Mercury goes direct on the 14th or 15th this week depending on where you’re getting your information/where you live/what time zone you’re in which is so classic Merc Retro that’s all I am going to say about this.
The one-two Venus/Mercury Retro has been a whopper for me, and yes, Venus has returned to direct station, yet she is still in the shadow phase so the effects of her transit are still being felt. I feel completely turned inside out and exposed. I’m not complaining, but it does take some getting used to walking around with even more of me exposed than usual especially while living in a small town. Excuse me while I try to tuck all of my memories and vulnerabilities back inside.
I am worrying about money. Again. And all I want to say about this is, “Fuck this shit”.
When I meet the inventor of this reality, if I ever do, and no it’s not just me cause I would have never made my world one where I needed to work/have money to fulfill basic primary needs or anything for that matter, I am going to give them a stern talking to as in sterner than stern, like the most epic yelling session ever, I’m looking at you Archangel Michael. Jon and I have a running bit where we like to blame stuff like this on Michael. It’s an inside joke between the three of us, and you needed to be there, and yet, I can’t remember the “there” because I am currently incarnate here, but Michael gets it.
Gentle, the Pleiadians said, slow and gentle right now. I’m trying. Here’s your reminder to give this a try yourself this week.
The Equinox is coming up on September 23rd. This feels like the beginning of a bigger change moment to me. Until then, I am going to continue to take things as they come, as slowly and gently as I can, without exerting force (this is a tall order for me).
Writing about Izzy and The Smurf last week triggered some grief. I am getting ready to write more about them and these stories will include their deaths. Izzy left us in October 2014 and The Smurf in late August 2019, right as the pandemic timeline began to unfold. I miss them. They are always with me, I know, and yet I miss their physical presence in my life, and no form of spirit connection can replace this piece.
Grief, it’s in the atmosphere right now and in the faces of many of you I am encountering. I am seeing an uptick of beings leaving this earthly reality at the moment. If you have recently (or not so recently) lost someone, I am so sorry for your loss.
Ursula just popped into my heart asking me to remind you all to call upon The Faeries when you feel the need. They are excellent at lightening any load. You don’t need to go to the forest to find them. They will come to you wherever you are. Although it is super fun to interact with them out in their natural element. Jon and I once had an elf walking alongside us in Door County, WI many moons ago. Three pairs of feet crunching in the fall leaves, only two of us human. He would stop every time we did and then start again as soon as we did as well. I asked him his name and we both said, Jon and I in tandem, “Schmelf!”
How are you today/this week? Please, leave me a comment below and let me know. For this week, there will be no weekly check-in thread on my chat. I am trying something new. It’s here instead.
A few weeks ago I contacted an old friend from our Vermont days. She is a book designer, consultant and well connected to many university presses as well as Library of congress. On a whim I asked her if she'd be my agent.. she replied, I'm not an agent, I said, well you are connected to all the acquisition editors... she said ok... today ( on the 1st try) looks like we have strong interest from a university press. As she was telling me this exciting news I looked up , I was in my sewing studio, and LOVE BIRD was there at that window!!!! I have not seen love bird for many months. She found me in my studio, a separate building, and she had to fly under an eave, into the tool shed part, where there is an interior window into the sewing part!! I smiled and watched her fly back out under the eave.
Now I will get an agreement written between myself and my new literary agent.
I guess I am ready for the world to see my book.
I have been very actively remembering, knowing, my wealth lives within, I have been intending that whatever I do will be done with ease and smiles. It feels good.
I am sorry for your losses and missing those beautiful kitties.
I love you Nora.
Hey. I’m here and it’s working. 💜💜💜
This Venus retro was intense for me. I’ve made the decision that my mom and I are moving to Ojai by spring. I have an Airbnb for Dec 27-Feb 1 on Creek Rd. My partner is going to remain with his job in Hawaii while I go back and forth for 2024. My mom and I both do not want to remain in Hawaii any more and we both want a different life style , with me doing Acupuncture again etc.
I’m headed To Glastonbury for two weeks on Wednesday with my writing school.
I’m uneasy, vulnerable, nothing feels familiar, everything is different, but I feel alive again.
I’m definitely asking the fairies to join me and assist me on this journey.