Self-Care on This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
The Maximum Moment of the Eclipse is at 1:14pm Pacific Time Today
I was raised to believe that self-care was a luxury, that it was an act of selfishness, and that it required extra money to employ. So I truly did not even begin to start to place my attention on my own care until I was well into my thirties.
Oh sure, I had moments in my twenties where I did take care of myself. I went to therapy. I would treat myself at times to things that seemed beyond what I could afford or manage. I took myself out to eat. I had fun.
But the element that was missing was the love inherent in true acts of self-care, love that is directed towards the self. Love that requires no money. Love that feeds my day.
“Self-Care as a primary need”, I first heard it from The Pleiadians and Ursula just a few years ago.
What if we perceived our self-care as a basic and primary need?
Thus began a whole new conversation with myself that took me out of any lingering ideas I had around self-care as a selfish act or a luxurious act and instead put me in touch with the truth that self-care is an act that is necessary for my survival. Self-care is some powerful magic. It’s a very special kind of spell that can completely alter the relationship with the self and then everyone and everything else as well.
I did yoga for the first time yesterday in many months. I tend to fall in and out of love with my yoga practice. I could feel it brewing in me once more for the past couple of weeks, the desire to put my mat on the floor and love my body into more strength, flexibility, health, and peace. I thought it perfectly perfect to fall back into love with my yoga practice on the eve of this eclipse.
Self-care for me looks like doing the thing when I truly feel inspired to do it and not pushing myself to do the thing when my heart is not in it, knowing the difference between timing, pushing, and my own resistance.
Sometimes self-care for me is preparing a highly nutritious and delicious meal and sometimes it’s making a bowl of popcorn and sharing it with the doggies as we watch something on the screen in front of us.
The energy connected to this lunar eclipse is touching us in the deepest parts of our emotions. It’s truly working on our yin and our connection to this home of ours we call Earth.
I am intending for a whole weekend now of self-care and love, of being in the moment, and listening to myself, my body, and my planet.
Wishing you joy and ease during this eclipse cycle and as we continue to navigate these times of accelerating change. Today’s Lunar Eclipse in Taurus ends a two-year cycle that began on November 19, 2021 and sets us all on a new path.
The audio recording from our October 26th Eclipse Transmission is now available here on our site
After many, many months of ignoring the urge, yesterday I started playing the piano again. It felt amazing!!
"Self-care for me looks like doing the thing when I truly feel inspired to do it and not pushing myself to do the thing when my heart is not in it, knowing the difference between timing, pushing, and my own resistance."
This is lovely and I think very true.