending lie-filled news cycle. They bought Congress the court & the media but they can’t buy ME. WINNING THE SENATE IS VERY IMPORTANT. I am so upset. Yes, I hold love and light as the place I work with, and I intend to have my energy field of clear and full of Love and Light. Here we are. I definitely feel as if I awoke to a different timeline.
I have been having some deja vu lately and most likely timeline shifting. I have been struggling so much with the politics and the court. Along with businesses doing things like ending carbon emissions goals, ending DEI, specifically calling our Pride in their list of events they won't support and playing the Veteran card. (which really gets me steamed as they use Veterans to suit their needs when real Veterans like my husband are upset at the crap they are doing) But I am really letting it get me more upset that I need to be and I am working on feeling better and doing positive things I can do to help and not getting pulled down to far, but dern it is all upsetting. I am going to order a cool Dark Brandon shirt and wear it proudly, leave my rainbow flag up for a while, send emails and letters and keep posting more than usual on FB and things like that. Working on my health still so I can get more of a handle on my migraines, so many doctor appointments this month as well as starting physical therapy for my hip etc which I was putting off. Really trying to maintain a vibration that is consistent with helping the planet instead of playing into the fear. Glad to hear you are enjoying Chicago! Love to you and Jon and the furbabies.