On Wednesday of last week, Jon took the pack to their favorite trail. It’s a magical wonder of creeks and streams and flowers and green, so much green, up the side of one of the mountains that ring this valley. They have not been there for a few months due to weather and mudslides and just busyness. It’s a longer adventure than their usual riverbottom scamper.
On Thursday I noticed that Zoey had some redness and inflammation right underneath her nostrils that seemed to appear out of nowhere. One of my biggest fears about this move has been that for some reason Zoey would not make it to Chicago. Born just three blocks from our home our valley is populated with her relatives, many of whom she has known and played with during her almost eleven years in this world. We’ve known her since right before her arrival when we noticed her mama dog, Lola, was pregnant.
Side note: Lola was also the name of the puppy that came to live at the apartment on Oakley Ave, ten years before Zoey would be born. Our friends adopted her and we had the good fortune to spend many wonderful moments with that sweet little being, including puppysitting her when they took a trip to L.A. our last summer in that building.
I’m writing this piece on late Sunday afternoon, post our all-weekend long driveway sale where some of our furniture left as well. The house echoes right now. So, I can’t tell you in this moment what’s going on with her as our vet appointment is tomorrow (Monday) morning.
What I can tell you is that since noticing it I have been practicing my advice which is to let myself have what feelings I am having about this and then activate the vibration of joy in my second energy center to facilitate my coming into balance and managing my emotional state more smoothly. (I am working on replacing the word “chakra” with other words so as not to culturally appropriate).
So far so good, with not just Zoey’s nose but with everything going on right now, including something that could enrage me if I let it, but I won’t. I’m just feeling the appropriate anger when necessary and again using the technique above so as not to wallow or create something worse.
We have been experiencing the magic of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus in numerous ways for a couple of weeks. Faerie godmothers have shown up for us in many forms and we did some faerie godmothering for others. I noticed the unconditional flow of love and energy quite strongly this weekend as I would receive fully without holding on and then almost immediately turn and allow the flow to move through me to another in the exact form that was needed at the moment.
Uplifted by another enabling uplifting of another and so on and so on and so on and on and on into infinity.
The exchange of love and energy always the same, and yet unquantifiable, the physical manifestation of it always different, each being giving exactly what was appropriate in the moment from a meal to funny stories to hugs to money to physical gifts to the lending of items to sage advice.
So simple.
The moon will be full in Scorpio at 4:49pm Pacific Time tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd and Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, April 24th. Emotions could be heightened, so again, practicing all of the above is what I’ll be working on. Also, the Uranus Jupiter conjunction energy will continue to be felt through mid-May. Enjoy the sudden magic and miracles and all of the good fortune.
How are you?? Please let me know in the comments below.
P.S. Zoey is fine. I noticed this morning (now Monday) that her nose was already looking better. I think she just wanted to see her vet one last time before we left. He gave her a thorough exam and proclaimed her healthy.
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Thank you for your article and your check in. I’m glad Zoey is well! It’s so nice to feel the exchange of love and the fairy godmother energies. I hope things go smoothly for you as you get closer to your move date.
I am unfortunately sick with some sort of sinus infection or something. My husband got his normal allergy issues this time of year, but apparently it was more than just allergies and he passed it on to me. I never get sick so it’s really weird. I think I’ve only been sick twice recently, once in 2017 and once in 2020. So I’m trying not to beat myself up for not taking more care with measures to protect myself against his germs. And because I believe my new migraine medicine is the reason why I caught it when I normally wouldn’t. Both things I would normally blame on myself, and I’m working on that. And not to write a book, but the craziest thing happened my husband bought some Tylenol, cold and flu for when he was sick. I don’t usually take that sort of stuf, and it’s generally the natural stuff that I take, or children’s stuff that doesn’t have any added dyes or anything. But he was telling me how it helped him so I ended up taking some yesterday and ended up in the emergency room. My whole body turned red and burning and itching. It was nuts! I haven’t been to the ER since I was 14 and I’ve been there twice since January once for my migraine and once for this. I don’t know what the heck is going on. Anyway, all that happened, and I’m miserable today because it seems like this is the worst day so far. And of course migraines come when I have a cold or sinus infection so I’m dealing with that as well. While I was at the ER, they took all of the tests for flu and Covid and everything which all were negative so that was a positive thing out of the visit. I had already taken a home test, but it was double confirmation. Yay!
But overall, we actually have a nice day today which I am loving. I have some windows open. I have one tulip that the deer did not eat popping up and I’m hoping they at least let it bloom. 🌞🤣
I’ve been thinking about you all and your upcoming move. I definitely know how hard moving across country can be. But it sounds like you’ve got awesome plans with stopping in New Mexico and that it will be a pretty fun move.
Lots of love to you and Jon and the fur babies.💜🩷
Yay Zoey! Are you feeling some excitement about moving? Echoey house must feel odd. ❤️ This was indeed a powerful weekend filled with transformation, love and remembering who I Am. I missed an important medical appt today and was quite upset at myself. I called a beloved teacher and learned it was because I'm not ready to go to the surgeon, I had other healing to do first. And they might not be the right Dr. Living moment to moment in this now, releasing and next! Lots of love and peace to you John and the pups.