Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

I have moved a LOT in my life - so much so that I've stopped counting (though now I'm curious and may start counting). Hence, I've become a very good mover. Ignoring travel time, I can pack, move, and completely settle in a new location in about a week.

My poor husband! He only moved a handful of times before we married. And we've moved at least ten times in the 18 years we've been married.

We currently live in the basement apartment of my daughter's home. Recently the basement flooded and we moved upstairs while the cement floor was chiseled up and a sump pump installed, the cement re-poured, new flooring placed, walls painted, and our belongings reloaded into the house. From that point, it took my daughter and I two days to put our house back together. The only thing we didn't touch was my husband's desk and computer, as he wanted to personally take care of it.

We've been back in our basement home now for over a month. His computer sits boxed on his desk with all the other equipment and items required for its use.

I'm trying to be patient - it's not my computer - but I am starting to worry that we'll decide to move again before he unpacks it. But then again, maybe that's what he's waiting for . . .

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So many moves!

Yeah, the only unpacking left here is Jon's music studio stuff. One day those boxes will leave our living room.

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

I finally feel 99% better. I haven't used one tissue today so far! Something shifted, and is it a coincidence that it started raining late yesterday afternoon and here we are 20 hours later of a steady rain? Just now the rain clouds are breaking up. As is my sniffling. Did I have allergies? I don't really know. It doesn't matter, I guess. Faerie magic is so alive and well, as always as is my commitment to work with Love and Light. Despite not having been able to complete a thought with that horrible head cold, I have come through the other end full of connection to Faerie helpers, guides, both spirit, and ET. Thank you Nora for sharing your human experience mixed with the magic and 5-D consciousness. Truly appreciated by me for sure! I look forward to whatever your room looks like on the 20th and seeing YOU.

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So glad to hear you're feeling better.

Love hearing about your connections and looking forward to seeing you next week as well.

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

Glad you are settling in and doing some fun things! I definitely know the feeling and wandering around and talking to myself and forgetting where things are or what I’m doing. And of the past feeling like a dream. I have a hard time remembering much of the details of my childhood. I often wonder what it says about me that I most remember traumatic or unhappy events, but not good times. Sometimes I ask myself was it even me since I can’t remember a lot. I do think timelines are shifting a lot as things are just weird and interesting.

I’ve been talking to the fairies a lot and hoping they are close by. Thinking about the fact that I want to be grateful for everything right now and that doesn’t mean that I’m pushing away what I desire.

And I’m very happy that the weather is much better.

Spending maybe too much time worrying about what’s going on in the world and how bad things are so trying to balance having knowledge with bringing down my vibration.

Looking forward to your transmission that’s coming up! 💜🩷

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Thank you for sharing, Vicki.

Those are some beautiful insights.

Looking forward to seeing you next week as well!

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

I am still licking my wounds from my teaching debut gone bad, some big processing has been needed to help me feel safe again - I have had some pretty intense night terrors, and from the content of those know that this has also stirred up other past experiences.

Monday was a public holiday here in Australia, which I try to but don’t end up enjoying as they just amplify my loneliness. I am still struggling with my social isolation - it’s been six months in this new place and I don’t know a single person in my town. I am surprised by this, but working from home and surrounded by airbnbs I just haven’t had opportunities to. My health issues have not helped. It’s easy to feel discouraged when I feel like I can’t go out and find social support until my health is better, but also that I can’t get better without some social support - so here I am I guess! Making the best of what resources I do have. I’m not sleeping again (despite full dose of sleep meds) so am tending to the pain I probably was marginalising all day. I’ve gotta get through this eventually right?! I’m due my second dose of this new expensive medicine I’ve started on Friday - and I think it *might* be starting to help - so perhaps that is the light at the end of my tunnel right now. The opportunity to share a little here is also better than suffering alone through the night, so thank you. Love to you 🫶

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Oh, Jess, I know you from your sharing on Nora's transmissions and I have felt a true kinship with you. I too made a foray into putting myself out as a guide and helper and one of the best things I learned was if people have a less than positive reaction, you actually gave them everything they wanted, to be skeptical. And healing is an evolution, so nobody is going to get "fixed" in one workshop, and I am sure you are guiding them lovingly on their evolutionary path. I wish I could hug you.


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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Ah thank you Susan! I really appreciate your words and I would definitely take a hug right now 🫶 …. to clarify it was a small hit to feel not up to the job, but a bigger hit to realize I let myself get pressured into it and not really listen to my own feelings about it. I have a strong sense that I wasn’t meant to be there, it wasn’t aligned, and I ended up feeling quite trapped in it and like a psychic attack from 16 people at once (because they were unhappy that I was there instead of my teacher and hadn’t had an outlet to process or work through that) I probably won’t see any of them ever again! Big lesson in honouring my feelings even when that means letting people down, something I am working on! I also gratefully receive your wisdom for the next time I put myself out there for something that is actually aligned for me! 🫶🌈

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Oh, I'm so sorry, however you gave them exactly what they wanted! You allowed them to stick with their feelings of unhappiness

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

I really feel from you that it mattered to you a lot that you serve others and you went with that amazing intention! When we have that intention, we often do not listen to our own feelings above others. What you did mattered and you gave them exactly what they needed at the time and also to yourself that you realised something about yourself. So, in my opinion it was not all in vain. I’m sending you so much love!!

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Thank you so much for sharing, Jess.

I send you love and support and wishes for ease and joy.

