Going well with the flowing, even managing to flow past the illusions of obstacles. Very little thinking, just a whole lot of feeling good and connected to my higher self. Oooommmm. Much love and gratitude for everyone and everything.

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Yes, I have that very strong spiritually stoned kind of feeling and basically worthless for anything else, lol

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I'm taking in your sweet words. Thank you.

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I love your astrological breakdowns, especially in relation to how it might be applying to your own life. Concrete parallels for a Saturn in pisces. : ) : )

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Thank you so much. I was just about to read your latest. Sending you big love as you move. Again. Hugs.

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I am really sorry. It's shocking. For me is also anxiety over the roof door, grey cold weather, freezing and anger. I really welcome the change, it's needed.

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Thank you. I love you, Max

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Love you too!!!

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I have been thinking of you and Jon and the furbabies and hoping it all comes together quickly without too much stress. I know the whole situation sucks.

I have also been dealing with my ever present lack issues and I am dealing with being so sick of them that I want to scream. I really wanted to take Reiki II but couldn't and of course spent some time this weekend thinking to myself I could be doing that now if it weren't for lack of money which makes me crazy to go over and over about as I have done it too much. I guess it gave me something to work on telling myself to not go there and to feel it but know it will happen in time etc.

It is actually getting to 68 degrees today which is not normal, we have one day and then back to cold so I plan to go out and finish cleaning up the yard in a while so nature will be nice. Coming up on the anniversary of my Mom's passing on the 12th so I am also down and grieving.

I am continuing to send you all love.

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Sending you big love in return

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As I read this the little jingle from Finding Dory “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” popped into my head. I like this Saturn in Pisces energy. It feels like some relief from the heaviness and a go with the flow vibe. Doing much better this week overall. Sending you and Jon love and you two navigate the energy of the unknown future living situation. 💜💜💜

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Thank you. Sending you love right back.

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Haven’t listened to the transmission yet, but I am really feeling this truth regarding identities.

I am feeling more solid in who I am. More in my own skin.

I feel for you Nora. Saturn returns are truly a coming home to yourself! But who am I ?

is the biggest question we first must ask and then find an answer.

I have a leg up 😉 my Saturn is In Capricorn. 2nd return occurred already- and I was faced with the biggest challenge of my life.

I know you will find a most suitable and beautiful and amazing place to call home. I see how the community of support is surrounding you. This is the community you have created because of your willingness to Be In the One- Ness of Spirit, bring this to many and help others identify as “love incarnate”.

You are a ⚡️🙏🏼💫human spirit being!

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Thank you so much, Mary. I love you.

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I am finally feeling a heaviness and pervading sadness and doubt lift!

I am so sorry that you and Jon and the fur family have to move when it is not your choice to do so yet, but on the other hand, I am so excited for you that you may be able to find a place with more space, more land.💚💚💚

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Thank you so much, Lisa. I love you.

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On Saturday evening, I invited the widow best friend over, actually we picked her up and brought her here and our neighbor who has had 4 falls since Feb. and had to retire from massage, well the four of us, varying degrees of feeling very blue, we danced to disco on our terrace for two hours! The injured neighbor was acting DJ and then I made a delicious pasta dinner and we drove her home, walked our neighbor home and you know what? We all felt much less depressed!!

It has stuck. Love really is the answer.

I contacted the attorney/friend of our friend that died in Ojai a few years ago. Our friend Lawrence came from a super fancy family in Ojai, they have multitude of houses and large ( 150 acres) amount of land. I asked if they ever would rent or sell something in Ojai. "Not now."

I somehow have a feeling....Lawrence lived in a big tree house on the land. They don't need money and they are all cool people.

I do love you so much and this group.

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Love or disco is the answer.

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Thank you so much for throwing that line out for us. I appreciate you so much. Love or disco, works for me. Putting on some Donna Summer right now. I love you

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Really - love AND disco! I choose both :)

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Hey there! Wow! Such a deep & love-filled experience, that Reiki 2 class! Was kinda wiped out & then had an all day memorial service event for an uncle yesterday surrounded by family, several of whom haven’t seen in many years. So- wanna call out of work all week! Instead I’ll do my best to take it easy. Trying to come up with more words, but don’t have ‘em. So much love and appreciation to you & Jon. ❤️

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Hugs and love and so much appreciation for you, Shannon. Thank you again for joining us this weekend and for being the you that you are, fabulous in all ways. I am sorry for your loss. Wishing you a week of ease.

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This sentence in your share from the Pleiadians has been resonating so much, "Maybe, even though I've identified as this for a decade or two, I’m going to try on a new costume where my identity is concerned and realize that I am more than that." I've been a vegan for the last 7 years and a vegetarian for the last 16. I'm 31 -- that's over half my life. And I thought I would be for the rest of forever. I would have bet solid money, it wasn't even a question. I can't believe I'm even saying this out loud (this is the first place I've mentioned it anywhere outside of my own body/brain), but I'm feeling the pull to eat meat again. Sooo much identity stuff coming up around that as well as moral stuff, good/bad human stuff, killing animals. I honestly don't know if I can go through with it, but the intuitive ping from within my body is unmistakable. Thanks Saturn in pisces, you're definitely stirring the cauldron.

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Yes! This was one of my favorite pieces from that transmission which is why I snuck it into this check-in thread post. AND LOL Jon and I were having the "We're so sick of being superior vegan/vegetarians" convo last night as we were eating some actual dairy ice cream. I have been craving meat on and off for days. I also don't know if I can do it, but I acknowledge that I feel no need to hold myself to anything.

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Living is cheap here in eastern North Carolina and it’s growing purple dot called Greenville. The small metro city is really coming into her own after lots of stops and starts. Sometimes it takes a generation of rich white people to die, their kids take the inheritance and leave the sleepy little town for a bigger metropolitan environs, and passive investment income. That is where this dynamic is here at this current point. We just kicked off a lot of good old boys from my the City Council and replaced them with a much more diverse progressive representation.

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Thank you for letting me know :)

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An Aquarian Sister here as well, flowing with a uterine cancer diagnosis. And I have a great doctor who’s going to use robotic surgery and guarantees me that I will only need over-the-counter medicines upon the completion of a total hysterectomy.

I had a good experience in summer 2020 with some colon cancer so there’s no fear here lots of trust and gratitude and thankfulness same regional medical center same cancer center so all I can say is: get your screenings get your screenings get your screenings. They have saved my life.

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Sending you love, Lynn

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