Being among people who share my values has been really helpful for me this week. Naming our losses was really heavy and healing at a prayer service on Wednesday. I'm struggling this morning and your writing came at the perfect time. Your Light is a gift in the darkness.
I posted to my page this morning that now the deep hurt and grief have come. And yet since I have already dealt with so much of that in my life the light still burns bright even in the wreckage and I am continuing to reach out myself to anyone who wants a hand or a hug. I will continue working in my groups of people recovering from narcissistic family systems that are at the core of everything that is wrong on this planet. So it's safe to grieve and hurt and it's also safe to feel the strength that I have built in myself with the love of something greater than me that loved me unconditionally until I can do it for myself and others who want it. That's it. The way through is within. If I cannot find it within myself I will never find it without. I will stay centered in the storm living the love and light I want to live as best I can and keep sending out the beacons that will attract others to their own centers where we can connect. And I will also keep reminding myself that all feelings are good and right and have value and that to feel them is to heal me.
I’m still in the anger phase. I’m trying to process everything with unconditional love, but finding that grace has proven difficult. I’ve called on the P’s & Yeshua more than a few times for assistance. I feel in limbo, like I missed a flight and now need to find another way to get to my destination. That doesn’t make sense to me in the now. So I will wait, and listen, and TRY to be patient.
I have tuned into the faeries more than once and heard, "Everything will be okay" and to be honest I don't quite trust that message as I am not sure that my filter is clear.
I’ve had very similar messages and, like you, wondering if it’s my own wishful thinking. But the message came through when I I wasn’t looking for it. Trusting mightily and remembering the time difference tween here and “there”.
Interestingly I have had many dreams since the election that relate to your metaphor: dreams of trains, planes, and lining up for events. I, too, have been in conversation with all of my support crew and get the sense of them taking care of things to reach the beautiful destination.
Hanging in there :) up and down. Thinking about what to do next but realizing I'm not really at a place to think solidly ahead about anything, although I'm pretty sure volunteering at my local library is going to be one positive step in my future when the time feels right. Your last transmission was so healing and reassuring, nora, and I thank you so much. I couldn't even get myself in a place to take any input from anyone for so many months as if just life was weighty enough or something. But now I'm back in that regard. As you said I am better. And thinking about more kinds of self care to help me do that. So, the physical healing continues and I have faith that it will. The emotional and mental levels are huge WTAFs, and I have come out of all of this with a increase sense of precognizance though I have nothing about the political and related past this country is on. Another huge WTAF. Thank you Nora for your writings and channelings and the energy work that you did for me while I was in the worst of my train crash. I love you and honor you and Jon.
My emotions fluctuate from day to day, hour to hour. I didn’t sleep well last night so that’s set the tone for today which is depression alternating with anxiety. I’m just feeling it. Not denying it the way I was raised to. Self care today means having the notifications off for socal media and politics. It’ll be there when I feel better which will probably be tomorrow I took up crocheting after not having done it in 40 years. I’m making afghans for my two older girls for Christmas. It keeps me focused and it’s creative and loving so I feel good when I’m doing it.
I so appreciate your writings. It takes away that feeling of terminal uniqueness that can be so isolating.
Ugh, definitely still in the anger phase over here. I've been pissed at everyone, and definitely taking it out on my Dad of late. Even though he's progressive and a Kamala supporter and pretty with it for a 71 year old white man, I'm just enraged at all the places he's not, all the internalized misogyny, the putting down of his own emotions and everyone else's, all the valuing the doing above everything else. All these little ways he's missing the mark. And I know it's not really him. We're all in it. All of us have subjugated the yin energy and some of us are just farther along in the undoing of all that programming. But god damn have I been pissed.
Strangely enough, I do feel like I'm engaging with the physical plane more, and with more ease than I've felt before. Like something in all this has opened me to giving way fewer fucks about how I come across or what I do and how I take action and if it's all the "right" ways to be doing things. There's a lot more "fuck it!" in my system and that has been very freeing and empowering. I've seen a lot of people speaking to that in their own lives too, so I'm very curious to see how that energy will unfold in the bigger picture over time.