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

It has been a whole month already?! That went quickly for me . . . so only imagine how it is for you and Jon. It's exciting that you're encountering more faerie activity, especially with the return to work . . . sounds like - well, sounds like magic! It's fun following your adventures of re-aquainting yourselves with the new spaces, neighborhoods, people and so relatable that it would be disorienting as well, especially given the times.

You said, "I try not to think too hard about any of it so as not to undo the magic." That's a bit of how I have been feeling . . . . like I am thinking too much or taking too much of an analytical approach to things that would be better left to magic, or flow, or something other than finding the exact right mix of conditions to apply to attain . . . attain what? wellness? Wellness, I think it is. I'm talking mostly physical, but everything is connected. Magic. Discipline. Flow. Inspiration. Ugh. I start googling symptoms and solutions . . . and forget it.

Okay, well . . . I am where I am. So, let's start there and breathe, accept . . . etc.

I am soooo grateful for the warmer weather and sunshine and ducklings and goslings and to be able to plant things and watch them (some of them) grow. There is definitely magic in my life along with what feels like mayhem at times. As I've been writing here, my cat has leapt onto my lap and is sitting here purring. Maybe that's magic.

Many thanks for the check-in and much love to you.

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Thank you so much for sharing, Shannon.

Yes, that googling symptoms thing takes me right out of the magic as well.

The springtime magic is epic.

Love that you're loving it.

We are caring for a kitty right now and the purr magic is so special.

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Thanks Nora! I am laughing at myself 'cause I just remembered I said this as I was tempted to google again. No - Shannon. We're not doing that right now!!!

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

I am in a period of rapid expansion and deep transformation. I've done so much deep inner work these past months and days, which has at times left me depleted and exhausted. It has led to massive transformation and quite a few miracles. I'm aware that my entire self and life are undergoing a complete reconfiguration over the next two years. This sentence spoke deeply to me:

"I try not to think too hard about any of it so as not to undo the magic. Magic is not something that can be tracked with linear thinking."

I am learning to do this as well. I've always depended on analyzing everything so I understand, because otherwise things sometimes don't seem quite real and certainly not trustworthy or dependable. I'm learning to trust my guides and what is happening in front of me without getting hung up on details like "how" and "when" as I repeatedly see that following guidance leads to exactly the outcome I was told it would, no matter how improbable or even impossible it seems to me. I'm learning to trust this deep magic and the gratitude flows through me like a river.

Months ago I sent you a picture of a rhodonite heart with a little fairy, and she is still with me. Sometime in the last 2-4 months I realized that my cat Onyx is also a fairy. When I asked him if this was accurate, and then acknowledged him by calling him "my fairy-cat" he immediately became less anxious and awkward in his body. This slight air of uncertainty and fearfulness that he's carried since he first came home with us vanished and he's been much more outgoing, affection-seeking and playful. Together, we are both becoming much more comfortable in our current skins.

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How beautiful, Amy Beth! Loving all of this.

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Jun 10Liked by Nora Herold

I can relate to this. We haven't moved or anything, but things keep feeling unexpected or out of my control and I look around and go 'what the heck just happened '...

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Yes! Jarring for us and yet we are exactly in the right place.

Sending you love

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It’s so great to get to follow along on your journey Nora. Thank you for continuing to share with us, though I have to admit, part of me feels envious of the amount of magic you seem to have in your life. I know it’s here for me too, but I don’t seem able to open to it or work with it or see it in my life in quite the same way. That’s something I’d definitely like more of as time unfolds.

After the big duo of dating relationship ending and job letting me go back in early May, things have been very quiet and slow in my world. Most of my days are fairly open and I’ve spent a lot of time resting, reading, meditating, watching tv, etc. It’s the first time I’ve really allowed myself to really be still and let it be as slow as it wants to be and just enjoy it. Really let it in, and that feels so good. Almost like I’m scared to let it feel as good as it actually does because (1) it’s not “supposed” to feel this good (we’re supposed to feel good when we’re doing things, being productive, achieving goals, etc, not simply doing nothing) or (2) out of fear that my joy will cement my life to always be this still and quiet which I don’t want (doesn’t totally make sense given it does feel good, but still…)

And, at the same time, I’ve been doing more dance things than ever, signed up for a new flexibility class, picked up my guitar for the first time in years, actually finished a cross-stitch, and am almost done with a knitting project. So while it’s so slow, there’s also something brewing under the surface and movements that are happening in ways that are newer for me and still kind of unknown.

While I’m doing well in general, today was a harder day for me emotionally, really out of the blue, so it’s nice to have this space to lean into. Thanks everyone for the collective and communal support. 🙏🏼💕✨

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Thank you for sharing, Helen.

That sounds like a lot of magical happenings to me.

I'm sorry yesterday was a rough day. I certainly have those as well.

Sending you love.

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Four months ago, we too moved back to an area where we lived throughout my life until 3 years ago. I always wanted to get out of there since it didn’t seem to align with me(I think my resistance brought me here again). I also left my job to find my passion and I don’t think I found it clearly yet. I feel like I fell from a great height and am scared and feel stuck at times and it doesn’t come to me that the magic is still happening! A thin veil of mist covers everything I know. And then something pops up out of the blue and suddenly am so fearless, grateful and trusting of the process. It is so volatile for me since a few months but am hoping for it to get better.

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Thank you for sharing, Vasundhara. Yes, that's the process alright, lots of murkiness and then sudden breakthroughs and more murkiness on repeat until the breakthroughs and light become more consistent and the murkiness more sporadic.

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Jun 11Liked by Nora Herold

Yeah, you are right!

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