Oh, Fuck! I Just Realized We Are Moving Right After Eclipse Season - Weekly Check-In Post
How Are YOU????
I mean, do I even know what it’s all going to look like for us come April 24th once the Equinox happens on March 19th/20th, the Lunar Eclipse happens on March 24th/25th, Mercury goes Retrograde on April 1st, the Total Solar Eclipse happens on April 8th, and Mercury finally goes direct??? Who decided that leaving on May 1st was the best choice?
Uh, that would be me. I definitely did not want to be driving cross country and making big life choices while Mercury was in Retrograde. Plus, we moved into this house on May 1st of 2009 and moved into the apartment on Oakley Ave on May 1st of 2003. So, it’s right, I know it. Yet……..
It could be great, but these big celestial and astrological events mean it could all play out with some major happenings (including very good ones), and this is a lot of intense and active energy over the next couple of months. Oh yes, and let’s also not forget, all planets remain in direct station until April 1st, so March is going to speed along which is not going to help with my, “I’ve got to get it all done now,” moving anxiety.
I am choosing to expect surprises and disruptions and remember that my greatest power comes in my reaction to things that are beyond my control. And when I do not remember this, well, there’s always coffee and chocolate and dogs and fighting and then making up with Jon.
We’ve begun the firsts of our lasts here in this house. We began our last channeling class here this past weekend, and as always when teaching this class, I left it filled with love and gratitude that I get to do this thing that I do, helping people hook up with more love, support, and joy.
We wrote our last rent check. We paid last month’s rent when we moved in. I felt like I should do some kind of ceremony. Instead, I just handed it off to our landlord and walked away. We’ve been making something work here for us for quite some time now that can be less than ideal to facilitate living in a greater environment that is so beautiful and special.
I’m conflicted at the moment, excited about what lies ahead, about spending time with people we love in Chicago and feeling into what living there could be like for us at this time in our lives, and I am excited about the potentials that may exist elsewhere. I am also sad to be leaving this valley, this community, and California in general. I can’t even think yet about leaving the Pacific and losing the ability to access the redwoods via car. These losses are something I still have ahead of me.
I’m also on and off freaked out. I did not do this life like I was expected to by most including a younger version of myself. It’s so disorienting to feel so adrift and unmoored at this age with not much physically or materially to show for it and yet filled with the riches of my lived experiences along with a continuing sense that everything is going to be okay.
It’s worked for me so far and I am going to trust that it will continue to. I just wish that I had some kind of astrological aspect that made me want money.
How are you?? Please drop me a comment below and let me know.
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P.S. I am polishing up my latest on the Ojai City Council. It’ll go out in a day or two.
When we moved from Vermont to NM it was quite radical. We really had no idea where we'd end up but we knew we were leaving Vermont. Michael had seasonal effected disorder. It took me a few years to grieve my beloved Vermont. I felt in exile in this desert. Here I am 28 years later and sometimes I still feel amazed that this is where I live. I do know it's all perfect. I feel much the same as Faith.
We just had a Vermont reunion this past week, with 5 friends who came here. We have been friends since 1977. They LOVED new mexico! They were so happy for us.
Thank you for sharing your most beautiful vulnerable beautiful truth and your wisdom and outlook.
I also forgot about the eclipses! And what a relief when I think back to the eclipse anxiety that came up for me last year when you helped me cross over my fearful past life part!
I would think better to move right after Mercury and eclipses than during or just before?! But yeah you’re certainly getting an opportunity to practice embracing the element of surprise! I have no doubt you will even if it bumpy along the way. I was reflecting recently how I didn’t do any of the things you’re “supposed” to do for manifesting when I moved, and it was bumpy AF, but it actually still worked out perfectly and feel like I still ended up in the perfect next place for me. (Almost as if it never was my job to chose the place anyways! ;) hahaha)
I’m still having sleepless nights, but my energy and mood in the day has been so much brighter. My new website is working and has brought me a couple new just wonderful clients to work with which has given me a newfound energy and excitement I haven’t felt in a long time!
Big love