Thank you, Nora, for your openness and for sharing your experiences during such a devastating time. I’m also so glad that, despite the time that is in it, you and Jon found joy with your friends and chosen “family” at the celebration of the marriage. I find it very hard to cry, so for me, a welling up of tears is what I consider full-on crying—and I’ve had plenty of moments like that lately. It feels like I’ve been punched in the gut, barely able to catch my breath. I’ve taken some steps, like demanding a recount and calling for an investigation through senators on the Judiciary Committee. Part of me feels this may be futile, but I won’t stop insisting that our elected officials work for all of us. And yes, it is in my Jewish family line, my DNA somewhere, get out while the going is good. Some of them did not and fell to their death in concentration camps. I have worked so hard on healing that terror that must live somewhere inside of me. And I know I have done a great job at transmuting that, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a threatening time, and I’m white, heterosexual, albeit female. And since we are all one, I feel the threats that were most likely always here but now being activated to action. Oh dear, I am still VERY unsettled, but know to always return to asking for support and love and act with kindness and with care. I love you Nora and give you and Jon a big hug, as well as to the people in this wonderful community you have created.
I'm so glad you had this joyful occasion as a respite. My son and I spent Saturday afternoon playing Cards Against Humanity with a small local LGBTQ organization we joined a few weeks ago. It was a balm to bask in the strong sense of community in the warm embrace of our favorite small town bookstore. Last month I had ordered Mari Beckman's book throuugh this shop as a way to support two sources of goodness in my life. Saturday morning the person who was supposed to bring the game we were playing backed out and I volunteered to bring my cooy of the game.. As we cleaned up the owner thanked and I said I was happy to be able to contribute. She thanked me by gifting me the book I had ordered. I feel like I was given a glimpse of how we move forward. Community will be crucial.
Beyond that, I'm stunned that I'm not an absolute wreck. I have an unexpected sense of peace and hope, and my guides emphatically tell me over and over to trust and allow. I understand that at some point I will probably feel like I'm in pitch blackness taking a step forward when instructed and having to trust that I'm not stepping into the abyss or onto a mine. I am willing to do that. My entire life has been preparing me for this. I know that fear can be my undoing, so I'm leaning into trust and surrender, and if my guides say to "move this way" or "jump now" I will, and I will trust them to catch me.
I should add that my emotions fluctuate thru the day and I'm definitely sleeping less. I'm using all my tools to manage the flares of panic and dread, particularly around my son's safety. Still, beneath the emotional state of the moment there is always this underlying sense of calm confidence that something unexpectedly beautiful is approaching, and it's inevitable. I must simply stay the course, and it will make its way here in Divine right timing.
I just listened to this and I very much believe it will help a lot of you . Kim ( she is lovely ) takes meta approach to it and the relationship between the D party and R in psycholigal terms and our responses I feel like this will help a lot of people
I am feeling the gravity of the choices people made, the Joy people had embodied in Kamala and those she lifted up. The understanding that it was unrecognized by so many. The possible follout for communities at the cost of it not being recognized. The challenges faced by empathic people in this time- part of which is truly letting other people have expereinces that are not great becasue we would love to rescue them for it --self love this time requires that we dont be the ones with the ambulances. We have to love ourselves enough not to. The video in my other comment addressed this and I found it very helpful.
It is hard to find words. I have definitely cried. Crying now. Hard to walk around and think that every other person I see voted for a - well, I don’t even want to go there. But I am there much of the time.
This morning I worked a call bank to cure ballots. There are so many that are not being counted for one reason or another. People think I am in denial or fantasy. Well . . . . So be it. It’s my process.
Thank you once again for creating this space and thanks to everyone for contributing. It’s helpful.
Thank you so much for your share and for your ballot curing work. People have no idea how hard it is to ACTUALLY vote in this country and have their vote counted.
Thanks for your comment Shannon. People think I am in denial or fantasy as well. But it is what I believe and where I am right now. Thanks for your work with ballots!
It sounds like such a wonderful time that you had. I’m glad that you were able to experience that and see so many people. I think we all definitely need some joy right now.
