Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Nora Herold

Very emotional for no apparent reason (well, I just looked at my chart and it's activated big time). I've cried twice and it's only 11am.

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Hugs and love sent to you

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Oh my, I have definitely felt the new moon energy the last few days. So much quieter and yin feeling and all I want to do is curl up in a blanket on the couch for hours at a time. It’s been really hard to do work things which has also brought up a lot of tears and anger that I feel like I have to show up in these ways on other people’s timelines. Daylight savings time definitely doesn’t help with that.

I’m also starting to feel the eclipse threads in the field and am a bit excited and nervous for what the coming month will hold. There’s some frantic energy, new blossoming community in my world, planting more roots in this area, and big lingering questions around money and work and home without clear answers / next steps. And, that said, I’m feeling a lot more peace than I ever have before with where I am and simply being in the unfoldment.

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Just got up from an after client nap. Feeling all that you've said. Loving the peace with self bit.

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Mar 11Liked by Nora Herold

LOVE hearing your summation of the furry kids personalities when it comes to human connection. Today I was working on my book. I am "illustrating" the 136 letters we found, written by Georgia O'Keeffe to her filmmaker friend Henwar. The letters span 1929 to 1947. Today worked on the one from May 1940, from NYC. This is one of the least poetic letters however touches me. Here it is:

Henwar !

It has been grey and rainy here for a week ~

I hope the sun is shinning on you.

And that you are getting some thing you like

I am still here ~~ the war seems so stupefying ~ along with Alfred seeming a bit shaky

I have not moved.

I’ve gone to the country quite often ~ that is all. ~ Ive even gone out in the rain this week.

Went to the fair one day in the rain too ~

But everything seems like a strange dream ~

I suppose that is because my idea of reality has always been a bit odd ~

I think so often of you ~ and what you are doing


Any spelling or grammar quirks are hers. Anyway, this letter reminded me of you, of your post today. Her husband, Alfred is weak after having a heart attack(s). She has a painting at the NY State pavilion at 1939/40 World's Fair, (The first woman artist to have a painting at any pavilion). Things are wonky yet okay. That's how I'm feeling too. For no reason specific to MY life, I feel as if something is like a strange dream. Even when I'm at my desk, I see out the window, the trees swaying in the wind, and they appear to be in slow motion, like a movie or some altered reality.

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So beautiful. Thank you for this gorgeous share.

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