We feel you sister. 🙏🏻. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you so much.

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Thinking of you. Estranged from my mother as well 🙏

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Thank you. I am so sorry for your pain.

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Sending you much love as you navigate this dynamic, Nora.

For me, the past few weeks have been about a tooth abscess. It's forced me to deal with energies and emotions and issues that have long been suppressed. It's also brought deeply engrained, extremely painful patterns so directly into my field of attention (my face, literally) that I cannot ignore them. Bit by bit, I have been working through this and am amazed at how much has shifted in the last few days. I'm at least another week or more away from getting the necessary root canal (after two failed attempts last week) and I'm interested to see what further shifts and growth will occur as this unfolds.

Today, I'm driving my son to Portland for his first meeting with the surgeon he chose for his top surgery, after waiting almost exactly three years. We did not choose this appointment date; it was assigned by the provider, and the synchronicity is striking. I'm filled with a sense of right-timing as I note the full moon and Uranus energies because what could be more appropriate than the first concrete step of a transformation process my son has been creating for three years? I'm filled with nervous excitement as I'm getting ready to leave on this journey, and so honored to be the mother of this remarkable being.

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Thank you, Amy Beth.

I am so sorry about the dramatic turn your dental issues have taken and love to know that you are committed to your healing in the way it is all unfolding.

Much love to you and your son as he embarks on this part of his journey and healing.

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Sending you lots of LOVE and a BIG hug

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Thank you so much and right back to you.

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Lots of love to you. Two family members who passed feel that disease. And one in memory care currently. She’s only nine years older than me.

You are most certainly in my heart and prayers dear Nora 💜.i absolutely adore hearing about your adventures in Chicago. I’ve only driven through on my cross country several times. Street fairs in cities are so dang fun. I miss those fun city things and love hearing you enjoy them! Take special good care of you ❤️

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Lots of love right back to you. I am so sorry for your experience of this as well.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support.

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Very welcome. I so appreciate you

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Thanks Nora. I have 5 moms, one who lives in an empty shell with Alzheimer's, and all of your story resonates. Sending you love and hope.

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Thank you, Audra.

Love and hope sent right back to you.

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Hey Nora - sending you love as you move through the days and weeks ahead! It sounds like a wonderful time to enjoy the summertime energy of Chicago.


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Thank you, Shannon. I am so enjoying this summertime energy of Chicago. Hope all is well with you. They are fortunate to have you :)

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Oh my, my first thought was, good on you for having the strength to have compassion and boundaries! Compassion doesnt mean you have to have dinner with the person. The pain is deep because you never had the consistency of a unconditionally loving mom. I truly truly am so sorry Nora. You are an awesome amazing woman, who has transmuted so much and have become a north star of love to me. Thank you! My mom died at 41, I was 14. She couldn't handle the chaos, the abusive hubby and her denial was undeniable! Super full moon, My intention, to give up and heal fear! Help me Wanda. I love you Nora.

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I love you too.

Thank you for all that you are.

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Hi Nora, sending love. It is a lot of energy to navigate. Thank you for the tip about water. I am triple fire sign. Birthday this week. Soothing water. Cats and water 😁

I too am estranged from my mom. She’s 88. It’s been so hard but I know I am in another healing cycle and I’m seeing this energy now as holding my feet firmly in place so I do not betray myself. It’s so hard but karmic healing needs a moment to take root. (Note to self)

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for writing and sharing.

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Thank you so much, Mary.

I am so sorry for your mother pain as well.

Sending you love and hugs and wishes for a wonderful week as well.

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I am right there with you. Yes I do understand. Lot of love to you. They do not deserve us, but still here we are and we do have a heart and we do use it. I just want to give you a big hug.

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Thank you, Max. I do know that you understand this, Hug received and returned. Someday we'll have a hug in person. I love you.

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