I was doing pretty good because I really don’t feel like it’s over and feel like he’s not really going to be president and somethings going to happen with the truth coming out. A lot of people think I am in denial and I am just living in a fantasy world. I think it is getting harder for me to keep holding out hope since so many people are just accepting something that clearly was tampered with. i’m sending letters to my representatives and everyone I can think of, but I wish more people would jump up and down and scream about this.
So the last couple days I’ve been really depressed and feeling hopeless. I think partly because November 12 was the anniversary of my mom‘s death. It’s been two years since she’s been gone which by itself would cause me a lot of sadness but added to the other stuff that’s going on I’m feeling a little bit despondent.
I’m just going to keep holding out hope and trying to figure out what I can do on my end to help. I am in a place right now where I’m just disgusted and have no sympathy or desire to talk to anyone who voted for such a horrible person. It’s kind of in a place where it’s like. I’m done. I think many of us have been experiencing PTSD and residual trauma from the first time he was in office. I see so many people scared about what’s going to happen. It’s not right that so many people are in such fear and that we are going through this again. So at this point anyone who voted for him is not someone that I’m going to have anything to do with. They made their choice. I know a lot of people would think I should rise above it but at this point this is where I am. And I’m okay with it.
Anyway, I’m really putting all my energy into things changing, especially given the astrological changes coming up. Love to you and Jon and the fur babies.
I'm with you in distancing myself from anyone who voted for Trump unless they make some serious amends, and even then.............................................
Being among people who share my values has been really helpful for me this week. Naming our losses was really heavy and healing at a prayer service on Wednesday. I'm struggling this morning and your writing came at the perfect time. Your Light is a gift in the darkness.
Thank you, Cathi.
Yes, every morning I wake, rested, and then remember.
The heartache is real.
Exactly! Except for the rested part.
I posted to my page this morning that now the deep hurt and grief have come. And yet since I have already dealt with so much of that in my life the light still burns bright even in the wreckage and I am continuing to reach out myself to anyone who wants a hand or a hug. I will continue working in my groups of people recovering from narcissistic family systems that are at the core of everything that is wrong on this planet. So it's safe to grieve and hurt and it's also safe to feel the strength that I have built in myself with the love of something greater than me that loved me unconditionally until I can do it for myself and others who want it. That's it. The way through is within. If I cannot find it within myself I will never find it without. I will stay centered in the storm living the love and light I want to live as best I can and keep sending out the beacons that will attract others to their own centers where we can connect. And I will also keep reminding myself that all feelings are good and right and have value and that to feel them is to heal me.
Beautiful, Anne. Thank you.
For some reason, I can never reply to Anne’s comments. Today I want to thank her for all of her wise and loving words.
Anne, thank you for doing this important work and for sharing your beautiful wisdom.
Thank you so much, Amy Beth. Your appreciation for my work felt very good.
Truly beautiful & helpful. Thank you
I’m still in the anger phase. I’m trying to process everything with unconditional love, but finding that grace has proven difficult. I’ve called on the P’s & Yeshua more than a few times for assistance. I feel in limbo, like I missed a flight and now need to find another way to get to my destination. That doesn’t make sense to me in the now. So I will wait, and listen, and TRY to be patient.
As always, I’m thankful for you!
Thank you for sharing.
I have tuned into the faeries more than once and heard, "Everything will be okay" and to be honest I don't quite trust that message as I am not sure that my filter is clear.
I’ve had very similar messages and, like you, wondering if it’s my own wishful thinking. But the message came through when I I wasn’t looking for it. Trusting mightily and remembering the time difference tween here and “there”.
"remembering the time difference tween here and “there”." - exactly! I had that thought as well.
I’m encouraged that several of us have received similar messages.
Interestingly I have had many dreams since the election that relate to your metaphor: dreams of trains, planes, and lining up for events. I, too, have been in conversation with all of my support crew and get the sense of them taking care of things to reach the beautiful destination.
