I seriously felt like I awoke in a different timeline last week. I feel the shifting timelines - back and forth. It’s unsettling for sure but I am keeping the Equanimity focus in front of mind to stay grounded. I appreciate you!

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Ah yes. I know this feeling as well. Yep being grounded and releasing control or trying to "figure it all out" mentally helps me as well. Sending you love.

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I picked up my keyring last week to unlock the front door, it hangs on the back of the fan. On the keyring I found a camping can opener that wasn't there before. It wasn't new, it looks well worn. I asked M about it, but he shook his head. Must be a timeline jump, I said.

Here we're prepping for the first hurricane of the season on the Atlantic side, and my head feel like it's got a cleaver in it. Ugh. The final rehersal before the season that is forecast to be intense kicks in.

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Those physical manifestations of timeline jumps are pure magic.

Sending you love as you enter this hurricane season. I have been reading about it.

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Hi Nora!

Is it possible to know or feel the timeline shift happening? Because I have felt like I am shifting timelines a lot of times. Sometimes it feels like a jerk as if I’ve been thrown into this reality at that very moment and it takes me a second or two to remember myself and where I am and the other times, it’s just a sense of knowing. Also, I have been meaning to know more about channeling and here you are! Are the classes for beginners as well?

Sending you love.

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Yes, I have had awareness of shifting timelines just as you described.

And yes, I will be offering a Level I Channeling Class in the fall :)

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A different timeline, Now the death of America as we know/knew it. Supreme Court Immunity Ruling. It’s not complete immunity, however, the ruling is confusing, obfuscating and goes against our own constitution. And the other Supreme Court Rulings are unbelievable. However, I believe we’ll overpower these criminals because we stand on the side of justice. My call to action: Write encouraging emails to every Dem. Senator (especially but also Reps) that is running - regardless of what state they are from. I can’t leave them to cope (alone) with this crappy energy and never-ending lie-filled news cycle. They bought Congress the court & the media but they can’t buy ME. WINNING THE SENATE IS VERY IMPORTANT. I am so upset. Yes, I hold love and light as the place I work with, and I intend to have my energy field of clear and full of Love and Light. Here we are. I definitely feel as if I awoke to a different timeline.

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Yeah I had a paragraph about the Supreme Court and their disastrous rulings from last week in this piece and then took it out as the piece was meandering and getting too long. Thanks for all of your attention and love on this.

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Hi Nora, I love this as it is so clearly how we operate as multi-dimensional beings. Dreams and dreamwork have always been such a fantastic and helpful part of my life. Trying to stay in my body as my different aspects of self are creating a new reality. A re-birth so to speak but also a culmination time.

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I have been having some deja vu lately and most likely timeline shifting. I have been struggling so much with the politics and the court. Along with businesses doing things like ending carbon emissions goals, ending DEI, specifically calling our Pride in their list of events they won't support and playing the Veteran card. (which really gets me steamed as they use Veterans to suit their needs when real Veterans like my husband are upset at the crap they are doing) But I am really letting it get me more upset that I need to be and I am working on feeling better and doing positive things I can do to help and not getting pulled down to far, but dern it is all upsetting. I am going to order a cool Dark Brandon shirt and wear it proudly, leave my rainbow flag up for a while, send emails and letters and keep posting more than usual on FB and things like that. Working on my health still so I can get more of a handle on my migraines, so many doctor appointments this month as well as starting physical therapy for my hip etc which I was putting off. Really trying to maintain a vibration that is consistent with helping the planet instead of playing into the fear. Glad to hear you are enjoying Chicago! Love to you and Jon and the furbabies.

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Love right back.

This is the work alright "But I am really letting it get me more upset that I need to be and I am working on feeling better and doing positive things I can do to help and not getting pulled down to far, but dern it is all upsetting."

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Thank you Nora. That I know I haven't been dreaming about changing jobs. Perhaps divination would help. I have no experience with that. I've been traveling on my motorcycle for over a week. It's been beautiful. Central/Eastern Oregon is magnificent. I had a rather unpleasant experience at work before I left and it has me seriously considering a change, though I have no idea to what. I was seriously bummed but a lot of that energy has dissipated. I'll look for your channeling class updates. Have a Gorgeous Week!

❤️ Nathaniel

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So sorry you had that experience.

Love that you're healing as you travel.

Sending you love and wishes for the same.

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Love to read you writing about dreams! Can’t get enough on that subject. I chose to build that into my business name (Dreaming Tree Healing) so I would attract clients who were interested in their dreams/subconscious/ spirit / dreamland rather than just consensus reality, and can confirm it is working!

I think I have jumped timelines/shifted into a parallel reality where I’m out of hibernation and interacting with the outside world again - because of my health I can’t attend anything in the evenings but I managed to find a book club that meets Monday mornings and a pottery class Monday afternoons, so took a day off work to do both of those things yesterday and it was fabulous! I reckon my spirit guides have been trying to get me to do that for a long time so they will be happy! haha

Writing about this reminds me of a dream I had probably 18 months ago of a polar bear emerging from a cave…. it felt mysterious at the time but now I’m feeling more like that polar bear….

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Amazing! So wonderful to read all of this from you.

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That’s fascinating to catch your dreams coinciding with your waking life!

“We play in the dream state in ways we can not when fully awake and yet that play seeps into our waking minds opening doors we thought were closed or ones we did not even know existed.” . . . Again, here’s to fun & play!

I feel like this past week away has brought me back to a different place. We’ll see what it turns out to be. Glad to be here- wherever it is. Will be interesting to see how this watery-ness plays out with our “big show” time . . . The busy grant season for which the word imminent was used today. At some point, you gotta just laugh at it all (but not in certain company) and do your best to love yourself through it. Didn’t do great with that last week, but today is a new day & month & opportunity. Thank you, Nora - lots of love to you & everyone here ❤️❤️❤️

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Wishing you so much joy and ease as you swim through this annual event, Shannon. Love right back to you.

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I've been struggling to remain positive since Friday. I haven't been this impacted by collective stuff in a long time, but the panic over the debate and these Supreme Court rulings has me swamped. Trying to hold the vision and hold the space for something better. One of my main concerns is my son's safety as a trans person. I had an in depth conversation about this with my guides and was assured that he will remain safe no matter how impossible that might seem to be. They also reminded me of the way my family was absolutely thriving in the midst of the worst parts of the pandemic, and said this pattern would continue; that I should not let myself get too worried about what was happening in the world around me because something entirely different would be happening in our little bubble. Given the last few months and the way my guides have walked me step by step through a series of miracles into creating a new life for myself, it's easier to trust.

Yesterday I received the login link for my summer support bridge program because my year long intensive doesn't start till November. I love how just as I'm struggling to to hold the vision, a new layer of support drops into my lap, and it's in the form of building my future and serving others. I'm so grateful to the version of me who worked so hard exactly 4 weeks ago (and since March) to make this program a reality. Her hard work is benefitting me just as I really need it. And so I go, onward and upward.

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Holding that vision and intention of safety for you all and everyone else on this world.

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