It took me four years of near constant bitching and whining about having left the West Coast/California for New England, but the other day I realised that I wouldn't now go back if I could. Offering that as a glimpse into a possible future, if it's helpful. <3

You won't miss the wildfire evacuations, that's for sure.

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Faith. Yes, I do know that there is life beyond California, and hearing your happiness there with your life in New England is wonderful. Def won't miss the wildfires, mud/landslides, drought, and other west coast specific adventures of the same.

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Hi Nora,

Thank you for sharing your adventures. I connected with your work probably when you just moved to California. Ive seen you grow and shift and change in the most courageous, real, authentic ways. Coming home to yourself in so many ways and maybe you wear your home on your back like Turtle, and all that you need is always there.

I too have lived very differently than I was raised to want. We make our own way.

Trust as you said! You are indeed trustworthy.

I wonder what aspects in your chart make you want to make money? Lol

I’m an astrologer and I have my own take on capitalism as seen in astrology. I rather think any Leo rising goes for gold - and knows it when they see it. I rather think Taurus in your 10th house is prosperity and abundance assured in ways that make you feel comfortable and alive!

So much moving energies to support you beyond your wildest dreams! Many blessings

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Thank you so much, Mary. I appreciate you and send you so much love.

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Mar 4Liked by Nora Herold

I feel so much of this myself. I’m trying to have faith about my next chapter also without financial stability, and trying to be without shame about it! 💜

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Wishing you all the best, Sara, and sending you love. Yeah, that shame piece can be rough. I keep sending love to the aspects of me that want to shame me.

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Mar 5Liked by Nora Herold

yes yes yes ♥️💕

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Mar 4Liked by Nora Herold

Reading your post makes me think about September of 2004 and moving to California. Also, it makes me think of Chicago with you. I'm excited for your new adventure, and remember, there is always Oahu.

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September of 2004 and moving to California then has been often on my mind as well. Thank you for sharing your excitement for us and holding the door open on Oahu if our path takes us there.

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Mar 4Liked by Nora Herold

When we moved from Vermont to NM it was quite radical. We really had no idea where we'd end up but we knew we were leaving Vermont. Michael had seasonal effected disorder. It took me a few years to grieve my beloved Vermont. I felt in exile in this desert. Here I am 28 years later and sometimes I still feel amazed that this is where I live. I do know it's all perfect. I feel much the same as Faith.

We just had a Vermont reunion this past week, with 5 friends who came here. We have been friends since 1977. They LOVED new mexico! They were so happy for us.

Thank you for sharing your most beautiful vulnerable beautiful truth and your wisdom and outlook.

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Thank you for sharing so beautifully as always. I look forward to spending a few days in New Mexico there with you :)

Ah, Vermont, also on my list of potentials.

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Mar 5Liked by Nora Herold

I'm so excited to " meet " you and Jon, but will you be upset if I say I'm equally as excited to meet the three furry kids?

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We are so excited to meet you as well and no, not upset. In fact, this raises you even higher in my estimation. I once brought a puppy with me to someone's place and they ignored the puppy for the first 30 minutes or so. They lost points on my grading system in that moment (I don't really have a grading system, this is just for the comedy).

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Mar 4Liked by Nora Herold

Is there any reason not to freak our right now?

I love Chicago, it's my favourite city in the US. Never been there. However I know many wonderful people from there or that have been living there. Chicago makes sense in my head.

Still I am not yet reconciled with you not being in your house anymore. It will take sometimes to readjust in my head and transfer Nora and Jon = Chicago.

It's not about my head I know and I am being selfish. But it's my way to say f* it all and s*t. I am so sorry... Oh great now I am crying.

I send you all so much love.

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Aw, Max, I love you so much. Thank you.

You sure summed it all up so perfectly.

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Mar 4Liked by Nora Herold

I also forgot about the eclipses! And what a relief when I think back to the eclipse anxiety that came up for me last year when you helped me cross over my fearful past life part!

I would think better to move right after Mercury and eclipses than during or just before?! But yeah you’re certainly getting an opportunity to practice embracing the element of surprise! I have no doubt you will even if it bumpy along the way. I was reflecting recently how I didn’t do any of the things you’re “supposed” to do for manifesting when I moved, and it was bumpy AF, but it actually still worked out perfectly and feel like I still ended up in the perfect next place for me. (Almost as if it never was my job to chose the place anyways! ;) hahaha)

I’m still having sleepless nights, but my energy and mood in the day has been so much brighter. My new website is working and has brought me a couple new just wonderful clients to work with which has given me a newfound energy and excitement I haven’t felt in a long time!