Hanging in there :) up and down. Thinking about what to do next but realizing I'm not really at a place to think solidly ahead about anything, although I'm pretty sure volunteering at my local library is going to be one positive step in my future when the time feels right. Your last transmission was so healing and reassuring, nora, and I thank you so much. I couldn't even get myself in a place to take any input from anyone for so many months as if just life was weighty enough or something. But now I'm back in that regard. As you said I am better. And thinking about more kinds of self care to help me do that. So, the physical healing continues and I have faith that it will. The emotional and mental levels are huge WTAFs, and I have come out of all of this with a increase sense of precognizance though I have nothing about the political and related past this country is on. Another huge WTAF. Thank you Nora for your writings and channelings and the energy work that you did for me while I was in the worst of my train crash. I love you and honor you and Jon.
That should be political and related path.
You're so welcome.
Thank you for all you've shared here.
We love and honor you right back
My emotions fluctuate from day to day, hour to hour. I didn’t sleep well last night so that’s set the tone for today which is depression alternating with anxiety. I’m just feeling it. Not denying it the way I was raised to. Self care today means having the notifications off for socal media and politics. It’ll be there when I feel better which will probably be tomorrow I took up crocheting after not having done it in 40 years. I’m making afghans for my two older girls for Christmas. It keeps me focused and it’s creative and loving so I feel good when I’m doing it.
I so appreciate your writings. It takes away that feeling of terminal uniqueness that can be so isolating.
Thank you for sharing.
Sending you my love
Ugh, definitely still in the anger phase over here. I've been pissed at everyone, and definitely taking it out on my Dad of late. Even though he's progressive and a Kamala supporter and pretty with it for a 71 year old white man, I'm just enraged at all the places he's not, all the internalized misogyny, the putting down of his own emotions and everyone else's, all the valuing the doing above everything else. All these little ways he's missing the mark. And I know it's not really him. We're all in it. All of us have subjugated the yin energy and some of us are just farther along in the undoing of all that programming. But god damn have I been pissed.
Strangely enough, I do feel like I'm engaging with the physical plane more, and with more ease than I've felt before. Like something in all this has opened me to giving way fewer fucks about how I come across or what I do and how I take action and if it's all the "right" ways to be doing things. There's a lot more "fuck it!" in my system and that has been very freeing and empowering. I've seen a lot of people speaking to that in their own lives too, so I'm very curious to see how that energy will unfold in the bigger picture over time.
Beautiful, Helen
Thank you
Thank you, Nora, for your openness and for sharing your experiences during such a devastating time. I’m also so glad that, despite the time that is in it, you and Jon found joy with your friends and chosen “family” at the celebration of the marriage. I find it very hard to cry, so for me, a welling up of tears is what I consider full-on crying—and I’ve had plenty of moments like that lately. It feels like I’ve been punched in the gut, barely able to catch my breath. I’ve taken some steps, like demanding a recount and calling for an investigation through senators on the Judiciary Committee. Part of me feels this may be futile, but I won’t stop insisting that our elected officials work for all of us. And yes, it is in my Jewish family line, my DNA somewhere, get out while the going is good. Some of them did not and fell to their death in concentration camps. I have worked so hard on healing that terror that must live somewhere inside of me. And I know I have done a great job at transmuting that, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a threatening time, and I’m white, heterosexual, albeit female. And since we are all one, I feel the threats that were most likely always here but now being activated to action. Oh dear, I am still VERY unsettled, but know to always return to asking for support and love and act with kindness and with care. I love you Nora and give you and Jon a big hug, as well as to the people in this wonderful community you have created.
I love you too.
Hugs in return and thank you so much for your share.
I'm so glad you had this joyful occasion as a respite. My son and I spent Saturday afternoon playing Cards Against Humanity with a small local LGBTQ organization we joined a few weeks ago. It was a balm to bask in the strong sense of community in the warm embrace of our favorite small town bookstore. Last month I had ordered Mari Beckman's book throuugh this shop as a way to support two sources of goodness in my life. Saturday morning the person who was supposed to bring the game we were playing backed out and I volunteered to bring my cooy of the game.. As we cleaned up the owner thanked and I said I was happy to be able to contribute. She thanked me by gifting me the book I had ordered. I feel like I was given a glimpse of how we move forward. Community will be crucial.
