This is heartbreakingly beautiful. You are healing the lineage. You are brave. Thank you .

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Thank you so much, Mary

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

We really do have a lot in common Nora and the fact that you might for one second think you have yet to heal from or stop the cycle is befuddling to me. Yes, you may regret your family trauma has led you to certain very real life decisions, I get that, however , not to be Pollyanna about it, the AMAZING gifts you have given to thousands, I will raise my hand as one of the beneficiary. You have not only stopped the cycle , you have led the way in the new paradigm of we can heal and for the sake of the joy if it. You most beautiful, smiling, laughing, loving Nora.

I told Michael, you know I can't have another child with you, if you are so emotionally disconnected, he didn't understand but agreed.

You so wisely knew, no, not interested until I figure this out. Look you have an amazing husband and loving furry beings.

Oh Nora, I am so so sorry for the terribly cruel guardians you had.


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Thank you so much, Susan. I love you.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Feeling is mutual! Excited about tomorrow

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you for putting this out there, Nora. I am sorry for the cycles into which you were born. I am grateful for your awareness and “your best” and I and my family have benefited from your best . . . And maybe not your best. Maybe “just Nora.” - I only say that last piece because to me being /doing my best feels like pressure sometimes. And still - it’s okay.

Now I’m having a convo w/ myself about “best.” Maybe it’s all best b/c maybe it’s what we have access to at the time. If we rest - best. If we don’t get to cleaning- or use that firehose- best. What if included in best is loving and listening to ourselves. Again - I thank you and send love & appreciation . . . & wishes for faeries or elves or other such beings who may be so inclined to hep with cleaning the house!!

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Thank you so much, Shannon. I love you too.

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Also, I love your thoughts on "best".

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