Israel and Palestine
Holding peace in my heart for all beings there who desire it.
Pluto goes direct tomorrow, 10/10
The age of the Plutocrats’ rule is coming to an end. The patriarchal structures are falling. There are many more of us than there are those who wield money and terror as their control mechanisms.
Death to the Patriarchy and all of the suffering you have wrought.
I grieve for those dead, injured, missing, captured, homeless, hiding, in danger, and in need. Your suffering is my suffering. Your suffering is our suffering. We are One.
Fuck the monsters that want to burn it all down. Your time is done.
I am sad. I am enraged. I can not watch the videos or even read much of the accounts.
Reading about the assumed kidnapping of Vivian Silver by Hamas, a woman who spent decades supporting the Palestinians, did me in. She was last heard from as they were entering her home.
How are you today?
I am full of welled up tears. Both Michael and I noted that we are feeling a sense of looming.. of course with the nightmare in the middle east and Ukraine etc.. it's apparently easy to know where this feeling comes from. I pray for peace and NO MORE horrors, and I pray that good and love happens NOW. As I said this outloud Michael came back in the house to say there is a doe giving birth under the tree next to my studio.
To everyone everywhere I send love.
I ditto much of what’s been written here already. I arrived back from my vacation with my parents last week and the jet lag has been kicking my butt. My stomach is slowly coming back, but it’s been a much longer process than I expected. All around really sliggish and low energy. Then adding this collective pain on top, has just done me in.
And more than the pain for the atrocities themselves, I find myself going back and forth between hopeless that our world will ever change and that humans are doomed to repeat these cycles of trauma forever and ever and then rage and anger and this feeling of invisibility - wanting to scream and shake people awake and yet no one sees or hears me or changes. Then back to hopeless, then back to rage. Me in my own cycle between the two forever.