If you found yourself in the doldrums yesterday, the day before, or at some point in your recent history, it may have been due to the shadow-lengthening aspect of “The Return of the Light” of Imbolc, celebrated today and tomorrow, February 1st and 2nd.
Yesterday I had so many plans upon waking for my week of fun and instead found myself trapped in the density of the energy for most of the day, feeling like an utter failure, as if no one cares what I have to say, and at a complete loss as to how to move forward in our lives. It’s a particular kind of paralysis that is triggered by feeling overwhelmed.
I kept asking Jon to give me space so as not to dump all over him, and he kept not listening to me.
“Do you want a fight? Because you’re trying with all of your might to make one happen right now!” I finally said when he would not let me be so I could regulate my emotions and energy.
“Sure, let’s fight!” was his reply.
I told him to GTFO of my office and thankfully he complied. I really did not want to fight.
At some point last night, I started feeling lighter. This was after I hosted a check-in thread over on Facebook. So many people feel as if they are just hanging by a thread right now, and yet we all just keep going, pushing harder and harder to survive this reality that has become untenable in so many ways.
It always helps me to know that I am not alone in what I am feeling.
Today I woke to Imbolc, after a solid downpour last night which cleared away most of the gunk. Tomorrow it is predicted to be sunny and bright here all day long.
Imbolc is the pagan high holiday that sits midway between the Solstice and the Equinox. Imbolc honors Brigid, the goddess of fertility, life, and communication, and celebrates the beginning of spring. Brigid is a lover of animals and a supporter of writers. She’s a favorite of mine to call upon and an energy I often invite to work through me. Imbolc is an excellent time to plant seeds, both literally and metaphorically. Yesterday’s drek was old, dead stuff, looking to leave.
Brigid is the cauldron with the fire beneath it, creating and sharing with the world.
From Ursula during last week’s transmission. Thank you to
for your transcription work. I did not know the above about the cauldron and the fire when it came through me.
”Imagine your yin right now is this massive cauldron of energy in your body, just gently simmering lit by the fire of your yang beneath it, the cauldron and the fire, yin and yang working in concert, as one. So the energy of Imbolc really celebrates this cauldron-like experience of the yin, lit and supported by the yang, which then, of course, allows the yang to take directed action once the energy is set. You set the energy in your cauldron with the help of the yang and then you take steps using your yang as you settle back into your cauldron of the yin and receive. “
There is often a need to clear out the old to make way for the new and shiny, for the upgraded versions of ourselves. If you’ve been down the past few days, you were simply sorting through your old scripts to discard and make way for the new ones now that Imbolc has arrived.
Happy Imbolc to you all!
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I really felt it very, very strongly. I started calm, I ended up screaming, ready just to give up and stop everything. I wanted out. I felt like all of this is just a joke and so much disrespecful. It all felt like not real, not correct, like everything ought to be different, but stuck in this joke. This ought to be very different and I am witnessing abusers having so much wins and becoming richer by the hour. I felt really offended and angry.
On top of all this, my husband's mother is getting worse by the day and has decided to let go. She's stopped fighting, doesn't want to leave her bed. She's now in a home medicalized. Now we have to wait for the unavoidable. It's going so fast and faster. And it makes me sad.
Am I crying for her situation because I know I will. not feel as sad for my own parents? I don't know and will only know when it happens to them.
Thank you for sharing. I felt "guilty". I now understand how it has been collective outburst of old things. I also feel it was necessary to say out aloud: THIS IS NOT OK collective, and you know it!
Thank you for sharing Nora, I too have been overwhelmed and frozen the last two days, and woke up in the middle of the night with so much burning pain in my feet I made a sobbing prayer to God to help me and pretty much immediately my little fur baby who has been ignoring me lately jumped on my chest to purr and cuddled with me all night long so that I could get back to sleep! Bless that little rascal!!
And Nora there have been times where I have been in AWE of what you have to say, and I think your facilitation skills are just masterful. The way you are able to respond to people’s deepest pain with so much acceptance and presence I literally have thought that many of my therapist/healer colleagues could take a note from your book! I am also very inspired by your blog, and find it is the most authentic writing that shows up in my inbox. There is so much power in our authenticity!
Big big love to you Nora! 💝💝💝