Saturn has gone direct in Pisces as of Saturday and it’s just the right amount of oomph for me. I was born with Saturn in Pisces, so I am right at home here which is a strange thing to find myself saying as I am still in the throes of processing the reality that we are losing our home of fourteen and a half years.
“No fault eviction” is a weird and somewhat embarrassing term to be applying to us and yet this is what is happening. And yeah, my anger about it is starting to creep in. Along with anger, Jon and I continue to swing between anxiety and grief and sometimes excitement about what lies ahead.
We taught a Reiki II class this weekend and it was a total love and healing fest. We are so grateful to all of you who attended and to this entire community of beings who tune in, take our classes, work one-on-one with us, read my writings, collaborate via social media and other spaces, and all of the other ways you show up in our lives. We are fortunate to know you all.
I am reminded now of the power of gratitude in the moment.
Thank you. I love you.
Pisces is a funny energy for Saturn to be moving through because Saturn is all about structure, rules, and form, and Pisces typically doesn’t want anything to do with any of that. Pisces is a go-with-the-flow, “I'm gonna swim through this reality”, kind of energy. So for Saturn to then have been retrograde in Pisces, means it may have felt difficult for you to get some stuff done since early July. As Saturn has now gone direct, you're going to feel supported in moving forward and may begin taking more direct action, while still going with the flow. It's really a lovely way to experience Saturn (especially for this Aquarian Sun being, I’ve got real resistance to rules and discipline).
The Pleiadians said this about Saturn going direct in Pisces during our October 26th transmission: “It's kind of like you'll say, ‘Well these are the rules I used in the past. That's what worked for me. But, huh, maybe I'll apply this rule to myself right now and see how that goes. Maybe, even though I've identified as this for a decade or two, I’m going to try on a new costume where my identity is concerned and realize that I am more than that. I'm still that, and I am also this, and this, and this.’ And this is what Saturn in Pisces really facilitates for you all, this massive shift in your identities, where you begin to embrace so much more of who you truly are.”
How are you today? Please drop me a comment here and let me know.
On Saturday evening, I invited the widow best friend over, actually we picked her up and brought her here and our neighbor who has had 4 falls since Feb. and had to retire from massage, well the four of us, varying degrees of feeling very blue, we danced to disco on our terrace for two hours! The injured neighbor was acting DJ and then I made a delicious pasta dinner and we drove her home, walked our neighbor home and you know what? We all felt much less depressed!!
It has stuck. Love really is the answer.
I contacted the attorney/friend of our friend that died in Ojai a few years ago. Our friend Lawrence came from a super fancy family in Ojai, they have multitude of houses and large ( 150 acres) amount of land. I asked if they ever would rent or sell something in Ojai. "Not now."
I somehow have a feeling....Lawrence lived in a big tree house on the land. They don't need money and they are all cool people.
I do love you so much and this group.
I have been thinking of you and Jon and the furbabies and hoping it all comes together quickly without too much stress. I know the whole situation sucks.
I have also been dealing with my ever present lack issues and I am dealing with being so sick of them that I want to scream. I really wanted to take Reiki II but couldn't and of course spent some time this weekend thinking to myself I could be doing that now if it weren't for lack of money which makes me crazy to go over and over about as I have done it too much. I guess it gave me something to work on telling myself to not go there and to feel it but know it will happen in time etc.
It is actually getting to 68 degrees today which is not normal, we have one day and then back to cold so I plan to go out and finish cleaning up the yard in a while so nature will be nice. Coming up on the anniversary of my Mom's passing on the 12th so I am also down and grieving.
I am continuing to send you all love.