On the night of July 31st in the summer of 1997, my dear faerie friend Amy and I found ourselves at North Ave Beach in Chicago. It was hot and we were looking to cool down while still experiencing the outdoors.
We sat on a blanket on the beach facing the water hoping for a breeze. Before we knew it, we’d stripped off most of our clothing. I stuffed my car keys and license in the pocket of the shorts I was still wearing. We cast a spell, waving our hands over our other items rolled up in the blanket, disappearing them from view, and went for a magical swim.
It was otherworldly. We were with the merbeings that night in the cool lake water surrounded by other humans as well on the beach and in the gentle waves, there but not quite there with them. We had disappeared ourselves along with our belongings from this dimension and swam in the in-between.
We returned to our items on the beach, undisturbed and all there, and it was then that Amy yelled out to me, “It’s Lughnasadh Eve! No Wonder!” We were called to the magic before our waking consciousnesses even remembered the magic.
Midway between both the Solstice and the Equinox AND the Day out of Time and the 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal, Lughnasadh on August 1st celebrates the beginning of the harvest and heralds a time of prosperity and abundance as we reap that which we have sown. It is the counterbalance to the energies of Imbolc (Feb 1st and 2nd), and it is this time we look back to as we reflect on what seeds we have planted.
Ursula said this during our Imbolc transmission earlier this year:
”Imagine your yin right now is this massive cauldron of energy in your body, just gently simmering lit by the fire of your yang beneath it, the cauldron and the fire, yin and yang working in concert, as one. So the energy of Imbolc really celebrates this cauldron-like experience of the yin, lit and supported by the yang, which then, of course, allows the yang to take directed action once the energy is set. You set the energy in your cauldron with the help of the yang and then you take steps using your yang as you settle back into your cauldron of the yin and receive. “
Lughnasadh invites us to both receive what we began to create in the cauldron during Imbolc and take directed action as it flowers and blooms in our hands our lives our realities during Lughnasadh.
Speaking of flowers, the wildflowers and other blooming beauties are magnificent here in Chicago right now. I am constantly delighted by the colorful beings everywhere I go whether it’s outside of the city in the forest preserves filled with meadows dotted with wildflowers as far as the eye can see or right here in the city in the crafted gardens in front of so many homes, apartment buildings, and businesses. The intentional creation of this beauty and magic reverberates throughout the communities and within all of us who live in them.
My thanks to
for editing this video clip, “Pleiadian Perspective on Identity, Creative Expression, and the Power of Genuine Joy” from our Solstice transmission on June 20, 2024, and to for the transcription above from our “All Planets Direct, Sun & Pluto in Aquarius, Imbolc, and More” transmission on January 27, 2024.How are YOU??!! Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
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What a wonderful experience you had at the lake all those years ago!! I could stand a cool lake & some merbeings right about now. The hot flashes accompanied by the shingles-like symptoms have been kicking my butt these past couple of days.
I’ve done a bunch of planting this spring/ summer & most of it is doing well! That’s magical & beautiful and it’s fun watching everything grow.
For the physical, I made an appointment with a naturopath & practicing a daily well-being meditation. (Oof - so many words- maybe starting a blog should be on my list).
Wrapping up to say thank you, Nora, for your writing & sharing & for creating this space ❤️
I’ve been processing and purging another layer of my own grief onion from my medical career burnout - something cosmic helping to bring this to the surface the last few days I’m sure, and I’ve been feeling all the feelings! Deep pain, frustration, sadness, but also mixed in with moments of genuine lightness and hope I don’t think I’ve felt in over four years since it all collapsed. The movement feels right. Your blog and writing continue to inspire me, and I am playing with the idea of telling my own story (writing a book? starting my own blog?) both to help me feel witnessed in my experience (something that has been lacking) and also maybe help others suffering the effects of all the broken systems on the planet right now, and help them not internalize that… I feel like a tree that fell in the forest and no one was around to hear it, but my tree mattered! And now I want someone or many someone’s to hear it! … 🌳