Jan 2Liked by Nora Herold

I found this post to be VERY funny! Thank you for that. I feel like I am living in a lucid dream. It's only 7 pm and I announced to Michael and grand dog, I'm going to bed. Clean crisp sheets, ahhhh. Today we went to our annual new year's day event, the hypnotic, trance enducing Pueblo winter corn dance. 2 hours sitting in the 30 degree cloudy day, witnessing 150 or so men women and children scantily dressed dancers, drummers and a " choir" of elder men perform the ritual corn dance. The viewers wrapped in bright patterned blankets on the peripheral of the dirt " square ". Sitting in front of their very humble mud houses, all generations of the non dancing family that live inside, witnessing the ceremonial dance with emotionless expressions. The dancers with stoic faces holding pine boughs, bare chested men and boys with fox hides hanging from their bright colored cloth belts, feathers atop their heads with below waist long hair continual chanting chanting, no breaks. Women with black sleeveless smocks adorned with very bright colored belts...green headresses adorned with feathers. Evevery one with calf high deer skin moccasins of all colors. Today we left , very exhausted with cold yet in a trance like dreamy state. No sense of time, is it 1824 or 2024, were we there 10 hours or 2? Very surreal. I'm in bed now still hearing the drumming and chanting, peacefully floating in a timeless space. I like your intention of positivity. Thank you for that. Love to you.

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Wow, gorgeous and magical. Thank you for sharing.

I am glad you laughed through my post. I laughed through it as I wrote it and Jon laughed through it as he proofread it.

Happy New Year and so much love in return to you.

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Jan 2Liked by Nora Herold

I could hear you laughing!

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Jan 3Liked by Nora Herold

I love your positive January plan and the idea of the jar to put money in when you go outside of that! :) I bet it will be fun in your house this month as I love snark and laughs and all that.

I am so sorry about the rat winning. I was hoping it would be gone by now. Your dogs sound like mine and my cats too. Just letting the critters do what they want. :)

I have been quiet lately, while I hate to delve into negativity but my migraines have been out of control since right before xmas. I have no idea what is up but I haven't had them like this in forever and ever. The meds aren't getting rid of them and I am honestly miserable. I am hoping I am coming out of them though.

Lots of things I want to get started this year and I am just putting off things as I can't function well yet. But I did go through some clothes and am getting rid of a lot of stuff and also found a place to donate where they recycle them as well so I feel good about that.

Thinking a lot about my life and life in general and my journey.

Thanks for sharing your stories!

Love you and Jon and the furbabies!

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Sending you my love, Vicki, and wishes for ease and joy

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Jan 3Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you!

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Jan 4Liked by Nora Herold

vicki, I'm so sorry about your migraines. I send you love.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Thanks so much Susan! 💜

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Jan 3Liked by Nora Herold


I was GREAT on January 1st! It was a really good day, and yesterday was too. I'm so looking forward to this 3rd day of the new year! I've been watching the low clouds this morning from the front windows of my Meiners Oaks home. They've been swirling, twisting, uplifting, and just presenting fabulous views that have made my mind DANCE!!!

I enjoyed reading your piece while downing my coffee with a couple of the homemade persimmon cookies my wife lovingly made for me.

Have a Goodie!

-- Drew

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Happy New Year and thank you, Drew!

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Nora Herold

I was thinking about this. It is obvious that the message is: "ok, you're done, move, next". A door closes others are opening or will be opened. Right?

You'd think, great, it's ok, don't fear, it's alright.

Insert laughs.

We are expecting from ourselves to be instantly on board with "creation" and the "reason" why things happen.

But constantly forget that we are not here to avoid human and human's reactions/emotions. I am more and more made aware of how much all that is happening, is me fearing the journey and not accepting the timing of it.

The other day I realized that, that has been my 2023 (not only obviously, many other things happened) 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days, it has been the real constant, at the same time I was told that the timing of things is the timing of things and that they are going to happen at the right moment. Maybe the fear is me knowing the time is not right and fighting it.

I will not fall for it, I know what not to do, I swear I know and will not do it... Until I realize I did it.

And I realize that I can be angry about it, or I can chose to accept it as part of the meaning of being human. I don't like it, I certainly don't, but maybe it's time to stop fighting the useless fight.

Let's give ourselves grace for being humans and experiencing the human staff.

Our fifth dimensional self is not going to abandon us for being what we're designed to be.

I've discovered more indoctrination, more believes, more ways I have been made to fight against myself. Whether I like it or not, those are there and only by facing them, I am able to perceive and initiate the necessary change.

In the end we always find our way.

In a different note, I've started to really let sink in the joy message from Ursula and the faeries, and I started dancing, with the faeries, with the moon, with the lake. It's pure joy.

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Beautiful, Max. Yes this is the journey for me as well. Up and out and back in, accepting me as I am.

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