"I am tired, so fucking tired. Can’t we all just be good and loving to one another with all of our basic needs provided for and more?" This. This sums it up.

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I love you

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Hi Nora! I wish you quick healing.

Wow, this is how I’ve been feeling!

These days, I have been seeing of all the ways that people are trying to make money scamming people on the internet and I was wondering how people are driven to this point where there is no empathy left anymore. I feel too done with all this where money is placed above your own conscience.

I left my high paying job to find peace and now I listen to my relatives talk constantly about salaries and wealth etc which makes me so sad how people’s value is defined by how much they own! This is truly a tipping point! I hope the change brings in more love and healing for all of us

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Thank you

Yes, I wish the same.

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I don't follow the news at all and haven't for years for mental health reasons (no point in stressing over things I can't control), so I had to look up what you were referring to from the weekend. My first (and second and third and fourth) thought was no doubt the same as many of our first, second, third and fourth thoughts, but I won't disturb your place of peace by saying it out loud, and more practically, I won't risk getting banned by substack while I have a podcast about to launch.... but. yeah.

Hope your jaw is on the mend. 💖

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Yeah we all had those thoughts. Thank you.

I am mending.

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Nora, I had a thought this morning. What if you and John Burgos and Daniel Scranton and Shelley Young and Sara Landon etc. called for a day of meditation and meeting of the minds on creating the best possible timeline. And maybe suggested we do that on Mondays or whichever same day of the week until November. I feel with the combined reach of followers (John’s address book is a goldmine) focusing on specific days we could really make a difference.

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Lovely idea

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Tired and avoiding drama as my body is dealing with fall out from a small procedure. I can’t go into panic like at 1/6 ever again. I couldn’t calm down. I’m just riding the waves now and grounding love into the planet 🌎

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Sending you love and wishes for speedy and easy healing

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Thank you! I hope your jaw is relaxing 💕. That sounds just awful ♥️

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I had my first ever experience of PTSD after Jan 6. Not over it, can't look at photos or read about it without it all coming back. Sending empathy, for what that's worth.

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Yes, I understand.

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I’m so sorry! It was so traumatic, I totally get that. I’m ultra sensitive to topics or clips that show anything that hurts my heart; it’s just too much now ♥️. Take good care of you

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Thanks for sharing Nora! I'm sorry about your jaw and hope you're able to move through the pain and density quickly. I remember an old transmission of yours from years back when the Ps were talking about the teeth carrying the densest energy in the body. Whatever is working its way through your system, I'm sure it will feel better out the other side than in.

As for me, I've been in a really quiet phase over the last few months. And since my birthday on the 4th, I'm definitely in a transition phase. The temporary Duke summer program I was working for for the last 8 weeks ended on Saturday and I started a new facilitator program I'm really into and that feels so aligned. Overall, there's still lots of quiet and lots of releasing and slowness, but a bit more creation and action amidst it. Though I must say, it's not how my mind thought it would look. I thought I'd start creating a website and writing and "doing the thing", and, yes, I think that will be part of it (though who the hell knows and that's fine), but actually I've gotten really into crocheting suddenly. I just started a new project, learned how to actually read patterns, and bought lots of fun yarn. I've also gotten into potted plants inside my house that I'm feeling really jazzed about and I've been reading books again like crazy (actual fun books, not just more "doing the work" spiritual efforting books).

So yeah, feeling things as they come up and enjoying the flow -- including when that flow is very slow. We'll see what comes next. Thanks for your shares and this beautiful community as always!

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Thank you for reminding me about that teeth/density piece.

Yeah, this fifth energy center upgrade is LONG and I just got a hint at what may lie ahead :)

Loving your explorations and your share, as always.

Loving you as well.

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Helen I’ve totally got yarn fever as well! Out of the blue I’ve become addicted to knitting (just finishing my second sweater after learning to read patterns and watching YouTube tutorials)… and have bought so so much beautiful yarn! I think it’s been really good for my brain - I’m not on social media hardly at all anymore and it’s giving me really healthy dopamine I reckon. What crochet projects are you working on? 🫶☺️

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Oh yay Jess, this sounds so fun! Do you have any favorite yarns you like to work with? I bought some Lion Brand Truboo because I loved the feel of it but then found it RIDICULOUSLY hard to work with. Note to self, don't buy lots of something until you actually work with it. Anyway, I'm working on this v-pattern scarf at the moment. It's the first project I've done from a pattern and not just a straight stitch across, so wanted to start simple. I look forward to building up to sweaters and clothes. That feels so exciting to me!

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Haha it is exciting! I’m totally in my Granny era! 🥰 yeah I find choosing the yarn actually the hardest part of the project lol but currently sticking with good quality merino wool (warm, very soft, easy to work with, and not itchy!) for my next project will combine that with a silk mohair to give it a fuzzy look/feel. Check out ravelry.com if you haven’t already, for free and paid patterns, can search by type of yarn you have! Happy crocheting and good luck with the scarf! 😊🫶✨

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Hello Nora! Thank you for your amazing and spot on reflections! I hope your jaw heals up soon! This time feels like a massive void for me. I am sick in bed with a virus which I am sure my higher self aligned with so I could purge out massive amounts of distortion in my solar plexus. My dragon body is just blasting through everything that prevents its breath and life support in this body. Money and career and path forward don't seem to be a priority at all just this massive continuous enema ever aligning me with higher timeline trajectories. I would love to see earned basic income for all and see Bobby Kennedy as president. Many 🙌 blessings!!!