Big love


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Thank you so much, Jess.

Hahaha! Yeah, I have not done any of my usual manifesting stuff as well for this move. I have just decided that if I need to use that technology for some reason, it's already embedded in me without me having to make lists or cast spells or focus on my intentions.

I am working on a version of myself that's always in the moment of magic as opposed to one that needs to do some extra magic, remembering that everything is some version of a spell.

I am so happy to hear all about your newfound energy and excitement!!!!

Big Love right back to you.

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Hi Nora hoping all goes well. 💟

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Thank you so much, Linda

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Mar 5Liked by Nora Herold

Hi Nora,

I started laughing when I saw the title of your message today. You named well a familiar feeling. I am in somewhat of a similar space emotionally myself. My life must change as there is a lot at stake if it doesn’t happen for me this year.

We are hoping to sell our place up here in the southern Fraser Valley of British Columbia (Canada). We want to move to a dryer south Canadian climate in the next province – Alberta. Dryer means less damp even though there will be colder weather and snow in the winter.

Yes – a lot is happening in the Cosmos! And yes, I hope that my house sells before Mercury Retrograde starts or everything will slow down. We have yet to put an offer down on any house in the city of our chosen destination because I can’t imagine making the commitment for the future until the past is settled. This need for a known, is no doubt, associated with my fixed energy.

The eclipses will change everything – they always do. My own Nodes are on that axis so this feels a bit close for comfort. However, the big event will be the Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in April while Mercury is dawdling around in Aries. Massive change!

I have the sense that you will be well supported with your move to Chicago. It is hard to leave a place where we have great friends and some favourite walking trails. I hope to find new ones as well. We have never lived in that part of Alberta so this is all very new.

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Hi Sari,

I'm glad you got a laugh out of the title. I am always thrilled when someone gets my comedy.

Love the info about the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. The last ones (the set of three in 2010/2011) paved the way for a major shift in my work. I'll be fascinated to see what opens up with this one next month.

Thank you so much for your share and your words about our move.

I wish you the same and send you love and energetic support as you make this major change.

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The energy has felt particularly intense the last few days and over the weekend. I’ve noticed that in a few other friends and people I’m connected with so definitely wondering if there are some larger layers at play right now.

In my own world, there has been so much good. Clearing out some clients that weren’t a good fit and in business realm it really feels like consolidation, or even decluttering. Getting more stable in the two consistent client connections that feel enjoyable and being guided to pretty much clear away everything else. A lot of pull to open my schedule, make way, create lots of spaciousness, etc. No idea what I’m clearing it for, but it feels good and am just trusting it and that the rest will be revealed in time.

In relationships realm, I met a new man on Friday that I’m really into and also seems interested in me, and it’s been wild to see my system buck and flail. Almost trippy out of body high on the excitement that is actually really uncomfortable. I’ve gotten so good over the years at keeping my center in the midst of heavier emotions, it’s been kind of funny and also a bit ridiculous to see how off center I get knocked with just the tiniest bit of “good” things coming my way. How little capacity, bandwidth, and practice I have there. So that definitely feels like a new growth edge.

And then, after the high of the weekend, I’ve been in this really low, heavy dense place all day today. Lots of old sticky self-worth stuff coming up. Feeling like I need to prove myself and not being good enough based on others’ standards. Fear of rejection and abandonment.

Ugh, another turning of the wheel. I’m always really excited for eclipse season and whatever new adventures it brings. So grateful for your honest, open shares Nora and for space for each of us to bring what’s real. Many hugs to you 💜🙏🏼✨

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So beautiful, Helen. I love your honest and open shares and your ability to see and share yourself so clearly. Wishing you love ahead.

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Mar 8Liked by Nora Herold

Oh Nora! Personally I have been having a hard time processing your imminent move. Having returned to Ojai in 2012, I rediscovered my spirituality through your work and felt such a strong connection to our galactic and other dimensional friends. You have served as that beacon for me these past almost 12 years! I have grown attached to you and Jon living in Ojai and now I feel spoiled by it as I contend with you two leaving. I know we never spent personal time together, but I always enjoyed running into you and exchanging a hug. As I finally allow myself the space to grieve your move I feel sad at the loss. And I feel sad that Ojai along with the world is feeling the capitalist squeeze even more tightly on our livelihoods. I wish you both the highest best outcome for you two and I hope to swing by during your second moving sale. I was out of town for the last one! Hugs!!!! 💜💜💜

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Thank you so much, Kyra.

Hugs and love and wishes for continued connections.

I may be leaving physically, but I have no plans to leave my work or these spaces and these connections.

We're planning on April 20th and 21st for the next one

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