I'm glad the table buyer and housecleaner worked out. May everything fall into place easily and perfectly as you embark on this big transition in your life. ✨💗

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Thank you so much :)

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I just had the most lovely evening with friends, arrived home, and was feeling kind of sad being alone again. I checked my phone hoping for messages from people, had a one-line text, but nothing that really satisfied the yearning. Then I checked my email and there was your story. It felt like a message from a friend, telling me about their day, what’s alive for them, and saying hi. Thank you my dear friend 🙏🏼😊

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Beautiful. What a sweet message to come home to. Thank you, Helen.

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Nailed it.

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Thank you :)

Sending you and Joel my love.

Oh, and Trigger and Joel's dog too

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