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Thank you, Sarah. Sending you love and wishes for ease and healing.

While not desiring to get into a debate about this with you or anyone here, I am not a fan of RFK Jr.

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Bobby Kennedy died in 1968. I remember the event very clearly. I was 10 and for some strange reason, I was listening to my AM radio and heard the news. I felt like such an important little girl when I was the one to announce it to my parents! They, being liberals, were very upset.

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First, I am so sorry your jaw is not completely healed. Yikes, I am sending you beautiful healing prayers, right now. Am I on a roller coaster against my will? I need the attendant to let me off! But they won't let me off, so I'm using my support crew for help. I am safe, despite the rogue, cruel behavior of the wealth-hoarders. I am doing an excellent job of self-care. I am still on my daily campaign of writing to those Dems in the Senate and House of Representatives, the ones that have the word Love on their websites, and those speaking up for justice and fairness. There is such a huge imbalance on this planet now and I trust with all my heart that the laws of nature are correcting this. The crooks and liars are and will be held accountable, when? But it is in the process of happening. You, Nora are part of the process, I am too. Yes, the roller coaster has some downs and ups. When we save our democracy we get to be involved in creating the new. We look at the ugly truths of what we need to correct. We are not quitters. And I know we have to pace ourselves, that's the self-care, vacation. This is a marathon. Believe me I take a lot of breaks!!!!

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Thank you and love right back.

No quitting here either.

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Yes, your steadfast loving vibration has staying power!!!!!!!!!!

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Ah thank you for this perspective! Being in Australia I don’t engage in any American political commentary, (there’s enough happening here), so even tho this has been blasting across all news outlets here, your words are the first honest words I’ve heard!!

I’ve interestingly had an equally intense and on-theme experience in my multidimensional world just a few days ago that I am integrating still, but one that thankfully found resolution. I am still processing it because it’s still incomprehensible to my mind but I trust what I felt! A few days ago had one of the most terrifying dreams of my life that felt so real (as someone who has kept a journal of every dream for the last several years, this one was definitely out of the ordinary!) that I tracked back to an off planetary incarnation in another world where I was basically a slave on a prison planet of some kind. A friend helped me release and heal this other life self, and disentangle me from that energy. I felt so much not me slimy energy leaving my head while we cleared this it was wild!! gained a couple new spirit guides through this process. I feel changed and free, like there’s suddenly more room in my upper centers. Wild times inside and out! 🫶

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Oh those off planet other lifetime bleedthroughs can be so intense.

Glad to hear you're clearing it and feeling so free.

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Thank you! Omg yes so intense!! It’s my first one that I’m aware of, but feel like I nipped in the butt right away by asking my friend for help ✨

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My phone froze when I was signing up tonight so I have no idea what message ended up getting sent if any did. Anyways, ‘thanks for all you do’ was the jist of it.

I saw some awesome pics from the lightening storm over the Chicago skyline tonight and it made my heart happy and a little homesick.

May we all live in less interesting times,


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Thank you so much, Elizabeth.

Thinking of you and sending you my love.

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Woah so I just saw the rest of what happened after the pretty lightening. Damn are y’all okay up there??!

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We are all good here. Thank you :)

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I hope you are feeling 100% soon and eating gets easier quickly. I am the same in that I have a small mouth. And I completely understand that it is extra painful when you have dental work done because it’s hard for the dentist to actually get in there and do things.

I keep thinking that for just nice people like we are it’s impossible for us to fathom the hate and the reasoning behind supporting someone like 45 and all that that entails. I just can’t understand not wanting other people to have housing and food and medical care and being against equality, love and happiness for all. It just makes no sense and I can’t seem to begin to understand the level of hate I see. It hurts my heart to see the horrible things people say just because they term someone else a liberal or “other”. Every once in a while, I will look at comments on a post and it’s just horrendous what people say especially because it is so factually incorrect. I’m trying to figure out a way to participate and be proactive in our democracy, but not be depressed with all the hate that I keep seeing. And I’m trying to not be incredibly angry and instead trying to be helpful in getting people to understand that unless we all stand for democracy and behind President Biden, we will end up with 45 again and an end to our democracy. I know it’s going to work out, but as we’re going through it during these times, it’s difficult not to let it get me down.

Definitely crazy storms the last few days. We were without power some. I’m glad you and Jon and the fur babies are safe. Love you! 💜

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Thank you so much.

I am almost 100 percent my big mouthed self again today.

I hear everything you're saying and also can not fathom it.

Love right back to you and yours.

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Oh and speaking as someone who has bad TMJ, which has actually made my face crooked, and who clenches my jaw all the time and I’m never able to relax my jaw, I definitely feel for you right now. Jaw pain definitely sucks the big one.

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