I watched the documentary recently on the Paradise fire, and the fire you lived through seem very similar. I have a HS friend in Thousand Oaks who evacuated during a fire, that same one? I texted her to let her know about that fire. She hasn’t heard yet. They evacuated. My heart was being fast reading your excellently written tale. My friend and his girlfriend had retired to Paradise and barely made it out alive in that fire. The Oakland Hills firestorm back in the nineties, was a bad one too. There are so many now. I remember watching the fire come down to the eucalyptus trees behind the Claremont hotel, from my apartments’ roof in Berkeley with friends. We left a meeting when we saw the haze outside from west Berkeley. It was raining pieces of paper and ash when we evacuated a friend in Oakland. The people who rebuilt in the hills, rebuilt from trauma deciding fire will not touch this house again! Building concrete homes, metal homes, metal roofing of course. Just very fire proof homes were built there afterwards. My old therapist in Boulder had that fire to their neighborhood. They can’t get back into it due to chemicals from fires in the walls. What a terrible experience fire is! I hope that never happens again around your homes 🏡

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WoW! It feels like lifetimes ago...Thank you for sharing your story, once again, Nora. It's good to remember and touch back into that life changing moment for our Ojai Community...so much gratitude for the town alive & thriving now! Similar to your story...I remember that visceral feeling of my instinctual nature going into automatic drive - it was quite the adrenaline rush! Super powerful. I never have packed and moved so fast in my life! I'll never forget the "singing" winds lifting me up off the ground followed by the trees spirits leaving me with a deeply sincere & heartfelt message..."It's time for you to go now."...Recently, I looked back once again into the astrology of the day and what was happening around that time collectively. I noticed that The total solar eclipse on that auspicious day of August 21st had just happened a couple moths before...I remember that being a powerful eclipse up at Meditation Mount...On the day of the Thomas Fire it was also my Mars Return in Aquarius in the 4th house! Mars (fire) in the house! Lots of other connections too...Still operating from Joy! 🙂

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I love you AliSun Trees.

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