Well, here we are.
There is nowhere else we can physically be but here. Mentally, emotionally, energetically, we can be all over the place and typically are as multi-dimensional beings.
But physically, our asses are right here, right where we are, right in this very moment in time. We have never been exactly where we are right now nor will we ever be again even when sitting in the same exact chair in the same exact room because we are constantly evolving. The me who wrote the previous words is just a sminch different from the me who is writing this word right now and now and now and now into infinity. It is up to me, the direction I head, and if I am fragmented in thought and feeling then I am disempowered in this stead.
My jaw has still not relaxed since the dental work I had done almost a week ago. I can speak just fine and have been able to throughout the entirety of the ordeal, but eating is more of a challenge. I am cutting my food into itty bitty bites to be able to fit them in, and, well, with someone who has a lifelong reputation for being the loudest in the room or at the table (I won the contest at Moody’s Pub on Saturday night with longtime friends) and having the biggest mouth, it is ironic that physically my mouth is small (told to me more than once by more than one dentist).
Perhaps this is a good thing because sweet baby Jesus only knows how much louder and more opinionated I may be if my physical mouth were regular-sized. Or perhaps it is just Napolean syndrome of the mouth, and if my mouth were a bit larger I’d be quieter.
I don’t know what the fuck to say about the events of this weekend other than if your name is Donald Trump and you call again and again for violence while using hate speech to dehumanize large swathes of the population, eventually that violence will find its way to you.
And if your name is Michael Flynn (fill in the other ghouls as well) and you spend an inordinate amount of time brainwashing emotionally and mentally unstable white men with guns into the reality that there will be an assassination attempt on your “hero”, well, then this is physically where we will find ourselves.
This is how mind control can work. It’s not the way we think about it most often. This is a gut punch to the emotions using fear, again and again and again with ideas woven into the fabric of that fear until someone actualizes them into physical reality, as we saw on Saturday.
For more on this and our political reality, I suggest,
, , andI am unsurprised at the events currently playing out from the shooting at the rally, the group of largely white privileged wealthy men doing the work of the fascists for them by calling for Biden to drop out, and beyond. This is Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius as the US experiences its first-ever Pluto Return. This is the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in 26 degrees Taurus. This is late-stage capitalism squeezing the joy and life out of collective humanity as each of us has to work harder and harder simply to survive.
As Mars and Uranus drew closer and closer to one another wild lightning filled many skies over the weekend sending torrential rains with the loudest thunder I have heard in decades.
Their conjunction was exact just moments ago.
We are at a tipping point.
Which way each of us tips is up to us.
The collective tipping, that’s a bit more complicated and will involve more drama.
I am tired, so fucking tired. Can’t we all just be good and loving to one another with all of our basic needs provided for and more?
How are You??!! Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
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"I am tired, so fucking tired. Can’t we all just be good and loving to one another with all of our basic needs provided for and more?" This. This sums it up.
Thanks for sharing Nora! I'm sorry about your jaw and hope you're able to move through the pain and density quickly. I remember an old transmission of yours from years back when the Ps were talking about the teeth carrying the densest energy in the body. Whatever is working its way through your system, I'm sure it will feel better out the other side than in.
As for me, I've been in a really quiet phase over the last few months. And since my birthday on the 4th, I'm definitely in a transition phase. The temporary Duke summer program I was working for for the last 8 weeks ended on Saturday and I started a new facilitator program I'm really into and that feels so aligned. Overall, there's still lots of quiet and lots of releasing and slowness, but a bit more creation and action amidst it. Though I must say, it's not how my mind thought it would look. I thought I'd start creating a website and writing and "doing the thing", and, yes, I think that will be part of it (though who the hell knows and that's fine), but actually I've gotten really into crocheting suddenly. I just started a new project, learned how to actually read patterns, and bought lots of fun yarn. I've also gotten into potted plants inside my house that I'm feeling really jazzed about and I've been reading books again like crazy (actual fun books, not just more "doing the work" spiritual efforting books).
So yeah, feeling things as they come up and enjoying the flow -- including when that flow is very slow. We'll see what comes next. Thanks for your shares and this beautiful community as always!