Saturn in Pisces is already kind of a weird vibe. Saturn sets the rules and likes order. Pisces, well, let’s just say that those with dominant Piscean traits are not the most ordered beings on the block.
Saturn first entered Aquarius on March 21 of 2020. You may recall that March of 2020 initiated a pretty big shakeup to the rules of our everyday life as the pandemic was formally declared and pieces of our reality started shutting down. A lot of attention at the time, as far as the rules were concerned, was on how our actions affect one another and the need to take care of each other, a very Aquarian line of thinking.
Saturn bounced between Aquarius and Capricorn until December 7th of 2020 when it settled in Aquarius on December 17, 2020, and remained there through March 7th of 2023. We saw a lot of “Me vs Us” during the bouncing and even afterward as it settled itself into Aquarius for its stay there. Pandemic protocols come to mind. There were those who complied keeping themselves and everyone around them safer and those who adamantly refused, choosing to believe information that supported their “You can’t tell me what to do” mindset.
“Me vs Us” - this is similar to the dance that Pluto is now doing as it bounces between Aquarius and Capricorn but at a much slower rate (you can read about this here).
Saturn changes signs every two and a half years or so. It takes Saturn 28-29 years to run the gamut of our constellations, hence the Saturn Return phenomenon that occurs for each of us every 28-29 years or so when Saturn lands in the spot it was in when we were born.
Side note: I was born with Saturn in Pisces and am headed into my second Saturn Return. Can’t wait. (Am I being sarcastic? Am I excited? only time will tell). During my last Saturn Return (meaning my first) my identity radically shifted from heterosexual actress/waitress to pansexual channel/healer/mystic. However, a lot of this did not fully manifest until a year or two after my return had ended, once Saturn was in Aries, with the exception of the sexual identity piece. That all unfolded during my first Saturn return. Way to flip my script. I also got serious about therapy and healing at the time and began to confront long-standing family dysfunction.
If you have a look back on your experiences from your first Saturn Return (age 28-29) and then the couple of years that followed, you may notice you went through some pretty radical shifts yourself. Although Saturn is defined in astrology as ruling over boundaries, setting the rules, karma, limitations, productivity, and structure; I see it as the planet that largely contributes to our identity and our understanding of ourselves in the world. Saturn returns are about identity shifts, sometimes large, sometimes small, and always meaningful.
I feel like I have strayed. Oh yeah, right. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces right now. That tangent about Saturn Returns while trying to talk about the current Saturn retrograde cycle is pretty on par with what it’s all about right now. The energy kind of oozes all over the place without much of a container to keep it in, great for creative expression and exploration, not so great for, well, anything that requires discipline or has a deadline or needs to stay within the lines. I am finding I have to be a bit extra with myself right now when it comes to getting done what needs to get done, and if it does not truly need to get done I am willing to let it go for the moment, a helpful approach during this period of time.
Saturn went retrograde on June 17th and will station direct on November 4th. Now, Saturn goes retrograde every year for about 4 and a half months, so the fact that it’s retrograde in and of itself is not such a big deal, but retrograde in dreamy, floaty, introspective Pisces, yeah, this is something to take note of.
And get ready, because the other big dreamweaver in our cosmos is about to go retrograde as well. Neptune will make its turn on June 30th also in Pisces. The collaborative energies of Saturn and Neptune both retrograde in Pisces could make things look and feel a bit murky. It has the potential to be a period of time when some folks will be selling fantastical stories and otherwise regularly grounded folks will fall for them as critical thinking and internal knowing may go off the rails a bit.
It could be a field day for conspiritualists, especially those with something to sell. So, with internal sensors in for repairs and upgrades (this is my personal spin on what others may call a “difficulty in accessing intuition”) it will be a good time to move slowly and steadily while checking and double-checking what it is you’re using for your source material.
I see the potential for pieces of news released too quickly with many hot takes, many of which will be proven untrue.
Grounding will be a helpful tool, even more so than usual. So being outside with your bare feet planted on the Earth, doing mundane tasks both indoors and outdoors, eating root vegetables (any excuse to eat more potatoes, oops, I mean beets, makes me happy), etc will keep you connected to your body. If you find yourself flying away, lost in thoughts or fantasy, completely out of your body and out of the moment, take a gentle breath, connect with your heart center, place your hands somewhere on your body below your heart center, and just feel whatever it is you need to feel without judgment. Dissociation often occurs due to uncomfortable emotions. Dissociation makes it even more difficult to tune into our internal knowing and makes it much easier for us to fall for the tales that some are spinning.
On the fun front, your dreams may be wild and vivid and filled with information. Your creative energy will want to dive into the depths of your subconscious and even your unconscious while it roots around for gems and brilliance that you may find beginning to come forth as Venus makes her turn next month (more about this later). You may want to explore and play. You also may want to withdraw a bit and be introspective. I suggest finding a healthy balance between the inner and the outer. If you’re finding you’re too isolated, head outside if you can. Conversely, if you're distracting yourself away from yourself with too many social interactions and partying (Saturn in Pisces can encourage over-indulgence in consciousness-altering substances), choose to stay in instead every once in a while.
Being in the water and tuning into the water in your body will be extra healing and supportive at this time as well. Make sure to stay hydrated. This came up during our Solstice event, the recording of which is now available on my site here.
I hope your Solstice was beautiful and magical. We, Jon and I, had a fantastic time with all of you who attended our event and in the time that followed. Thank you. The Solstice energies are still lighting up in the field of play here and will be accessible for many weeks to come.
P.S. Another example of the Saturn Retro in Pisces energy: It took me 3 days to finish this piece, and I am still not sure that it’s actually finished.
I appreciate you diving into the astrology. The info you bring through is helpful and indeed grounded. 💕
Saturn in Pisces! Makes sense.
As an Astrologer whose predominant work is energy healer and Intuitive, I say- Go for it with channeling the cosmos! Saturn in Pisces is guiding you.
Sure is a great piece of writing even if not finished!