Beyond that, I'm stunned that I'm not an absolute wreck. I have an unexpected sense of peace and hope, and my guides emphatically tell me over and over to trust and allow. I understand that at some point I will probably feel like I'm in pitch blackness taking a step forward when instructed and having to trust that I'm not stepping into the abyss or onto a mine. I am willing to do that. My entire life has been preparing me for this. I know that fear can be my undoing, so I'm leaning into trust and surrender, and if my guides say to "move this way" or "jump now" I will, and I will trust them to catch me.
I should add that my emotions fluctuate thru the day and I'm definitely sleeping less. I'm using all my tools to manage the flares of panic and dread, particularly around my son's safety. Still, beneath the emotional state of the moment there is always this underlying sense of calm confidence that something unexpectedly beautiful is approaching, and it's inevitable. I must simply stay the course, and it will make its way here in Divine right timing.
Thank you so much for your share.
Sending you and your son my love.
I just listened to this and I very much believe it will help a lot of you . Kim ( she is lovely ) takes meta approach to it and the relationship between the D party and R in psycholigal terms and our responses I feel like this will help a lot of people
I am feeling the gravity of the choices people made, the Joy people had embodied in Kamala and those she lifted up. The understanding that it was unrecognized by so many. The possible follout for communities at the cost of it not being recognized. The challenges faced by empathic people in this time- part of which is truly letting other people have expereinces that are not great becasue we would love to rescue them for it --self love this time requires that we dont be the ones with the ambulances. We have to love ourselves enough not to. The video in my other comment addressed this and I found it very helpful.
Thank you for sharing.
Sending you my love
It is hard to find words. I have definitely cried. Crying now. Hard to walk around and think that every other person I see voted for a - well, I don’t even want to go there. But I am there much of the time.
This morning I worked a call bank to cure ballots. There are so many that are not being counted for one reason or another. People think I am in denial or fantasy. Well . . . . So be it. It’s my process.
Thank you once again for creating this space and thanks to everyone for contributing. It’s helpful.
Thank you so much for your share and for your ballot curing work. People have no idea how hard it is to ACTUALLY vote in this country and have their vote counted.
I love you
Thank you - I love you too
Thanks for your comment Shannon. People think I am in denial or fantasy as well. But it is what I believe and where I am right now. Thanks for your work with ballots!
It sounds like such a wonderful time that you had. I’m glad that you were able to experience that and see so many people. I think we all definitely need some joy right now.
I was doing pretty good because I really don’t feel like it’s over and feel like he’s not really going to be president and somethings going to happen with the truth coming out. A lot of people think I am in denial and I am just living in a fantasy world. I think it is getting harder for me to keep holding out hope since so many people are just accepting something that clearly was tampered with. i’m sending letters to my representatives and everyone I can think of, but I wish more people would jump up and down and scream about this.
So the last couple days I’ve been really depressed and feeling hopeless. I think partly because November 12 was the anniversary of my mom‘s death. It’s been two years since she’s been gone which by itself would cause me a lot of sadness but added to the other stuff that’s going on I’m feeling a little bit despondent.
I’m just going to keep holding out hope and trying to figure out what I can do on my end to help. I am in a place right now where I’m just disgusted and have no sympathy or desire to talk to anyone who voted for such a horrible person. It’s kind of in a place where it’s like. I’m done. I think many of us have been experiencing PTSD and residual trauma from the first time he was in office. I see so many people scared about what’s going to happen. It’s not right that so many people are in such fear and that we are going through this again. So at this point anyone who voted for him is not someone that I’m going to have anything to do with. They made their choice. I know a lot of people would think I should rise above it but at this point this is where I am. And I’m okay with it.
Anyway, I’m really putting all my energy into things changing, especially given the astrological changes coming up. Love to you and Jon and the fur babies.
Love right back.
I am so sorry for your loss and your pain.
Yeah, this all truly sucks.
I'm with you in distancing myself from anyone who voted for Trump unless they make some serious amends, and even then.............................................
Thanks Nora.💜
I have no more F’s to give and am saying F this, F that and F you to certain people at this point. 😎