I feel for you! They don't really ever leave. If they are somehow gotten rid of, they chew their way back in! I have a whole Fl. story about one house down the street. It ended in a neighbor shooting at them! Crazy stuff. I wish you a new home rat free!!

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Yikes! Thank you :)

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Ewwww. Soooo sorry! If I may offer some unrequested suggestions, have you asked the Fay to negotiate on your behalf for the rats to leave, or tried essential oil? Maybe peanut butter scent? I'd try peppermint since it usually is pleasant for people, seasonal and strong. Best wishes and keep us posted

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We have been using peppermint essential oil. It's worked in the past and this time not so much. Thanks for the reminder to ask the faeries. Usually I am faerie enough to handle this. lol

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

We have pack rats!!! Outside, under my studio porch and in the shed. They set boobie traps for me, put cactus in my path and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get them to go to another spot. We have a heart trap, take them away and they come back! They chew wood, our shed walls.....

I love that you wrote Drats!!! Good word for the topic.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Nora Herold


Does your home have a subarea (not a slab)? If so, are all the vents completely, soundly screened? If not, make sure screens are TIGHTLY in place. Do you have an automatic dishwasher? Many, many times, this is an entry point for rats into one's home. Make sure the wall behind the dishwasher is completely sealed, and make sure there are no openings around the front edges of the dishwasher. Ask me how I know these things.

-- Drew

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I wish we had a dishwasher.

The rats on our property are due to something that unfortunately is beyond out scope to manage. We have sealed up all entry points as far as we know and, we'll double check the vents. Thank you.

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